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ARTS : SUSTAIN. Our Economy Our Community Our Sense of Place. Share Your …. Name Affiliation Why you decided to attend this morning Please be brief … only 5 minutes for whole table intros. Which of these do you think is most important to us to do in Southern Arizona?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ARTS:SUSTAIN Our Economy Our Community Our Sense of Place

  2. Share Your … • Name • Affiliation • Why you decided to attend this morning • Please be brief … only 5 minutes for whole table intros.

  3. Which of these do you think is most important to us to do in Southern Arizona? Share Your Thoughts… • Inspire new creative ideas / enterprises • Attract innovators • Promote local and tourist spending • Revitalize urban cores • Create a sense of place • Enrich people’s lives

  4. CREATIVE INDUSTRIES • Inspire new creative ideas and enterprise • Attract innovators • Promote local and tourist spending • Revitalize urban cores • Create a sense of place • Enrich people's lives

  5. CREATIVE INDUSTRIES Are 5% of Pima County’s economy – more than double the national average

  6. Local Arts & Culture Industry OUR ECONOMY

  7. ARTS MEAN BUSINESS $87.7 million in annual arts-sector revenue

  8. ARTS MEAN BUSINESS $67 per person here versus $51 per person in Maricopa County

  9. TAX REVENUE $4.3 million generated for State of Arizona $3.8 million generated for City & County

  10. PUBLIC ARTS FUNDING $5 National average Pima County & City of Tucson combined per person $1 per person

  11. CREATIVE INDUSTRY JOBS 2,759 arts-related businesses employ 9,000 people Additionally1,332 events-related jobs created by nonprofit arts and culture events

  12. Did you attend any arts / cultural event(s) in the past 12 months? Share Your Thoughts... • Yes • No

  13. AUDIENCES FROM FAR & NEAR 1.9 million annual attendees both residents and tourists

  14. How much did you spend for a day/evening out (other than admission)? Share Your Thoughts... • $0 • Less than $20 • $20-$49 • $50- $75 • $76 or more

  15. AUDIENCES FROM FAR & NEAR Residents spend more than $21 $39 Tourists spend nearly Arts & culture tourists spend $8.2 million in Pima County annually

  16. Our Community & OUR SENSE OF PLACE

  17. STRENGTHENING REGIONAL VITALITY cultural vitality + supporting arts, culture, and creativity as a dimension of everyday life economic vitality capacity to be economically competitive, resilient and attractive to private and public enterprise = regional vitality







  24. ARTS & INDUSTRY COLLABORATION • Downtown • Menlo Park • Ajo • TIA

  25. During the last 12 months, did you? Share Your Thoughts... • Do any painting, drawing, sculpture or printmaking? • Make photographs or videos as an artistic activity? • Do any creative writing? • Play a musical instrument? • Sing with a chorale, choir, or other type of vocal group? • Dance ballet, modern, folk, tap, or any other style dance? • Take any lessons or classes in any of these disciplines? • Engage in any other activity that you consider creative? Select all that apply.

  26. What most shapes the physical and social character of southern Arizona? Select 2. Share Your Thoughts... • Outdoor spaces • Public spaces/ places to gather • Activities that promote a sense of belonging • Civic engagement • Built environment • Other

  27. CREATIVE PLACEMAKING • animatespublic and private spaces • rejuvenatesstructures and streetscapes • improveslocal business viability and public safety • brings together diverse people to celebrate, inspire and be inspired

  28. PLACE Initiative IMAGES HERE

  29. PLACE Initiative IMAGES HERE

  30. PLACE Initiative IMAGES HERE

  31. ARTS & LEARNING Arts education could play a vital role in preparing students to become innovators in the 21st century workforce.

  32. 50% of schools have no budget for arts education 79% of schools spend less than $1 per student per year

  33. A bit about OUR TPAC

  34. TUCSON PIMA ARTS COUNCIL • Fosters • artistic expression • civic participation and • economic growth by • supporting, • promoting and • advocating

  35. Collective Impact Creating Prosperity

  36. STEWARDSHIP … of arts, culture, heritage and natural resources is crucial to the future growth of jobs, wealth, and the overall economy of the region.

  37. ADDING VALUE Our arts and culture organizations not only provide an economic engine for our region, they are our culture bearerswho reflect our civic identity and preserve our arts and cultural history.

  38. Public and private resources and support need to increase, commensurate with this level of importance and value.

  39. To strengthen our regional prosperity and vitality, arts and culture organizations need partnership and support of individuals, business, and public sector.


  41. CREATING COLLECTIVE IMPACT The five things: Increasing knowledge/ raising awareness Building skills Increasing access to alternatives and resources Changing organizational policy Changing public policy

  42. The six areas: Arts & Cultural Education Capacity Building & Business Development Creative Economy & Enterprise Identity and Distinctiveness Cultural Districts Facilities

  43. INSTRUCTIONS Have someone quickly draw the chart on the paper on your table. Individually, and silently, spend a few minutes brainstorming what you, your organization, or an organization like yours could do. Write your ideas down, one per sticky note. Place in the appropriate square on the large chart Discuss.

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