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Medicare Assistance in North Carolina

If you or a loved one needs help understanding or applying for Medicare, we can help you navigate the system. If you’re eligible for Medicare in North Carolina, IBA wants to work with you and your situation to make sure you get the correct NC Medicare Supplement Plan. Call us: 1 (919)-303-9690 or visit: http://www.thebenefitadvisors.com

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Medicare Assistance in North Carolina

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Medicare Assistance in North Carolina

  2. If you or a loved one needs help understanding or applying for Medicare, we can help you navigate the system. We know that there are a lot of different options that you have around your medicare needs, should you register for Medicare Advantage, Medigap, or another Medicare program? What do the different programs do and do they fit your needs? • At Independent Benefit Advisors, we’re here to help you understand your options, while at the same time learning about your needs. Because we take the time to get to know you, we are able to make good recommendations that are custom-tailored to you. Talking to an expert is free, so if you live anywhere in NC.

  3. > Individual Supplemental Health Plans • Sometimes the insurance that is provided by the company you work for doesn’t quite fit all of the needs of you and your family. You might find yourself having a need for a dental plan or a supplemental disability benefit plan. • When you call an expert and Independent Benefit Advisors, we take the time to learn about your unique benefit situation. We learn about your needs and we offer solutions based on your needs. We keep our customers by providing them with the right solutions, not the solutions that are beneficial to our bottom line. Find out how we’re different!

  4. Phone: (919) 303-9690 • Toll Free: (888) 303-9690 • Fax: (919) 303-9691 • Email: john@thebenefitadvisors.com • Web:http://www.thebenefitadvisors.com Contact Independent Benefit Advisors

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