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Learning Objectives. How to take Hx ? 30 secs overviewHow to present Hx!Abdo history ? top to bottom (cheeky!)Abdominal presenting complaintsAcute Abdo PainJaundiceGeneral tips for slick-ness in OSCEsAbdo Hx Role-play. Intro and CONSENT -> Patient details. NameAgeRace*Occupation* Not
1. Abdominal HistoriesSyed Owais (4th Year)
2. Learning Objectives How to take Hx – 30 secs overview
How to present Hx!
Abdo history – top to bottom (cheeky!)
Abdominal presenting complaints
Acute Abdo Pain
General tips for slick-ness in OSCEs
Abdo Hx Role-play
3. Intro and CONSENT -> Patient details Name
* Not unless necessary
4. The rest of the Hx PC – one sentence = pt’s OWN WORDS
HPC – SOCRATES + medical jargon
PMH/PSH – MJTHREADS, by which point you should definitely have your differentials
Drug Hx + **Allergies**
Family Hx
Social Hx – smoking, alcohol, drugs, **occupation**, **travel**, contact (sexual or with sick)
Systems Review – think WAFFN first (wgt loss, appetite, fever, fatigue, night sweats)
5. How to present (successfully!) This was… (pt name, age, occupation)
With known… (significant PMH)
Admitted via… (route + when)
Presented with… (pt own words! Inc. onset/ severity)
The Hx of presenting complaint started with… (chronological : first symptom -> present, include SOCRATES + treat./invest.)
List +ve/-ve RISK FACTORS (if known)
Then very brief: PMH, DH, FH, Social
On direct questioning… (relevant info/systems review)
ONE LINE Summary
My impression of the pt is that they have… (diff diag)
6. Abdo history – top to bottom (cheeky!)
(jaundice, appetite/anorexia, wgt loss, n+v+haematemesis, dysphagia/ordynophagia, dyspepsia, abdo pain, bowel habits/rectal bleeding)(jaundice, appetite/anorexia, wgt loss, n+v+haematemesis, dysphagia/ordynophagia, dyspepsia, abdo pain, bowel habits/rectal bleeding)
7. Presenting Complaint Acute Abdo Pain
Upper and Lower GI Bleed
Constipation/ Diarrhoea
Vomiting/ Nausea
Weight Loss
8. S - site
O - onset
C - character
R - radiation
A - associated symptoms
T - time course/duration
E - exacerbating/relieving factors
S - severity (1-10) Presenting Complaint
9. History of Presenting Complaint Acute Abdo Pain
Site – point with finger to location
When did it start? How quickly?
What were you doing at the time?
Where is it worse?
Aching, sharp/stabbing/burning?
Constant or variable? Colicky?
10. Acute Abdo Pain
(to back – AAA, pancreatitis, down – renal/ureteric colic,
shoulders – gallbladder, chest – MI)
Associated symptoms (use GI top to bottom!)
Jaundice, Appetite/Anorexia, Wgt loss, N+V+Haematemesis, Dysphagia/Odynophagia, Dyspepsia, Abdo pain, Bowel habits/Rectal bleeding)
MUST ask WAFFN (general to all hx): W eight loss..?
A ppetite..?
F ever..?
F atigue..?
N ight sweats..?
History of Presenting Complaint
11. History of Presenting Complaint Acute Abdo Pain
Exacerbating/relieving factors
Breathing deeply
Coughing, moving, hot drinks -> gastritis, pancreatitis
Food (fatty -> gallbladder, pancreatitis, PUD, GORD)
Relieving factors?
Analgesia, Antacids,
12. History of Presenting Complaint Acute Abdo Pain
Worse? Staying same?
Time off work?
Disturbed sleep?
