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DFAS PARTNERING BRIEF PAY/PERS Conference. Mr. Mark Rudolph PS1(SW/AW) R. M. Dilloway Current Initiatives & Changes March 27th, 2011. DWOWS UPDATE. Defense Workload Operations Web System – Update

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  1. DFAS PARTNERING BRIEFPAY/PERS Conference Mr. Mark Rudolph PS1(SW/AW) R. M. Dilloway Current Initiatives & Changes March 27th, 2011 Integrity - Service - Innovation

  2. DWOWS UPDATE • Defense Workload Operations Web System – Update • DFAS will be publishing a DWOWS Tips of the Month bulletin to inform users of updates and changes. • DWOWS capabilities have been extended to PERS in addition to PSD’s and self supporting AFLOAT units. • CCL-MB-DWOWS@DFAS.MIL is not a trouble ticket Email address, this address is for DWOWS access and other functions outlined in the DWOWS users guide. • MPA 49/11 announces limitations on the use of CCL-TD mailboxes for the last 3 of members SSN. • Separation worksheets are required on all accounts, special upload instructions will be provided depending on whether accounts are in-balance or out-of-balance. Integrity - Service - Innovation

  3. MARCH 2012 BULLETIN • Supporting documentation is required for audit purposes, more information will follow on the extent of the substantiating documentation (pending discussion on whether JJAM reject is substantiating). • Make sure that you include your point of contact information on each case created within DWOWS Case Management System in the remarks section. This will allow our technicians to contact the originator if the need arises. NAME: XXXXXXXXXXX MR/MRS/MS/RANK: XXXX PHONE: XXX-XXX-XXXX EMAIL: XXXXX.XXXXX@XXXX.MIL • A new automated message has been added to the following CCL-TD email boxes: CCL-TD-000-333, CCL-TD-334-667 and CCL-TD-668-999 in order to remind all Navy Disbursing Personnel that they need to start using DWOWS Case Management System as the tool used to send pay inquiries that contain PII information. Discharged/Retired members should continue to use the CCL-TD Email boxes. • Remember to log in DWOWS at least once a month to prevent suspension of your access. Users that have not log into DWOWS for over 90 days, the system will automatically delete your access for security purposes. • When the process of uploading documents is complete, make sure to click on the save and edit tab, to ensure your documents are viewable. If upload problems persist please contact ccl-mb-dwows@dfas.mil • New access requests with email address ending other than .mil, will require programming activation in order to by-pass some of the firewalls installed within the system. Coordination between DWOWS programmers and these units IT personnel will be required. . Prospective users may experience a delay with their requests. Integrity - Service - Innovation

  4. SEPARATION WORKSHEETS • SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT FOR SEPARATION WORKSHEETS. • DFAS requires ALL Separation Worksheets be submitted through DWOWS (Individual trouble tickets for each member with out-of-balance status). • Out-of-Balance Accounts • NT does not match separation worksheet payment amount (AFRH and SGLI exceptions). • Account goes into a “V” status final separation with monies due or out-of-service debt. • Individual Trouble Tickets will be required for Out-of-Balance accounts with remarks as to requested DFAS Pay Action and the separation worksheet uploaded as a supporting document. • In-Balance Accounts (Reduced production) • NT matches separation worksheet payment amount (AFRH and SGLI exceptions). • Account goes into a “V” status final separation with no monies due or out-of-service debt. • Within 3 working days from the end of each calendar month, each PAY ADSN will open trouble ticket’s in DWOWS (one for each CCL-TD range) with one file containing all In-Balance separation worksheets (sort the worksheets into alphabetical order before scanning). • Unique DWOWS requirements (all other fields will remain standard). SYSTEM: SEPARATIONS SSN: 000000XXX (XXX = Last 3 of TD range 333, 667, or 999) NAME: ADSN SEP WS DDMMMYYYY (ADSN = #### of PSD, DDMMMYYYY is always last day of the month) DATE COMPLETED: Enter the same date as Date Rec’d. REMARKS: In balance worksheets NO DFAS PAY action required. Integrity - Service - Innovation

