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Global Economic Outlook 2013: A Long Way Ahead DNB, Vilnius, Tuesday 20/11/12 Chief Economist Øystein Dørum, DNB Markets. Starting point: Some fundamental questions. What has happened? Where are we? Where are we going? What are central banks doing? What may go wrong?
Global Economic Outlook 2013: A Long Way Ahead DNB, Vilnius, Tuesday 20/11/12Chief Economist Øystein Dørum, DNB Markets
Starting point: Some fundamental questions • What has happened? • Where are we? • Where are we going? • What are central banks doing? • What may go wrong? • (Will the Eurozone dissolve?)
Deleveraging is the melody of the day24 of 58 EU-banks will reduce activity (GFSR 2012-I)
Biggest headache: Will the Eurozone survive? • Will survive • Imbalances are being reduced, • Steps towards fiscal union, improved crisis mechanisms, • ECB stands ready • Political commitment • Situation will gradually improve • But plenty of factors can derail developments • Weakening activity • Italian, Spanish, German politics • Grexit? • 5-10% probability of events "spinning out of control" (vs 30-40% one year ago)
Second headache: "Fiscal cliff" • Fiscal cliff: Without agreement between Democrats and Republicans, several automatic budget cuts will kick in from January 1st next year. • CBO-baseline implies tightening of 2,5% of GDP in 2013, 3,2% in 2014 relative to alternative (where only payroll tax is abolished). Recession!
Summing up • Global growth in the 3½-4% range, short-term in the lower end • Advanced 1¼-2%, emerging 5¼-5½% • Negative output gaps in advanced economies to 2017/18 and tight budgets: A low inflation, low interest rate environment • Eurozone will survive, with all its present 17 members • Biggest downside risks: EZ collapse (5-10%), US 'fiscal cliff', Chinese hard landing, renewed Middle East tensions • Long-term: Structural challenges + trade wars? • Upside risks: US growth dynamics, generally lowered risk premia
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