1. Changes for 08 National Park Community College
3. Changes to ARHealth Restructuring of Benefit Options with fewer plans2 Plan Options instead of 4
ARHealth & ARHealth HD PPO
2 Benefit Coordinators instead of 4
Health Advantage & NovaSys Health
No Blue Cross & Blue Shield or QualChoice
4. Changes to ARHealth POS Style Plan: The structure of an HMO with the choice of a PPO
No deductible
Co-pays are primary method of payment
Primary Care Physician is Recommended but not Required
Greatly Expanded Networks
No Referrals Required
Out-of-Network Coverage
(may be subject to Balance Bill)
5. Is There Another Option? ARHealth HD PPO
Offered thru the NovaSys Health Network
Deductible & co-insurance is primary method to pay for medical services
Open Access PPO plan
Significantly Lower premium
Healthy Employee only coverage less than $5 per payroll
Not right for everybody
6. What are the Options for 08?
Health Advantage Network
NovaSys Health Network
NovaSys Health Network
7. Benefit Enhancements Additional vaccines & immunizations have
been added to the Wellness/Preventative Care
benefits, including Gardasil (females ages 926)
and Zostavax Vaccine (adults age 60 & over).
Out-Patient Rehabilitation services coinsurance
reduced from 20% to 10%.
New Utilization and Case Management Services
will be provided.
Enhanced TMJ/TMD Coverage
8. Benefit Changes Copayments for Specialist Office Visit were
increased to $35 and Physician Office visits were increased to $25.
Preferred (Tier II) Prescription Copayments were increased to $30 and the Non-Preferred (Tier III)
Prescription Copayments were increased to $60
Out-Patient Radiology Services has a $250
copayment along with a 10% coinsurance. These
fees would apply for radiology services such as
MRI, CT, MRA, and PET Scans. It will not apply to
simple x-rays.
9. Benefit Changes Annual Coinsurance limit has been increased for the family to $2,000.
Coinsurance increased to 10% for many
In-Network services and to 40% for most
Out-of-Network services.
Preventative services for dental and vision are
no longer available
10. Questions ? ?