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The Complexity of Linear Dependence Problems in Vector Spaces. David Woodruff IBM Almaden Joint work with Arnab Bhattacharyya, Piotr Indyk, and Ning Xie from MIT. The 3-SUM Problem. Given a set S containing r real numbers, are there: a, b, c 2 S with a+b+c = 0? Solve in O(r 2 ) time
The Complexity of Linear Dependence Problems in Vector Spaces David Woodruff IBM Almaden Joint work with Arnab Bhattacharyya, Piotr Indyk, and Ning Xie from MIT
The 3-SUM Problem • Given a set S containing r real numbers, are there: a, b, c 2 S with a+b+c = 0? • Solve in O(r2) time • Interview question • Conjectured to require ~(r2) time • Useful for hardness results in P. Many problems are “3-SUM Hard”
Generalizations • We study generalizations of this problem: • Replace 3 summands with k summands • Replace real field R with a finite field • Replace sum of field elements with sum of vectors • Replace sum with a fixed linear combination • Replace sum with any linear combination • Require vectors be minimally linearly dependent • Replace target 0 with an arbitrary vector • and so on…
Applications • Maximum Likelihood Decoding - Given x1, …, xr in Fqn and z in Fqn, do there exist xi1, …, xik that contain z in their span? - xi are the columns of a parity-check matrix - z is the syndrome - there is a codeword corrupted in at most k positions with syndrome z iff the k-span contains z • Weight Distribution Problem • Let A be an n x r matrix over F2 • Define the code C = {x | Ax = 0} • C has a codeword of weight k iff k columns of A sum to 0
Formal Definitions • In this talk, we focus on two problems: • (k,r)-LinDependence: given r elements x1, …, xr in F2n and z in F2n, do there exist xi1, …, xik that span z? • (k,r)-ZeroSum: given r elements x1, …, xr in F2n, do there exist xi1, …, xik with xi1 + xi2 + … + xik = 0? • We allow k and r to be functions of n • First problem at least as hard as second
Results • Assume 3-SAT cannot be solved in time less than 2cn for a constant c > 0 • Then(k,r)-ZeroSumrequires min(rk, 2n) time, up to polynomial factors • So, (k,r)-LinDependencerequires min(rk, 2n) time • Other variants also require this time • Have matching upper bound: • rk is trivial. Can get roughly rk/2 • Can get 2n with the FFT
Implications • (k,r)-LinDependencereduces to Maximum Likelihood Decoding, so min(rk, 2n) lower bound • (k,r)-ZeroSumreduces to the Weight Distribution Problem, somin(rk, 2n) lower bound • Results improve previous best rk1/4 lower bounds for these coding theory problems [Downey, Fellows, Vardy, Whittle] • Hold for r and k functions of n
3-SAT formula F with n variables and m clauses [CIP] - s = 2εn. Each Ái has n variables and O(n) clauses Á1 Á2 … Ás • Ái replaced with 1-in-3-SAT formula Ãi Ã1 Ã2 … Ãs Our starting point: [PW] showed an r(k) bound for k-SUM over R assuming 3-SAT on n variables requires 2cn time: This ensures bit complexity of resulting numbers is small - Ãi converted to k-SUM instance Each k-SUM instance on a set of r = 2Θ(n/k) real numbers. If can solve k-SUMin time ro(k), can solve 3-SAT in time ro(k)¢2εn
Partition variables into k groups G1, …, Gk of n/k variables Reducing a 1-in-3-SAT formula Ãi on n variables and O(n) clauses to k-SUM on r = 2Θ(n/k) real numbers Ãi is true iff there are k real numbers that sum to 1k + O(n) vi,1 vi,2 vi,3 … vi, 2n/k • In each group Gi, create a real number vi,j for each possible assignment to its n/k variables vi,j: Base-k representation k group indicator digits O(n) clause digits • i-th indicator digit is 1 iff v 2 Gi • j-th clause digit is 1 iff A(v) sets exactly 1 literal of j-th clause to 1 • All other digits are 0
