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Progress Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the 7 th RCM

8th Regional Consultation Meeting of the UN Agencies and Organizations working in Africa in support of AU and its NEPAD Programme. Progress Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the 7 th RCM. Emmanuel Nnadozie Chief, NEPAD Support, UNECA. The Regional Consultation Mechanism.

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Progress Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the 7 th RCM

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  1. 8th Regional Consultation Meeting of the UN Agencies and Organizations working in Africa in support of AU and its NEPAD Programme Progress Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the 7th RCM Emmanuel Nnadozie Chief, NEPAD Support, UNECA

  2. The Regional Consultation Mechanism • Reform of the United Nations established regional consultative meetings • Successive resolutions on improving UN coordination led to adoption of system-wide initiatives • In 2002, UN General Assembly adopted NEPAD as the framework to concentrate its efforts for Africa’s development

  3. Legislative mandates • General Assembly resolution 57/7 of 4 November 2002 called UN organizations to: • align their activities with the priorities of the New Partnership • organize the activities of the United Nations system around thematic clusters covering the priority areas of the New Partnership • The UN system developed global, regional and national mechanisms to channel its efforts to support NEPAD

  4. UN system-wide support to NEPAD • Global level • Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA) • Global advocacy for NEPAD and reporting to the intergovernmental bodies on UN system-wide support to NEPAD • UN Department of Public Information (DPI) • Public information and awareness activities on NEPAD • Regional Level • UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) • Coordinate the activities of UN agencies working in Africa in support of NEPAD through the Regional Consultation Mechanism (RCM) • Country Level • Common Country Assessment (CCA), the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), the Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRSs) and MDGs-related strategies • Existing coordinating mechanisms used to support UN implementation of NEPAD

  5. Evolution of the Regional Consultation Meetings

  6. Evolution of the Regional Consultation Meetings (cont.) • Critical assessment of cluster performance and that of the RCM reveals more needs to be done to enhance coherence and coordination • 7th RCM adopted a set of recommendations for strengthening UN system-wide support to the AU and implementation of NEPAD • To move forward from issue identification to tangible action, the 8th RCM needs to assess progress made in implementing the recommendations of the 7th RCM

  7. Key Recommendations • Strengthening regional coordination of UN system-wide support to AU vision and NEPAD • Revitalizing the cluster system • Fostering coordination in support of AU and NEPAD at sub-regional level • Improving the UN relationship with continental and sub-regional organizations • Monitoring effectiveness of UN interventions in coordinating support to AU/NEPAD

  8. 1. Strengthening Regional Coordination • ECA to move from a convener to a strategic coordinator of the RCM • Co-organized launch and inaugural meeting of ITMA • Assisted in establishing the Peace and Security cluster • Played role in restarting and revitalizing the Human Resource Development, Employment and HIV/AIDS cluster • More actively involved in efforts to encourage cluster collaborative efforts • Participates in cluster meetings and provides secretariat support • RCM to be more frequent and predictable • Convening of the RCM has become regular; held once a year in Addis Ababa to facilitate attendance and participation • AU to participate more prominently in the RCM at the technical level • Chairperson of the AU Commission and Commissioners have been invited to the 8th RCM • Participate technically at the level of the clusters • The RECs to be invited to the RCMs • Heads of the eight REC’s officially recognized by the AU have been invited to take part in the deliberations

  9. 2. Revitalizing the Cluster System • Clusters to mainstream gender, youth, and capacity building in their support to the AU and NEPAD and monitor accordingly • No indications of efforts to systematically build these cross cutting issues into cluster support • The cluster system to be reviewed and revitalized for greater efficiency and effectiveness • External review of the cluster system commissioned by ECA

  10. Table 2: Progress in Implementing the Recommendations on Cluster Revitalization as of 2 November 2007

  11. Table 2: Progress in Implementing the Recommendations on Cluster Revitalization as of 2 November 2007 (cont.)

  12. Revitalizing the Cluster System (cont.) • Of the nine thematic clusters three have met at least twice a year • Only the same clusters developed rules and procedure to govern the functioning of their clusters • Except for the Science and Technology, Environment, Population and Urbanization, and the Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Development clusters all the remaining clusters have felt the need to refine their cluster into sub clusters and have done so • Only a third of the clusters implemented jointly planned programmes and projects during the period • Same number of clusters has made progress in aligning their programmes and resources with NEPAD priorities • Representative of the AU or the NEPAD Secretariat have served as co-chair at meetings of three clusters.

