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Child & Adult Safeguarding Briefing. Shropshire Councils Vision 2009-2013. “To improve significantly the quality of life for Shropshire people by working together” To give children and young people the best opportunities today and for the future
Shropshire Councils Vision 2009-2013 “To improve significantly the quality of life for Shropshire people by working together” • To give children and young people the best opportunities today and for the future • To improve the health and well-being of Shropshire's residents • To ensure safe and strong communities for local people to live and work in Shropshire
Format This presentation will introduce you safeguarding both children and vulnerable adults.
Aims of the Session By the end of the presentation you will be able to: • Identify your role in safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm • Define different types of harm and their indicators • Explain how to raise a concern about possible harm
We all have a positive duty to protect children and adults at risk
Age definition • In Child Protection legislation the term ‘child’ refers to anyone up to the age of 18 years. • Adult Protection, aged 18 years and over and vulnerable.
Safeguarding Children -Types of abuse • Physical • Neglect • Sexual • Emotional
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults -Types of abuse Same as children and • Financial • Discriminatory • Institutional
Significant Cases 2000 – Victoria Climbié , suffered sustained physical and emotional abuse 2008 – Baby Peter, died following over 50 injuries 2002 – Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells murdered (Ian Huntley) 2008 – Khyra Ishaq, starved to death in Birmingham
Info sharing Progress Report Victoria Climbié Lord Laming Changes Report Every Child Matters
The Definition of Vulnerable Adult “a person who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself or is or maybe unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation.” (No Secrets – March 2000)
This may include Older people People with mental health issues, permanent or temporary including confusion and dementia. People with physical disability People with learning disabilities People with acquired brain damage People who misuse substances
Background • No Secrets Guidance 2000 – Department of Health. • Achieving Best Evidence introduced - • Special measures for vulnerable adults who witness crime • Specialist training for Police Officers/close liaison on each case
Significant Cases Margaret Panting died 2001. Suffered "unbelievable cruelty" by her family, 49 injuries including cuts (probably made by a razor blade) and cigarette burns. Gemma Hayter died 2010 - beaten and killed by a group of five people she considered close friends Kevin Davies died 2006. Locked in a garden shed for 4 months. Tortured by 3 adults who stole his allowances.
Types of Abuse • Physical • Sexual • Psychological • Neglect • Financial • Discriminatory
Which is an example of Emotional Abuse? It is __________________ Been made to feel worthless Being made to feel worthless No Slapping Denying medical aid No
Which is an example of Neglect? It is __________________ Failure to supervise No Shaking Inadequate Supervision No Witnessing ill treatment of others
Which are the additional forms of abuse covered under Safeguarding Adults? It is __________________ Financial and Discriminatory Emotional and Physical No Financial and Discriminatory No Discriminatory and Neglect
Institutional Abuse • Abuse also happens in places where a vulnerable person should expect to be safe. Where could it happen? • Hospital • Day Service • Care Home/Nursing Home • Prison
Institutional Abuse Southampton2010 - ill treatment and wilful neglect Winterbourne View 2011 - physical abuse, psychological abuse, general bullying and neglect Ash Court 2012 - assault and physical abuse
Hate Crime Hate Crime is defined as any crime or incident motivated by prejudice or hate, and includes crimes based on race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, and religion and belief • Call the Police on 0300 333 3000 or 101/999 • or call Victim support on 01743 362812 (Free and confidential) • shropshire.partnership@shropshire.gov
Domestic AbuseShropshire Council is committed to zero tolerance to any form of abuse. Definition: Domestic abuse can involve a variable combination of physical, sexual and psychological violence and economic abuse that forms a pattern of coercive, controlling behaviour. It takes place between adults who are current or former partners and also immediatefamilymembers.
Domestic Abuse Services • Women's Aid - to make a referral - 08007 831359. • Independent Domestic Violence Advocates managed by Women's Aid - 01743 365032. • Men’s domestic violence advice line; 08088010327 or info@mensadviceline.org.uk • Freedom Programme 0800 783 1359 • Specialist Domestic Violence Courts operate in Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin. First hearings and sentencing heard in this court, trials fast-tracked within six weeks. • MARAC
When to speak up? Adults at risk … a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or persons which results in significant harm. (DH, 2000) Children at risk …a referral must be made as soon as possible when any concern of significant harm becomes known - the greater the level of perceived risk, the more urgent the action should be.
Information Sharing • Can you speak up? • Consequences of (not) speaking up? • When do you speak up? “We all have a positive duty to protect children and adults at risk”.
If you have a concern raise it! Everyone who has a concern must raise that concern. Shropshire Councilexpects all of its employees will take positive action to identify and stop abuse from taking place. Consent If you are employed in care or health you have a formal “Duty of Care”. No one needs the consent of the person being abused to raise a concern. Whistle blowing protection under Public Interest Disclosure Act (1998). “Your organisational policy will state how those involved will be supported”. CQC - Ofsted
Talk to one of the following and keep a record that you have done this: • Your manager • Designated person in your team/organisation • Shropshire Council Customer Service Centre: Adults or Children 0345 678 9021 dedicated safeguarding line • www.shropshire.gov.uk click the ‘report it’ button on the home page • Police – 101 or in an emergency phone 999.
Your concern will be taken seriously, investigated and appropriate action taken.The safety of the child or vulnerable adult always comes first.Don’t try to investigate but do raise the concern.
Children's Investigation Process • Referrals to the Initial Contact Team will be followed up within 1 working day. • Actions to ensure the safety of the child will be identified e.g. family support required. (Full assessment within 7 days). • Child protection plan is put into place. • Referrer will be informed of actions.
Adult Safeguarding Investigation Process Following an Adult Safeguarding referralbeing raised, a strategy discussion and investigation will take place: Liaison will take place with partner agencies It will be decided who will investigate (Police, Partners, Social Worker) and the time scales (max 20 working days) Identify action plan to keep other vulnerable adults safe This process identifies what actions are needed to protect the vulnerable adult, stop the abuse, and minimise the risk of it happening again. It makes sure those actions are completed.
Still concerned after making a referral? • Raise the concern again! • Tell someone!
“There can be no secrets or hiding place when it comes to exposing abuse” Are there any questions on Safeguarding?