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A KC Production Presents…

A KC Production Presents…. Vocab Jeopardy!. Vocabulary Menu. Chapters 1-5. Chapters 6-10. Chapters 11-15. Chapters 16-20. Chapters 21-25. Chapters 26-30. Main Menu. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400.

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A KC Production Presents…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A KC Production Presents… Vocab Jeopardy!

  2. Vocabulary Menu Chapters 1-5 Chapters 6-10 Chapters 11-15 Chapters 16-20 Chapters 21-25 Chapters 26-30

  3. Main Menu 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  4. What word means a highly informal language? Slang

  5. What word means a secret language? Argot

  6. What word means the exact meaning of a word? Denotation

  7. What word means an everyday spoken language of a region? Vernacular

  8. What word means referring to a language that is now rarely used? Archaic

  9. What word means to participate in an organized group refusal? Boycott

  10. What word means a wise advisor or trusted councilor? Mentor

  11. What word means an adventurous, wandering journey or a quest? Odyssey

  12. What word means an independent-minded person? Maverick

  13. What word means full of impractical ideas? Quixotic

  14. What word means a bite or small amount of food? Morsel

  15. What word means to eat up greedily? Devour

  16. What word means to drink heartily and deeply of? Quaff

  17. What word means extremely hungry? Ravenous

  18. What word means a person with refined taste in food ? Epicure

  19. What word means done in an underhanded manner or tricky? Devious

  20. What word means free of slyness or craftiness? Guileless

  21. What word means honesty and conformity to truth? Veracity

  22. Daily Double!

  23. What word means assumed in order to deceive or imaginary? Fictitious

  24. What word means open and observable? Overt

  25. What word means to stare open-mouthed in amazement? Gape

  26. What word means to see or know beforehand? Foresee

  27. What word means keenness in detecting or selecting? Discernment

  28. What word means to picture in the mind? Envision

  29. What word means shortsightedness or lack of good judgment? Myopia

  30. Main Menu 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  31. What word means characteristic of cities? Urban

  32. What word means not exhibiting good judgment, or unwise? Impolitic

  33. What word means internationally sophisticated? Cosmopolitan

  34. What word means elegantly polite? Urbane

  35. What word means a unified urban region? Megalopolis

  36. What word means a scarcity or lack? Dearth

  37. What word means an amount by which something falls short? Deficit

  38. What word means meager or worthless? Paltry

  39. What word means essential for completeness? Integral

  40. What word means superabundance or excess? Plethora

  41. What word means not normal? Abnormal

  42. What word means out of the ordinary or peculiar? Singular

  43. What word means adhering to commonly accepted tradition? Orthodox

  44. Daily Double!

  45. What word means ordinary or lacking in imagination? Prosaic

  46. What word means an unusual habit or mannerism? Idiosyncrasy

  47. What word means a confusing network of passages, or a maze? Labyrinth

  48. What word means having two or more meanings or unclear? Ambiguous

  49. What word means to cause uncertainty in or to puzzle? Baffle

  50. What word means a state of uncertainty or doubt? Quandary

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