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Jacques Cartier. The Famous Explorer!!. Facts about Jacques Cartier. Jacques Cartier was born on December 31, 1491 He was born in St. Malo France and died on September 1, 1557
Jacques Cartier The Famous Explorer!!
Facts about JacquesCartier • Jacques Cartier was born on December 31, 1491 • He was born in St. Malo France and died on September 1, 1557 • Cartier had 3 voyages to the New World. Jacques was the 1st to travel to the New World. CartierclaimedCanada for France!
TheFrenchflag • Cartier is from France • All his voyages left from France to the New World or(America) • The French flag is blue, white, red • The two pictures hereshow the French flag
Dates of Exploration • The dates that he explored were 1534-1542. Cartier had three voyages in all. His 1st voyage started in 1534 and ended in 1535. His 2nd trip started in 1535 and ended in 1541. The 3rd started in 1541 and ended in 1542. Later on he died in 1557.
Reason for Exploration • The reason Jacques Cartier sailed was because he wanted to find gold so he could return it to the king. He also went for the diamonds to make his country more rich. Cartier went mostly so that he would find a quicker way to get to Asia. Having the easier path would help because then there country could get more goods from China like silk, beans and fabric! He also received a scrimshaw ivory tusk carving. Cartier got it from the Indians that were there.
The Route of Jacques Cartier • Jacques Cartier had 3 voyages. Each one went from France to the New World. Cartier’s routes were mostly up the St. Lawrence river and back but not all of them were. • Cartier’s 1st voyage’s route passed Newfoundland, and up and out of the Gulf of the St. Lawrence. • Cartier’s 2nd voyage’s route passed the Gulf of St. Lawrence into the St. Lawrence river and out, then he exited out a different way. • Cartier’s 3rd voyage he reached Hocheloga (Montreal) and after loosing many men that winter because of scurvy. He returned to France ending his 3rd and final voyage!
What happened after? • After Jacques Cartier finished his explorations he did many good things for France and for the world. • One example would be is that he made a great big settlement for France in what we now call Quebec! • Another thing that Cartier did was he claimed a bunch of land for France. That definitely made the king really happy! :] • The last thing that helps us today is Jacques Cartier made gigantic change in our maps. Without his help we may have never been able to find the New World. Imagine having NO North America or no Canada and don’t leave South America out.
Interesting Facts • Some interesting facts about Cartier is that since he was so famous there was successfully a bridge named after him. The bridge passes the Jacques Cartier river and crosses over to Montreal Island! • Other things that make Jacques so special is that in Vieux port of Montreal there is a monument that states the dates he was alive and other facts in French!
Did you know? • Jacques Cartier was named after a lot of things. Although he found the St. Lawrence river you would think that he would be named after it right, but he’s not! • Instead of being named after the St. Lawrence he was named after a different river. • The name of that river is called the Jacques Cartier river. It’s located in Quebec, Canada. What’s funny is that above the river is the Jacques Cartier bridge and that’s what makes it special!