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Linear Spaces. Row and Columns Spaces From: D.A. Harville , Matrix Algebra from a Statistician’s Perspective , Springer. Chapter 4. Definitions - I. Column Space of m x n matrix A ≡ set of all m -dimensional column vectors that can be expressed as linear combinations of columns of A
Linear Spaces Row and Columns Spaces From: D.A. Harville, Matrix Algebra from a Statistician’s Perspective, Springer. Chapter 4
Definitions - I • Column Space of mxn matrix A ≡ set of all m-dimensional column vectors that can be expressed as linear combinations of columns of A • Row Space of mxn matrix A ≡ set of all n-dimensional row vectors that can be expressed as linear combinations of rows of A
Definitions - II • Linear Spaces: A non-empty set V of matrices of the same dimensions is a linear space if: • For every A in V, and every B in V, A+B is in V • For every A in V, and every scalar k, kA is in V • A1,…,Ak in V and scalars x1,…,xkx1A1+…+xkAk is in V • Examples • Column space of any mxn matrix is a linear space of mx1 vectors • Set containing all mxn matrices is a linear space • Set of all nxn symmetric matrices is a linear space (sums and scalar multiples) • All linear spaces contain the null matrix of correct dimension • {0} is a linear space with only the null matrix included
Notation • C(A) ≡ Column space of the matrix A • R(A) ≡ Row space of the matrix A • Rmn≡ Linear space of all mxn matrices • Rn ≡ Linear space of all nx1 column vectors (1xn row vectors) • R(In) = Rn ≡ Linear space of all 1xn row vectors • C(In) = Rn ≡ Linear space of all nx1 column vectors • x S x is an element of S • xS x is not an element of S
2 Lemmas Involving Row/Column Spaces and Linear Spaces Lemma 4.1.1. For any matrix A, y C(A) if and only if y’ R(A’) y C(A) y = Axfor some x y’ = (Ax)’ = x’A’ y’ R(A’) y’ R(A’) y’ = x’A’for some x (y’)’ = (x’A’)’ = Ax y = Ax y C(A) Lemma 4.1.2. B ≡ mxnV ≡ Linear space of mxn matrices Then for any A V, A+B ViffB V If A V and B V, then A+B V by definition of a linear space If A V and A+B V then k1A + k2(A+B) V by definition of a linear space. Let k1 = -1, k2 = 1 k1A + k2(A+B) = B and thus B V
Subspaces • Subset U of a linear space V is termed a subspace of V if it is a linear space. • Trivial Cases: (1) The null set {0} and (2) the entire set V • Column space C(A) of mxn matrix A is a subspace of Rm (set of all m-dimensional vectors) • Row space R(A) of mxn matrix A is a subspace of Rn (set of all n-dimensional vectors) • For any 2 subsets, S and T of a given set (say 2 subspaces of Rmxn), S is contained in T if all elements of S are elements of T (S T) • If S T and T S, then S = T
Results Involving Subspaces • Lemma 4.2.1. A ≡ mxn Then for any subspaces U of Rm and V of Rn : • C (A) Uiff every column of A is in U, R(A) Viff every row of A is in Vwhere A = [a1 … an] • If C (A) U then all ai U (Let xi = (0,…,0,1,0,…,0)’) • If ai U i=1,…,n then y C (A) y = Ax y = x1a1 + … + xnan and since U is linear space, y U • Lemma 4.2.2. A ≡ mxnB ≡ mxpC ≡ qxn: • C (B) C (A) iff there exists nxpF such that B = AF R(C) R(A) iff there exists qxmL such that C = LA • Corollary 4.2.3. For any A ≡ mxnF ≡ nxpL ≡ qxm : C (AF) C (A) and R(LA) R(A) • Corollary 4.2.4. A ≡ mxnE ≡ nxkF ≡ nxpL ≡ qxmT ≡ sxm: • If C (E) C (F) then C (AE) C (AF) and if C (E) = C (F) then C (AE) = C (AF) • If R(L) R(T) then R(LA) R(TA) and if R(L) = R(T) then R(LA) = R(TA) • Lemma 4.2.5. A ≡ mxnB ≡ mxp: (1) C (A) C (B) iffR(A’) R(B’) (2) C (A) = C (B) iffR(A’) = R(B’) • (1) A = BF A’ = (BF)’ = F’B’
Bases • Span of a finite set of matrices of common dimensions: • Finite nonempty set {A1,…,Ak}: set of all matrices being linear combinations of {A1,…,Ak} • Empty set: {0} (unique basis – see below for definition of basis) • Span of a finite set S of matrices written as sp(S) which is a linear space • sp({A1,…,Ak}) ≡ sp(A1,…,Ak) ≡ span of the set {A1,…,Ak} • Finite set S of matrices in linear space Vspans V if sp(S) = V • Basis for V is a finite linearly independent set of matrices in V that spans V • C(A) for A ≡ mxnis spanned by the set of its n columns. If lin. indep. basis • R(A) for A ≡ mxnis spanned by the set of its m rows. If lin. indep. basis • If the columns or rows of A are not linearly independent, they are not a basis
Natural Bases for Rmnand Linear Space of nxn Symmetric Matrices
