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The Monopolist's Market with Discrete Choices and Network Externality Revisited: Small-Worlds, Phase Transition and Avalanches in an ACE Framework. Denis Phan 1 , Stephane Pajot 1 , Jean Pierre Nadal 2 , 1 ENST de Bretagne, Département ESH & ICI - Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest
The Monopolist's Market with Discrete Choices and Network Externality Revisited:Small-Worlds, Phase Transition and Avalanches in an ACE Framework. Denis Phan1, Stephane Pajot1, Jean Pierre Nadal2, 1 ENST de Bretagne, Département ESH & ICI - Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest 1 Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris. denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr - nadal@tournesol.lps.ens.fr Ninth annual meeting of the Society of Computational Economics University of Washington, Seattle, USA, July 11 - 13, 2003
In this paper, we use Agent-based Computational Economicsand mathematical theorising as complementary toolsOutline of this paper(first investigations) 1 - Modelling the individual choice in a social context • Discrete choice with social influence: idiosyncratic and interactive heterogeneity 2 - Local dynamics and the network structure (basic features) • Direct vs indirect adoption, chain effect and avalanche process • From regular network towards small world : structure matters 3 - « Classical » issues in the « global » externality case • Analytical results in the simplest case (mean field) • « Classical » supply and demand curves static equilibrium 4 - Exploration of more complex dynamics at the global level • « Phase transition », demand hysteresis, andSethna’s inner hysteresis • Long range (static) monopolist’s optimal position and the network’s structure 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
Agents make a discrete (binary) choice i in the set :{0, 1} • Surplus : Vi(i) = willingness to pay – price • repeated buying The demand side: I - modelling the individual choice in a social contextDiscrete choice model with social influence : (1) Idiosyncraticheterogeneity • willingness to pay (1) Idiosyncratic heterogeneity : Hi(t) • Two special cases (Anderson, de Palma, Thisse 1992) : • « McFaden » (econometric) :Hi(t) = H + ifor allt ; i~ Logistic(0,) • Physicist’squenched disorder (e.g. Random Field) used in this paper • « Thurstone » (psychological):Hi(t) = H + i (t)for allt ; i (t)~ Logistic(0,) • Physicist’s annealed disorder (+ad. Assumptions : Markov Random Field) • Also used by Durlauf, Blume, Brock among others… • Properties of this two cases generally differ (except in mean fieldfor this model) 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
Myopic agents (reactive) : • no expectations :each agent observes his neighbourhood • In this paper, social influence is assumed to be positive, homogeneous, symmetric and normalized across the neighbourhood) The demand side: I - modelling the individual choice in a social contextDiscrete choice model with social influence(2) Interactive (social) heterogeneity Willingness to pay (2)Interactive (social) heterogeneity: St(-i) • Jik measures the effect of the agent k ’schoice on the agent i ’swillingness to pay: 0 (if k=0) orJik(if k=1) • Jikare non-equivocal parameters of social influence • (several possible interpretations) 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
Indirect effect of prices: « chain » or « dominoes » effect Variation in price Variation in price Direct effect of prices ( P1P2) ( P1P2) Change ofagenti Change of agenti Change of agentj Change ofagentk Anavalanche carry on as long as: The demand side: II - Local dynamics and the network structure1 - Direct versus indirect adoption,chain effect and avalanche process 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
Regular network (lattice) Total connectivity Small world 1 (Watts Strogatz) Random network The demand side: II - Local dynamics and the network structure2 - From regular network towards small world :structure matters (a) • Milgram (1967) • “ six degrees of separation” • Watts and Strogatz (1998) • Barabasi and Albert, (1999) • “ scale free ”(all connectivity) • multiplicative process power law • blue agent is “hub ” or “gourou ” 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
The demand side: II - Local dynamics and the network structure2 - From regular network towards small world :structure matters (b) 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
Demand Side In this case, each agent observes only the aggregate rate of adoption, Let mthe marginal consumer: Vm= 0 Supply Side Optimal pricing by a monopolist in situation of risk Optimum / implicit derivation gives (inverse) supply curve : for large populations. With F logistic : Aggregate demandmayhave two fixed point for high low ; (here = 20) III - « Classical » issues in the « global » externality case 1 -Analytical results in the simplest case:global externality / full connectivity (main field) • H >0 : only one solution • H <0 : two solutions ; results depends on .J 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
= 1 (one single Fixed point) Ps Pd H = 2 Ps H = 0 Pd J = 4 J = 0 J = 4 J=0 Dashed lines J = 0 no externality Ps Ps Pd H = 1.9 H = 1 Pd J = 4 J = 4 J= 0 Low / high P III - « Classical » issues in the « global » externality case 2 -Inverse curve of supply and demand: comparative static 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
P- + P+ +> - +> - + - - III - « Classical » issues in the « global » externality case3 - Phase diagram & profit regime transition Full discussion of phase diagram in the plane .J, .h, and numerically calculated solutions are presented in: Nadal et al., 2003 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
Homogeneous population:Hi = H i P = H + J P = H First order transition (strong connectivity) Chronology and sizes of induced adoptions in the avalanche when decrease from 1.2408 to 1.2407 =5 =20 IV - Exploration by ACEof more complex dynamics at the global level1 - Chain effect, avalanches and hysteresis 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
IV - Exploration by ACEof more complex dynamics at the global level2 - hysteresis in the demand curve : connectivity effect 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
A B (neighbourhood = 8, H = 1, J = 0.5, = 10) - Sub trajectory : [1,18-1,29] IV - Exploration by ACEof more complex dynamics at the global level(3) hysteresis in the demand curve :Sethna inner hystersis 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
Global externality J=0 IV - Exploration by ACEof more complex dynamics at the global levelOptimal long run (static) pricing by a monopolist: the influence of local network structure • optimal static (long run) monopoly prices increase with connectivity and small world parameterq ; higher with scale free than WS. 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
Conclusion, extensions & future developments • Even with simplest assumptions (myopic customers, full connectivity, risky situation), complex dynamics may arise. • Actual extensions: long term equilibrium for scale free small world, and dynamic regimes with H<0. • In the future: looking for cognitive agents …. • Dynamic pricing & monopolist’s Bayesian learning process in the case of repeated buying • Dynamic pricing & agent’s learning process in the case of durable good (Coase conjecture) • Dynamic network and monopolist’s learning about the network …. 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr
References • Anderson S.P., DePalma A, Thisse J.-F. (1992) Discrete Choice Theory of Product Differentiation, MIT Press, Cambridge MA. • Brock Durlauf (2001) “Interaction based models” in Heckman Leamer eds. Handbook of econometrics Vol 5 Elsevier, Amsterdam • Phan D. (2003) “From Agent-based Computational Economics towards Cognitive Economics”, in Bourgine, Nadal (eds.), Towards a Cognitive Economy, Springer Verlag, Forthcoming.www-eco.enst-bretagne.fr/~phan/moduleco • Phan D.Gordon M.B. Nadal J.P. (2003) “Social interactions in economic theory: a statistical mechanics insight”, in Bourgine, Nadal (eds.), Towards a Cognitive Economy, Springer Verlag, Forthcoming. • Nadal J.P.Phan D.Gordon M.B. Vannimenus J. (2003), "Monopoly Market with Externality: an Analysis with Statistical Physics and ACE", 8th Annual Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, Kiel. Any Questions ? (please speak slowly) 9thSociety of Computational Economics, Seattle denis.phan@enst-bretagne.fr