  13. 3. Sub-regional coordination and integration of UN activities • ECA’s sub-regional offices (SROs) to bring other UN agencies together in support of AU/NEPAD at the sub-region • Developing issue papers and undertaking discussions with UN agencies in their respective sub regions, particularly those with sub-regional presence • Central and Southern Africa SROs have gone furthest • ECA to consult with UN agencies and the NEPAD Secretariat and coordinate discussions on the needs of RECs • Formal and informal consultations conducted within framework of cluster mechanism and through MOU with the NEPAD Secretariat • Inter-governmental Committee of Experts meetings organized by each SRO • Ad-hoc expert group meeting organized by the NEPAD Support Unit 10-11 October 2007

  14. Sub-regional coordination and integration of UN activities (Cont.) • Develop a subregional coordination mechanism • The majority of ECA’s SROs are at the initial stages of bringing other UN agencies together at the sub-regional level • The coordination system to develop a knowledge and information management system • Knowledge management strategy developed and is currently being piloted at ECA • Once launched, the knowledge management platform and communities of practice can serve as a virtual meeting place and data repository, facilitating information exchange and collaboration

  15. Sub-regional coordination and integration of UN activities (Cont.) • Target RECs and IGOs to enhance their ability to own and manage implementation of AU and NEPAD priorities • UN agencies and ECA’s SROs have been involved in capacity building for the RECs, however more systematic approach required

  16. 4. Improving Cooperation between the UN and AU Commission, NEPAD and AfDB • Support for the AU Commission and NEPAD Secretariat • Nature of support to the AU and NEPAD categorized into three: financial, technical and capacity development • Enhancing AU-UN Cooperation: Framework for the Ten-Year Capacity Building Programme for the African Union, framework for UN support to AU • Collaborative effort of UN organizations in Southern Sudan, Sierra Leone, and Burundi in providing post conflict and recovery support • NEPAD objectives and priority areas addressed at various levels, individually, in bilateral partnerships, and within clusters

  17. Improving Cooperation between the UN and AUC, NEPAD and AfDB (cont.) • Comprehensive communication strategy to increase reporting, promote outreach and raise awareness-Workshops: Communications and Advocacy Workshop Accra, 12-14 April 2007, -Brainstorming session 9 October 2007 -Publications: NEPAD Secretariat’s NEPAD DIALOGUE Online Weekly, DPI’sAfrica Renewal and Understanding NEPAD brochures, ECA’s Weekly Newsletter NEPAD Briefs • ECA to advice the AU Commission and NEPAD Secretariat as appropriate • ECA, UNDP and OSAA actively participate in NEPAD Steering Committee meetings and AU Summits, providing technical advice and input • Greater involvement of AfDB in the RCM • Various agreements have been made with the AfDB to increase collaboration with the institution

  18. 5. Monitoring and Evaluation • ECA’s NEPAD Support Unit to monitor processes, activities, outputs, resources and impact of interventions • Draft monitoring and evaluation strategy developed for cluster mechanism • Two basic elements: monitoring collaboration and monitoring achievements of the clusters • MDG targets chosen as benchmark as performance indicators • NEPAD Support Unit to establish a database for both quantitative and qualitative information on processes and activities, outputs and resources relating to UN support • Various software and data collection and processing systems and databases are being explored for better decision-making

  19. Summary of Progress • Progress on implementing the recommendations of the 7th RCM is mixed Strengthening regional coordination Revitalizing the cluster system Fostering sub-regional coordination Improving relationship with continental and sub-regional organizations Monitoring actions and outcomes

  20. Outcomes and Results Achieved • Improved coordination of the cluster • Greater frequency of interaction between and within clusters • Enhanced leadership in guiding the process • Improved working relationship between ECA and its counterparts at the AU Commission and NEPAD Secretariat • Greater awareness of and appreciation for NEPAD and topical developments

  21. Overall Achievements • Substantial amount of material and financial resources continues to be committed to the cluster support system • Creation of the sub-clusters has sharpened the focus of cluster activities for greater relevance and effectiveness • Growing number of specific projects and activities emerging from the cluster system, at various stages of implementation • Communication between the NEPAD Secretariat and ECA, as well as some cluster conveners has been enhanced • ECA SRO’s understanding of the objectives and functioning of the cluster system has increased • Confidence building between the UN Agencies, AU Commission and NEPAD Secretariat is being strengthened • Continuous communication and advocacy for NEPAD have engendered increased support for the Initiative at national, sub-regional, regional and global levels.

  22. Challenges and Constraints • Capacity and organizational issues limit involvement of the NEPAD Secretariat • Interactions usually of ad hoc nature • Linkages between the clusters, the AU and AfDB is weak • Lack of adequate funding • Reduces incentives for joint programmes • Coordination and collaboration difficulties given geographical dispersion • Lack of dialogue and coordination among participating organizations • Lack of institutional commitment and lack of clarity on the objectives and responsibilities of each cluster

  23. CONCLUSION • Steps have been taken to mobilize UN agencies and organizations in support of the AU and NEPAD, much needs to be done to move forward • Need to harmonize efforts at the sub-regional level, as represents missing middle and requires concerted effort to establish structures for interagency collaboration • ECA and the other UN agencies should intensify their efforts to fully implement the recommendations of the 7th RCM especially on sub-regional coordination

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