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Homes on the Range

Homes on the Range. An Introduction to California Rangelands. Photo Credit: Bureau of Land Management. Rangelands are vast natural landscapes. Rangelands grow native plants. Rangelands are home to many different organisms. What is rangeland?.

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Homes on the Range

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Homes on the Range An Introduction to California Rangelands Photo Credit: Bureau of Land Management

  2. Rangelands are vast natural landscapes. • Rangelands grow native plants. • Rangelands are home to many different organisms. What is rangeland?

  3. Raise your hand when you see a picture of rangeland. What is rangeland?

  4. Is this rangeland? • YES Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  5. Is this rangeland? • NO Cropland Photo credit: USDA

  6. Is this rangeland? • NO Solid rock Photo credit: National Park Service

  7. Is this rangeland? • YES Shrubland Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  8. NO Is this rangeland? Closed Canopy Forest Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  9. NO Is this rangeland? Glacier Photo credit: National Park Service

  10. YES Is this rangeland? Oak Woodland Photo credit: S. Emerson

  11. NO Is this rangeland? Sand dunes Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  12. YES Is this rangeland? Desert Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  13. YES Is this rangeland? Tundra Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  14. Who uses rangeland? • Ranchers • Hikers Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  15. Who uses rangeland? • Hunters • Scientists Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  16. Who uses rangeland? • Wildlife Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  17. Livestock Who uses rangeland? • Campers Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  18. Can you think of other living organisms that might use rangeland? Photo Credit: S. Emerson

  19. How do grazing animals improve rangeland? • They reduce the amount of fuel(grasses and shrubs) for wildfires. Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  20. How do grazing animals improve rangeland? • Their hooves break up hard ground,adding beneficial air to the soil. Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  21. How do grazing animals improve rangeland? Control growth of non-native grasses and plants so other desirable plants can thrive Photo credit: S. Emerson

  22. How do grazing animals improve rangeland? Increase habitat diversity for wildlife, including endangered species. Photo credit: Bureau of Land Management

  23. The range manager makes decisions on how to carefully use and manage rangeland resources (plants, animals, soil, and water) to meet the needs and desires of society. What role does a range manager have in the health of our land?

  24. Monitor vegetation growth • Mediate agreements among rangeland users • Develop conservation plans to meet land goals • Manage private livestock operations • Develop methods to protect the range from • fire, rodents, and poisonous plants. What does a range manager do?

  25. What do you think? What skills would a range manager need? Photo Credit: Bureau of Land Management

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