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ACTION PLAN. COMMENTS:. In general, too much text per slide . Limit yourselves to bullets and only put the most important ideas in the ppt . Use your own words , don’t just copy .

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  2. COMMENTS: • In general, toomuchtext per slide. Limityourselvestobullets and onlyputthemostimportant ideas in theppt. • Use yourownwords, don’tjustcopy. • Slides 3 & 4 vague, remember, thisishowtoenact new PUBLIC POLICY, notchangethewaypeoplethink. • The general objective in Slide 5 is vague; focusonthespecifics. • Slides 6 & 7 should be in Group 1, nothere. • I don’tunderstandthepoint of slide 8. Considerdeletingit. • Slide 9 istheaction plan butyouneedtoconnectittopublicpolicy!

  3. INTRODUCTION • INTRODUCTION • Currently in our town, our country, even around the world is being produced water scarcity. Today we hear in the media messages that have a water crisis in 20 years or so. Now in Cusco is experiencing a situation where pollution Huatanay River has become a topic where the authorities have overlooked and as a result, we try to find a solution to retrieve the Huatanay River for Life

  4. The main activity of our plan is awareness the population and especially Cusco districts who are most affected by pollution of the river Huatanay to restore and preserve our river Huatanay. • To develop this activity requires individuals, organizations and governments to change their way of thinking and acting, these changes do not automatically happen this needs to be aware of water conservation and the importance in our lives working with the municipal ordinances and laws that exist in our constitution.

  5. First, observe reality to identify problems whose solution is urgent and fosters more aware of the potential we have and we should put in play permanently to operationalize these solutions.

  6. PROBLEMS DETECTED Infant mortality caused by diarrhea Shortage of drinking water and irrigation Contamination of the environment through drains going into the river huatanay Deficiency of water and sewer services

  7. "Citizenship with a better quality of life in a just, democratic, identity, access to services. Employment and adequate education. In a healthy and sustainable environment."


  9. Who can help to achieve it? Thetechnicalteamwillbecomposedbythespecialprojectmanagementinstitute regional water and environment - IMA, and consists of thefollowinginstitutions: • DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY OF SAN JERONIMO. • LOCAL WATER AUTHORITY CUSCO. • SPECIAL PROJECT PLAN COPESCO REGIONAL. • EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION CENTER POMA DE AYALA. • SEDACUSCO.

  10. We can gaintheirsupportbasedon local ordinances and laws are as follows:Accordingtotheconstitution:Article 2. Everyone has theright:22. At peace, at leisure and relaxation and toenjoy a balancedenvironmentsuitableforthedevelopment of hislife.Accordingtotheordinance:Article 14. - PROHIBITION OF POLLUTANTS DOWNLOAD.Itisprohibitedtothrowpollutantsthat cause degradationecosystemsor alter thequality of environment, no precautionstakentodebugging.Thecompetentauthorityshallberesponsibleforimplementing control measures and samplingtoensurecompliancewiththisprovision.

  11. And especiallymunicipality of San Jerónimo has theresponsibility of: • • Theriver Huatanay mustbecaredforbytheresidents of thearea, sincethey are more exposedtopollution and gettingdifferentdiseases as cholera, skininfections and stomachinfections. • • Municipality of San Jerónimo isresponsibletothepeople living in a balancedenvironmentsuitableforthedevelopment of hislife, likewise, to preserve the natural landscape. • • Municipality of San Jerónimo has theduty and responsibilityto set thedestination of thewastewater. Establishingareaswhereitisforbiddentodischargewastewaterfrom industrial sourcesorurbanor rural domesticto Huatanay RiverBasin.

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