Results Involving a Basis - I Lemma 4.3.1. A1,…,Ap and B1,…,Bq in linear space V If {A1,…,Ap} spans V, then so does {A1,…,Ap,B1,…,Bq} If {A1,…,Ap,B1,…,Bq} spans V and if B1,…,Bq are linear functions of A1,…,Ap then {A1,…,Ap} spans V Theorem 4.3.2. V ≡ linear space spanned by a set of r matrices. Let S ≡ set of k lin. indep. Matrices in V Then k≤ r and if k = r, then S is a basis for V Corollary 4.3.3. The number of matrices in a linearly independent set of mnmatrices cannot exceed mn. Number of matrices in a linearly independent set of nnsymmetric matrices cannot exceed n+n(n-1)/2 = n(n+1)/2 Theorem 4.3.4. Every linear space of mnmatrices has a basis Lemma 4.3.5. Matrix A in linear space V can be written as a unique linear combination of matrices in any particular basis {A1,…,Ak} with unique coefficients x1,…,xk and A = x1A1+…+xkAk
Results Involving a Basis - II Theorem 4.3.6. Any two bases of the same linear space V have the same number of matrices. The number of matrices in the basis is its dimension: dim(V) Theorem 4.3.7. If linear space V is spanned by set of r matrices, then dim(V) ≤ r. If there is set of k linearly independent matrices in V, dim(V) ≥ k Theorem 4.3.8. If U is a subspace of linear space V, dim(U) ≤ dim(V) Theorem 4.3.9. Any set of r linearly independent matrices in r-dimensional linear space V is a basis for V Theorem 4.3.10. U, V≡ linear spaces of mnmatrices with U V and dim(U) = dim(V), then U = V. Aside: dim(Rmn) = mn dim(V) ≤ mn Theorem 4.3.11. Any set S that spans a linear space V of mnmatrices contains a subset that is basis for V. The number of matrices in the subset is dim(V) Theorem 4.3.12. For any set S of r lin. indep. matrices in k-dimensional V, there exists a basis for V containing the r matrices in S and k-r additional linearly independent matrices
Rank of a Matrix • Row Rank – Dimension of the row space of A (number of lin. indep. Rows) • Column Rank – Dimension of the column space of A Theorem 4.4.1. For any matrix A, row rank = column rank Theorem 4.4.2. NonnullA≡ mxn with row rank = r, column rank = c. Then B ≡ mcand L ≡ cnsuch that A = BL. Similarly, K ≡ mrand T ≡ rnsuch that A = KT. Theorem 4.4.2. Basis for C(A) has c vectors: {b1,…,bc} B=[b1…bc] . C(B) = sp(b1,…,bc) = C(A) L ≡ cnsuch that A = BL Basis for R(A) has r vectors: {t1’,…,tr’} T=[t1…tr]’ . R(T) = sp(t1’,…,tr’) = R(A) K ≡ mrsuch that A = KT Theorem 4.4.1. Assume A≡ nonnull (A = 0 r = c = 0) A = BLA = KT R(A) R(L) and C(A) C(K) R(L) spanned by the c rows of LC(K) spanned by the r columns of K r ≤ dim(R(L)) ≤ c and c ≤ dim(C(K)) ≤ r r = c
Results on Dimensions/Ranks Lemma 4.4.3. For any A≡ mn: rank(A) ≤ m, rank(A) ≤ n Theorem 4.4.4. A≡ mn,B≡ mp, C≡ qn: [Theorem 4.3.8.] If C(B) C(A) then rank(B) ≤ rank(A). If R(C) R(A) then rank(C) ≤ rank(A) Corollary 4.4.5. A≡ mn,F≡ np: rank(AF) ≤ rank(A) rank(AF) ≤ rank(F) [Corollary 4.2.3.] Theorem 4.4.6. A≡ mn,B≡ mp, C≡ qn: [Theorem 4.3.10.] If C(B) C(A) and rank(B) = rank(A) then C(B) = C(A). If R(C) R(A) and rank(C) = rank(A) then R(C) = R(A) Corollary 4.4.7. A≡ mn,F≡ np: If rank(AF) = rank(A) thenC(AF) = C(A). If rank(AF) = rank(F) thenR(AF) = R(F)
Nonsingular, Full Row Rank, and Full Column Rank Matrices • Among mnmatrices, maximum rank = min(m,n) • Mininimum rank is 0, only for the null matrix 0 • A≡ mnis said to be full row rank if rank(A) = m • A≡ mnis said to be full column rank if rank(A) = n • A≡ nnis said to be nonsingular if rank(A) = n (full row and column rank) Theorem 4.4.8. A≡ mnnonnull matrix of rank r. Then B≡ mrand T≡ rnsuch that A = BT For any B≡ mrand T≡ rns.t.A = BT, rank(B) = rank(T) = r B ≡ full column rank and T ≡ full row rank By Theorem 4.4.2.: B≡ mrand T≡ rnsuch that A = BT By their dimensions: rank(B) ≤ r and rank(T) ≤ r (Lemma 4.4.3). By definition: rank(A) = rank(BT) = r By Corollary 4.4.5.: r = rank(BT) ≤ rank(B) ≤ r, r = rank(BT) ≤ rank(T) ≤ r rank(B) = rank(T) = r
Definitions and Results Involving Ranks Theorem 4.4.10. A≡ mnwith rank(A) = r A has r linearly independent rows and columns The rrsubmatrix Ar made up of the r lin. Indep. rows and the r lin. indep. columns is nonsingular. Any of the remaining rows or columns are linearly dependent of those of Ar. There is no submatrix of A with rank > r Corollary 4.4.11. Any nnsymmetric matrix of rank r has an rrprincipal submatrix that is nonsingular Useful Equalities rank(A’) = rank(A) (r = max # of linearly independent rows and columns of matrix) For any nonzero scalar k, rank(kA) = rank(A) (No linear dependencies changed) rank(-A) =rank(A) (special case of 2))