Can we do the same for F2? • A sum of k vectors over F2 can equal 1k+O(n), but just means an odd number of literals in each clause are true • Odd-SAT is easy • Partition variables into k groups G1, …, Gk of n/k variables vi,1 vi,2 vi,3 … vi, 2n/k • In each group Gi, create a vector vi,j for each possible assignment to its n/k variables • In each group Gi, create a real number vi,j for each possible assignment to its n/k variables vi,j: k + O(n) coordinates Base-k representation k group indicator digits k group coordinates O(n) clause coordinates O(n) clause digits • i-th indicator coordinate is 1 iff v 2 Gi • j-th clause coordinate is 1 iff A(v) sets exactly 1 literal of j-th clause to 1 • All other coordinates are 0 • i-th indicator digit is 1 iff v 2 Gi • j-th clause digit is 1 iff A(v) sets exactly 1 literal of j-th clause to 1 • All other digits are 0
- Before this was used for bit complexity. - Now it determines the number of dimensions 3-SAT formula F with n variables and m clauses [CIP] - s = 2εn. Each Ái has n variables and O(n) clauses Á1 Á2 … Ás • Ái replaced with NAE-SAT • Formula Ãi Ã1 Ã2 … Ãs Our Modifications • A NAE-SAT formula Ãi is 1 if for each clause, at least one but not all literals are true • We need interactionbetween groups - With 1-in-3-SAT over R, variables in different groups independently update the clause digit - Ãi converted to (k,r)-ZeroSum Each (k,r)-ZeroSum instance on a set of r = 2Θ(n/k) vectors. If can solve (k,r)-ZeroSumin time ro(k), solve 3-SAT in time ro(k)¢2εn
Interacting Variables • We can replace duplicates of a variable with distinct variables and introduce equality constraints • preserve NAE-SAT and · 3 literals per clause • each variable occurs in a constant number of clauses • For each clause (a Ç b Ç┐c), we introduce pairvairs • 1 variable is [a, b], 1 variable is [b, c], and 1 variable is [c, a] • Partition original n variables into k groups Gi of n/k variables • For a pairvar [a,b], • if original variables a and b occur in the same group Gi, place [a,b] in Gi • else, if a 2 Gi and b 2 Gj, place [a,b] in Gmin(i, j) Gi still has O(n/k) variables
New Reduction • In each group Gi, create a vector vi,j for each assignment to its n/k variables as well as variables in Gi’s pairvars 1 pair of consistency coordinates for each pairvar (a,b) vi,j: k+O(n) coordinates k group coordinates O(n) clause coordinates O(n) consistency coordinates • i-th group coordinate is 1, the others are 0 • clause coordinates more complicated • depend on variables and pairvars assigned to the group • consistency coordinates allow for assignments to the same • variable from different groups to be patched together
Clause Coordinates • Clause coordinates are set so that for a consistent assignment (i.e., group and consistency coordinates are ok), then for clause with literals a, b, c • v(a) + v(b) + v(c) – v(a) ¢ v(b) – v(b) ¢ v(c) – v(a) ¢ v(c) • v(.) denotes the value assigned • Case analysis • Clause only equals 1 if exactly 1 or 2 literals are true
Upper Bounds • Consider functions f: Z2n ! {0,1} • Fourier transform F: Z2n!R is F(x) = 2-n¢y f(y)¢(-1)<x,y> • Fast Fourier Transform computes F from f in O(n¢2n) time • Let f be indicator function of input set of r vectors. Then sum v1+v2 + …vk = 0f(v1) ¢ f(v2) f(vk) is what we want • This is just 2n times the 0n-Fourier coefficient of fk • So we can get O(n¢2n) time instead of the trivial 2nk
Conclusion Assuming 3-SAT cannot be solved in time less than 2cn for a constant c > 0, • (k,r)-LinDependenceand(k,r)-ZeroSumrequiremin(rk, 2n) time (up to polynomial factors) • Same bound holds for many similar problems • Almost matching upper bounds • New way to prove hardness in coding theory • Optimal hardness of basic problems in coding theory