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The Lexus & Saatchi Team Flexible Solutions for a Global Network

October 2003. The Lexus & Saatchi Team Flexible Solutions for a Global Network. Table of Contents . Global Process Overview Flexible Process Per Market Japan Pan-Asia Canada Europe 2004 LS Case Study Global Buyouts of TMS Materials. Lexus Global Overview .

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The Lexus & Saatchi Team Flexible Solutions for a Global Network

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  1. October 2003 The Lexus & Saatchi Team Flexible Solutions for a Global Network

  2. Table of Contents • Global Process Overview • Flexible Process Per Market • Japan • Pan-Asia • Canada • Europe • 2004 LS Case Study • Global Buyouts of TMS Materials

  3. Lexus Global Overview • The S&S/Team One Network has improved upon global Lexus communication, leading to: • Flexible global, regional and local solutions • Increased information/materials sharing • Increased awareness of Lexus activities around the world • Consistent global Lexus messaging

  4. Lexus Global Overview New Lexus Global Structure • The Lexus Communications Council (LCC) allows for: • Materials/information sharing • Consistent messaging • Face-to-face interaction of key Global Lexus Staff New S&S Global Structure • The Regional Account Director (RAD) structure simplifies Lexus communication: • Increased communication and materials sharing between large and small markets • RADs are part of the Toyota Worldwide Executive Board (TWEB) • TWEB meets regularly to discuss major Lexus issues The new structure puts us in a position to make Lexus more global.

  5. Lexus Global - A Flexible Communications Structure OMD TMCA TCI TGB TMNZ TMCL TMAP TMME Estonia, France, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland Borneo/ Crown Thai Hotai S&S Japan S&S Thai S&S Taiwan S&S Sing S&S HK S&S Aus S&S NZ S&S Canada S&S UK S&S Europe Offices: Estonia, France, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland S&S Japan RAD S&S Europe RAD S&S Asia RAD Team One TMS

  6. Global Process - OMD Lexus/OMD Process • OMD works with Lexus distributors to provide materials. • OMD works with S&S Japan on most Lexus initiatives. Saatchi Network Process • Japan RAD works out of Japan office, and directly with OMD. • Japan RAD communicates with other RADs and S&S offices in worldwide. • S&S Japan/Team One in communication to ensure information/materials are delivered to OMD: • Weekly conference calls/status reports • Daily email communication • Monthly face-to-face meetings with RAD/Team One OMD S&S Japan S&S JapanRAD Team One S&S Asia S&S Euro

  7. Global Process - TMAP Lexus Process • TMAP works with Asia Distributors on key Lexus initiatives (model launches, etc.) and brand planning. • TMAP works with S&S Singapore on Lexus Brand creative, strategy and brand planning. Saatchi Network Process • Asia RAD works out of Singapore office. • S&S Singapore/Team One are in communication to ensure information/materials are delivered to TMAP: • Weekly conference calls/status reports • Daily email communication • Monthly face-to-face meetings with RAD/Team One • S&S Singapore works with Team One to purchase images and TVCs for Asia region: • 2002/2003 TVCs: Brand “Anthem”, IS “5th and Elm”, ES “Flamenco” and “Windmill”, SC “Bike”, Minority Report • 2002/2003 Images: IS, ES, SC, LS TMAP TMCL Borneo/ Crown Thailand Hotai S&S Thailand S&S Taiwan S&S S’pore S&S HK S&S Asia RAD Team One

  8. Global Process – Rest of Asia Lexus Process • Lexus Asia Distributors (Hotai, Thailand, Borneo, TMCL) work with TMAP for Lexus brand planning and key initiatives. • Lexus Asia Distributors work with their local S&S offices on Lexus creative, strategy and brand planning. Saatchi Network Process • Asia RAD weekly/monthly visits to S&S Asia offices and Lexus Distributors. • S&S Asia Offices/Team One are in communication to ensure information/materials are delivered to local markets: • Weekly conference calls/status reports • Daily email communication • Monthly face-to-face meetings with RAD/Team One TMAP TMCL Borneo/ Crown Thailand Hotai S&S Thailand S&S Taiwan S&S S’pore S&S HK S&S Asia RAD Team One