  5. Hostile Fire Pay and Imminent Danger Pay • MPA 11/12 outlines workaround procedures for reporting HFP and IDP. • Members that qualify for HFP due to a hostile fire event in a designated area during the month must have the start date reflect the first of the month and the stop date reflect the last of the month. • Members that are not expected to encounter a hostile fire event should have IDP started on the day entering the IDP area and stopped on the day departing the IDP area (exception to those personnel traveling in and out of IDP areas for duty in multiple locations, TDY, and leave). • CZTE is not affected by the HFP and IDP change. The entire month will still be tax free along with 2.5 days of CZTE leave earned when member is entitled to the $7.50 daily IDP for less than a month. • Commanding Officers and Unit Commanders have the responsibility of certifying a location HFP or IDP when reporting eligibility to PSD’s for pay action. • DJMS workaround is in place to systematically post negative 23 amounts based on the ARRIVE and DEPART HFP dates recorded from 2301, 02, and 03 transactions. DJMS system review completed after each update. • Avoid the use of the 2305 transactions or 2306 transactions on closed entries. Integrity - Service - Innovation

  6. TDY, Multiple Locations, & Leave with Imminent Danger Pay • Movement of Personnel or Units • When an individual or group of individuals depart the IDP area for a non IDP special tracking and processing are required. • When a unit is traveling in and out of qualifying IDP locations special tracking and processing are also required. • As outlined in MPA 11/12, IDP should be reported for the cumulative number of days a member or unit are in a qualifying area. • Adjustment of dates for personnel or units moving in an out of designated areas requires creative processing of 2302, 2303, and 2301 transactions. • Personnel on leave or R&R in a qualifying IDP location are not entitled to IDP for those days (this does not include liberty status). • Reporting will be easier at the completion of the month if the individual or unit expects constant movement. • Stopping IDP at the end of the prior month for personnel departing the location and then reporting cumulative days at the end of the current month will be easier for leave and TDY situations. Integrity - Service - Innovation

  7. Examples • TDY or Leave • Example 1: • Member initial reports to IDP location 1 March 2012. • Member departs IDP location 15 April 2012 with scheduled return 23 April 2012. • Member returns to IDP location 23 April 2012. • Member departs IDP location 29 April 2012 with no scheduled return. • Initial start will be posted as a 2301 effective 1 March 2012 • Total cumulative days for the partial month served in an IDP location is 22 days. Posting a 2302 transaction effective the 22nd day of the partial month would result in the correct number of days paid (22 April 2012). • Example 2: • Member initial reports to IDP location 1 March 2012. • Member departs IDP location 15 April 2012 with possible or unknown date of return. • Member returns to IDP location 28 April 2012. • Member departs IDP location 31 May 2012 with no scheduled return. • Initial start will be posted as a 2301 effective 1 March 2012 • Unknown scheduled return should result in a 2302 transaction effective the last day of the prior month (31 March 2012). The 15 days for partial month (April) should be reported at the end of the month unless the member returns. • Process a 2301 effective 13 April 2012 (18 days for partial month April 1-15 and April 28-30), and a 2302 effective 31 May 2012. OR • Process a 2303 for 18 total days in April (1-18 or 13-30), and process a 2301 effective 1 May 2012 with a 2302 effective 31 May 2012 EFFICIENT COMMAND REPORTING OF EVENTS AND PSD DISCRETION ON TRANSACTION PROCESSING IS REQUIRED TO MINIMIZE NEGATIVE IMPACTS TO THE SERVICE MEMBER AND PAY ACCOUNT. Integrity - Service - Innovation