13. History of Presenting Complaint Acute Abdo Pain
Risk Factors –
Pancreatitis = GETSMASHED,
Gallstones, ethanol, Trauma, Steroids, Mumps, Autoimmune, Scorpion bite, Hypothermia, Hyper –cal./trigly., ECRP/Emboli, Drugs
14. History of Presenting Complaint Make sure it is haemoptysis! Haematemesis/pseudohaemoptysisMake sure it is haemoptysis! Haematemesis/pseudohaemoptysis
15. History of Presenting Complaint Jaundice
Associated symptoms
Think IBD
Bowel changes, back pain, painful eyes/skin
Think malignancy
Bowel changes, weight loss, back pain (mets), leg swelling
Think CLD
Ascites, easy bruising, ithy skin, spider naevi
Always: WAFFN (prev slide)
16. History of Presenting Complaint Jaundice
Exacerbating/precipitating factors
Travel (malaria, hepatits)?
Food (seafood)?
17. History of Presenting Complaint Jaundice Differentials
Pre – Hepatic
Infectious hepatitis, carcinoma
Post – Hepatic
Gallstones, carcinoma head pancreas
18. Past medical history Active/inactive medical conditions?
Past hx of surgery
19. Drug history What medications are you currently taking/dose?
Compliance to medications
OTC medications
20. Family history Are there any diseases that run in the family?
Draw family tree if you can*
* Though NOT necessary
21. Social history Do you smoke? – quantify!
Do you drink alcohol? – quantify!
Have you ever used recreational drugs?
**Travel** hx
Who do you live with?
What type of home do you live in? What floor?
Do you receive help at home?
22. Systems review Cardiology
General: WAFFN (if not asked earlier)
23. General tips for slick-ness in OSCEs Signpost Change Of Topic
Summarise after HPC, if not, ALWAYS after PMH (after this point you should have your diff diagnosis)
At the end must ask for q’s and concerns – SHOW EMPATHY
Then… Ask for any more concerns! (Easy marks lost)
When answering pt q’s… DON’T!
Simply say: “I cannot comment on that, but I will forward your concern onto the doctor”
Role Play - Jaundice
25. Abdo Hx - Mark Scheme 1 - WASHES HANDS (1 mark)
2 - Appropriate Introduction- own name, greeting, role, patient’s name, age and what they are going to do (all required to score) (1 mark)
3 - Obtains consent (1 mark)
4 - Establishes duration of jaundice (one week) (1mark)
5 - Asks about previous episodes of jaundice (none) (1mark)
6 - Establishes fever and lethargy and their duration (all to score) (1mark)
7 - Asks about associated symptoms: no abdominal pain/nausea and vomiting/change in appetite. Itching present (1/2 mark each, total 2 marks)
8 - Establishes weight loss (3kg in 6 months) (1 mark)
26. Abdo Hx - Mark Scheme 9 - Establishes nature of stools (normal colour and consistency) (1 mark)
10 - Asks about recent travel (no), recent contacts (no), IV drug abuse (yes) and previous transfusions (yes) (1/2 mark each, total 2 marks)
11 - Establishes alcohol consumption and amount (1mark)
12 - Asks about systemic symptoms (nil relevant) (1mark)
13 - Asks about past medical and surgical history (drug abuse, RTA) (1mark)
14 - Family History (nil relevant) (1mark)
15 - Drug History (nil relevant) (1 mark)
27. Abdo Hx - Mark Scheme 16 - Drug Allergies (penicillin) (1 mark)
17 - Adequate social history (1 mark)
18 - Open to closed questioning (1 mark)
19 - Avoids or explains jargon (1 mark)
20 - Elicits patient’s ideas, concerns and expectations and responds sensitively (1 mark)
21 - Presents findings in a clear manner (1 mark)
22 - EXAMINER: Ask student to give differential diagnosis = Alcohol Hepatitis, Viral hepatits (must be in differential to score) (1 mark)
28. Conclusion Well done, I told you it was simples!
I hope you feel more confident and structured with Hx taking and presenting
For OSCE’s you have 10min stations but time yourself to 8 mins (including summary + time for differentials!)
A great book on Hx:
PasTest: History Taking in Medicine and Surgery (J and L Fishman)
Any questions: sso06@ic.ac.uk