  9. Global Process – TMCA Lexus Process • TMCA and TMAP work together to share costs/information: • Yearly conferences • TMAP covers Australia when purchasing images/TVCs from the U.S. • TMCA works with S&S Australia for all advertising. Saatchi Network Process • Asia RAD in contact with S&S to maintain flow of Lexus information. • S&S Australia/Team One in communication to ensure information/materials are delivered to TMCA: • Weekly conference calls/status reports • Daily email communication • Monthly face-to-face meetings with RAD/Team One TMAP TMCA S&S Sydney S&S Asia RAD Team One

  10. Global Process – TMNZ Lexus Process • TMNZ works with S&S NZ for all Lexus activities. Saatchi Network Process • Asia RAD contact with S&S to maintain flow of Lexus information. • S&S NZ/Team One in communication to ensure information/materials are delivered to TMNZ: • Monthly conference calls/status reports • Weekly email communication • Monthly face-to-face meetings with RAD/Team One TMNZ S&S Asia RAD S&S NZ Team One

  11. Global Process - TCI Lexus Process • TCI manages Lexus business for Canada. • TCI works with Dentsu for ATL Lexus advertising. • TCI works with S&S/Team One on some strategic planning and strategy initiatives: • Conference calls with TCI to review planning and strategy on model launches • TCI works with S&S/Team One on brochures. Saatchi Network Process • S&S Canada works with Team One to service the TCI brochure business. • TCI picks up TMS brochure format/images, leading to consistent brochure format for all of N. America. • Account Manager at Team One works directly with S&S Toronto team on a year-round basis. • Team One communicates with DCC regularly to provide Lexus materials: images/TVCs. • Team One initiated yearly meeting with Dentsu and TCI to review Lexus work. • Will occur before Lexus U.S. Dealer Meeting TCI S&S Canada Team One

  12. Global Process - TGB Lexus Process • TGB works to service the UK market. • Communication and collaboration on some initiatives (i.e. model launches) with TMME. • TGB works solely with S&S UK. Saatchi Network Process • Europe RAD works out of France office, and with S&S UK to maintain flow of information. • S&S UK/Team One in communication to ensure information/materials are delivered to TGB: • Weekly conference calls/status reports • Daily email communication • Monthly face-to-face meetings with Europe RAD/Team One TGB TMME Estonia, France, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland S&S UK S&S Europe Offices: Estonia, France, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland S&S Europe RAD Team One

  13. Global Process - TMME Lexus Process • TMME oversees Lexus Europe countries except TGB. • Each country, in addition to being part of the TMME network, has its own local agency, many of them S&S agencies. • TMME currently works with S&S UK on all Lexus projects. Saatchi Network Process • Europe RAD (from France office) in contact with all S&S Europe offices to maintain flow of information. • S&S Europe offices/Team One in communication to ensure information/materials are delivered to local Lexus distributors: • Weekly conference calls/status reports • Daily email communication • Monthly face-to-face meetings with Europe RAD/Team One • S&S/Team One currently pitching TMME business. TMME to provide brief in mid-October, and S&S/Team One to answer brief by early November. TGB TMME Estonia, France, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland S&S UK S&S Europe Offices: Estonia, France, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland S&S Europe RAD Team One

  14. Global Process – Japan Issue How should OMD, Japan Domestic and S&S Japan communicate? DAMD OMD S&S Japan S&S JapanRAD Team One S&S Asia S&S Euro

  15. LS 430 Launch Case Study • The 2004 LS Launch is a success model for global communication and materials sharing: • LS materials from TMS and OMD were used in most Lexus markets where S&S maintains Lexus business (except UK/TMME, who created their own launch materials). • All markets were able to launch the LS work on the same date as the U.S. due to S&S/Team One teams working together daily to coordinate materials and information. TMS “Bridge” and “Dam” Creative • TV currently running in: Taiwan, Canada • TV will run in: TMAP Markets, Australia • “Dam” print appearing in: TMAP markets, Canada TMS Images Purchased for WW Rights by OMD • Distributed by OMD to all Lexus global markets • Images running in: Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan OMD “Badge” • TV and Print Campaign running in: Korea, GCC

  16. LS Case Study – Flexible Launch Agency Markets • USA • Australia • China • Canada • Taiwan • Singapore • Team One Global “Dam” Print “Bridge” and “Dam” TV Brochure Images • S&S Japan/ Team One • GCC • Korea Regional “Badge” Print “Badge” TV • S&S Australia • S&S HK • S&S UK • S&S Taiwan • Australia • China • Europe • Taiwan Local Europe/UK Print China Print Australia Print Taiwan Print

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