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CPS Plan for Michigan

This strategic plan outlines the goals and actions needed to improve child passenger safety in Michigan. It includes recommendations from an assessment, survey results, and prioritized actions for the next five years.

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CPS Plan for Michigan

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  1. CPS Planfor Michigan Angela Maynard Glew, M.S. Heather Hockanson, M.A. Child Passenger Safety Specialists Michigan Department of Community Health Michigan Traffic Safety Summit February 28, 2006

  2. Overview • Background • OPC Assessment • CPS Survey – Purpose & Results • Strategic Planning • CPS Strategic Plan for Michigan

  3. Background • Three-year plan (2002-2005) for improving CPS in Michigan for children up to age 14 • Plan assessed current state of CPS programs and identified strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in CPS programming and services

  4. OPC Assessment • Purpose • Aid the State Highway Safety Office in reviewing the state’s child occupant protection programs • Identify the program’s strengths & accomplishments • Make suggestions for improvements

  5. OPC Assessment • Conducted June 2005, with 4 panel members from Washington State, Connecticut, North Carolina, and Okalahoma • Over 30 CPS advocates gave presentations on different topic areas and answered panel member questions

  6. OPC Assessment • Topic areas reviewed: • Management and leadership • Data • Evaluation • Training • Child restraint inspection & distribution programs • Legislation/regulation policy • Law enforcement • Public information and education • Community programs

  7. OPC Assessment • Panel compiled report of recommendations • Major recommendations were used to form a new CPS strategic plan for Michigan

  8. CPS Survey • Survey was developed based on major assessment recommendations • Sent to over 60 members of the CPS Coalition, CPS Instructor Team, and SAFE KIDS Coordinators in Aug 05

  9. CPS Survey Purpose • Prioritize the 16 major OPC assessment recommendations and rank each one as a high, medium, or low priority for Michigan to address in a five-year strategic plan • Determine what CPS program activities addressed original plan recommendations

  10. CPS Survey Purpose • Identify and address Michigan CPS gaps • Identify ways to increase child restraint usage • Determine types of CPS courses that should be offered in Michigan • Determine other recommendations to improve Michigan CPS

  11. CPS Survey Results • Top 10 CPS priorities were identified • Two (of the ten) priorities were added as a result of written comments

  12. Strategic Planning Meeting • 30 member team provided input into the development of the new five-year strategic plan • Members were divided into work groups

  13. Strategic Planning Meeting Each workgroup evaluated three of the priority areas and determined the following: ·        Lead Agency·        Collaborative Partners·        Long, medium, and short-term goals·        Specific action steps and timeline

  14. CPS Strategic Plan • Results of the meeting were compiled into a 5-year (2006-2010) CPS plan for Michigan • Plan currently in revision/approval process

  15. CPS Plan for Michigan 1. Conduct annual or bi-annual observation studies to monitor restraint use of children 2. Develop and deliver CPS awareness training for law enforcement 3. Increase enforcement of child occupant protection laws, not just during campaigns

  16. CPS Plan for Michigan 4. Conduct CPS training 5. Develop methods to assist low-income families with child restraints (i.e. vouchers) 6. Assist hospitals with adopting a discharge policy and address liability concerns

  17. CPS Plan for Michigan 7. Develop a stand-alone, centralized, easy to remember, occupant protection/CPS website (www.bucklemichigan.org) 8. In conjunction with the website, coordinate a statewide toll-free telephone number 9. Conduct community education 10. Pass booster seat legislation

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