  8. Reserve Leave Carry Forward • MPA 07/12 • Reserve members can elect to carry forward unused earned leave balances from one period of Active Duty to the next (ADT, ADSW, RECALL, or MOBILIZATION). • Members can only carry forward leave up to statutory limitations • Currently 75 days without SLA authorization. • Will return to 60 days without SLA authorization on 30 September 2013. • Currently 120 days with SLA authorization. • Improved separation counseling required at NOSC and PSD levels when approaching the completion of each set of active duty orders where a break active service will result or transfer from RC to AC systems or RC to AC systems will occur. • Delay separation transactions until member has made the election and pay account has been adjusted or DOS if member fails to make the election. • Elections (NSIPS NAVPERS 1070/613) should be made prior to completion of Active Duty and uploaded to DWOWS for action before the separation transaction is submitted, DO NOT hold separation transaction past DOS. • Unique DWOWS requirements (all other fields remain standard). • I) SYSTEM: ACTIVE DUTY TYPE OF CASE: MPN LV CARRYOVER DEPARTMENT: JFLF CLERK CODE: MST • II) SYSTEM: RESERVE TYPE OF CASE: RPN LV CARRYOVER DEPARTMENT: JFLF CLERK CODE: MST • NAVPERS 1070/613 will also have to be submitted at the beginning of new active duty periods to adjust beginning leave balance for any days carried forward. Reserve personnel should report with this document upon ADT, ADSW, or Mobilization. Integrity - Service - Innovation

  9. CHANGES IN PAC/WIA HFP & CZTE ACTION • DFAS CLEVELAND HAS BEGAN POSTING HFP & CZTE ENTITLEMENT FOR PAC/WIA SAILORS USING 09 ENTRIES AND FL TRANSACTIONS. • Erroneous stops of HFP by field activities have decreased significantly. • DFAS Cleveland has worked with Standards & Compliance DFAS-IN and recently approved this workaround to lessen the adverse actions of erroneous HFP stops and cancellations. • Beginning September 2011, DFAS has been using OPEN 09 entries, Save Pay Type – A, with FID 23 to report HFP for PAC/WIA Sailors. • This entry will remain open until N135C notifies DFAS of termination or 1 year after evacuation without extension. • CZTE entries will be posted when DFAS receives notification from N135C of inpatient status. This will be posted using an FL transaction which will either be for a closed period for individuals already outpatient or OPEN entries for those individuals identified as LONG TERM inpatient. • The field should note that ALL other entitlements (10, 14, 15, 21, 27, etc) will remain on those lines. PSD’s should not stop these entitlements on accounts with OPEN 09 lines FID 23. • PSD should NOT open 23 entries for accounts with OPEN 09 lines FID 23. • If the member has been returned to a HFP/CZTE location or returned FIT for FULL DUTY notify N135C IAW MPM 7220-112 to stop members PAC entitlement. • Request field continue to review MEMO entries before taking action. Integrity - Service - Innovation

  10. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • RAVC READ INFORMATION • DFAS-CL MilPay Operations receives several requests for assistance with RAVC and travel payments. • Navy PCS travel is not maintained by DFAS-CL MILPAY Operations and is a field processing responsibility. However, DFAS can provide limited assistance with FTP and WINIATS problems interfacing with payment release. • FTP problems should be reported to CCL-DFAS-FTP@DFAS.MIL • This mailbox can provide assistance with FTP files submitted for travel payments. • WINIATS problems should be reported to IATS-HELP-DESK@DFAS.MIL • This mailbox can provide assistance with WINIATS technical support BUT are not the correct office for policy or entitlement. DTMO can help determine travel entitlement not clearly stated in the JFTR. • Unofficial WINIATS user training can be located on the following Website. • http://www.profsft.com/cbt/ Integrity - Service - Innovation


  12. CONCLUSION • For emergencies or concerns, please feel free to contact the following personnel: PSC(SW/AW) DOMINIC R. POSTIGLIONE (ACTIVE DUTY PAY) DOMINIC.POSTIGLIONE@DFAS.MIL COMM: (216) 204-3831 DSN: 580-5530 PSC(SW/AW/SCW) THOMAS ALTMAN (RESERVE PAY) THOMAS.ALTMAN@DFAS.MIL COMM: (216) 204-4573 DSN: 580-5530 LTJG PHILIP NIGHTINGALE (SPECIAL CLAIMS/RESERVE BRANCH CHIEF) PHILIP.NIGHTINGALE@DFAS.MIL COMM: (216) 204-1238 DSN: 580-5683 LT YIFAN GUO (ACTIVE DUTY BRANCH CHIEF) YIFAN.GUO@DFAS.MIL COMM: (216) 204-4325 DSN: 580-5530 Integrity - Service - Innovation

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