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Jennie P. Stewart Elementary. UBI Team Spring Institute 2009 . Team Members. Principal, Vonzaa Hewitt Assistant Principal, Monica Milovich Building Coordinator, Heidi Block Recorder/Secretary, Heidi Wallis Data-Base Managers, Natalie Moss/Heidi Block Data Assistant, Kathy Chartier
Jennie P. Stewart Elementary UBI Team Spring Institute 2009
Team Members • Principal, Vonzaa Hewitt • Assistant Principal, Monica Milovich • Building Coordinator, Heidi Block • Recorder/Secretary, Heidi Wallis • Data-Base Managers, Natalie Moss/Heidi Block • Data Assistant, Kathy Chartier • Communication Manager, Julie Tidwell • Time Keeper/Task Manager, Suzanne Dixon • Reinforcement System-STARS, Carole Carlson & Diane Ellison • Reinforcement System-200 Club, Charlotte Hedberg& Monica Milovich • Social Skills Coordinator, Kris Howes • Expectations/Communication Leader, Lynda Mullins
Focus of 2008-2009 School Year School Wide Reinforcement Systems • Principal 200 Club • Stewart Stars • Principal Parties • Student of the Week • Faculty meeting staff prize drawings • Think Time • Hallway Patrol • Lunch Trophy
Rationale • -Promote and Reinforce Positive School Wide Rules and Procedures • Be Safe • Be Respectful • Be Responsible • Be Successful • -Improve School and Community Morale by Staying Positive • -Focus on Specifically Improving Behavior on the Playground and in our Hallways
Principal 200 Club • Tickets are awarded to individual students by teachers and support staff for positive behaviors. • Students are rewarded by signing their name in the principal’s book & calling home to report the positive behavior to their parent. • Students draw a number and their name is placed on that number on a grid. Once there are ten students in a row, those ten get a larger reward like going out to lunch with the principal.
Stewart Stars • Stewart Stars are awarded to a student or whole class for following school rules & procedures. • The students work hard to earn the stars by walking in the halls, showing good assembly behavior, helping others, etc. • The student gives the star to their teacher. • Once a class has ten stars, their class name is put in for a monthly drawing for principal parties and publically displayed in the lunch room.
Principal Parties • Principal Parties are earned for whole classes. Once a class has earned ten Stewart Stars, the class name is put in for a drawing to earn a Principal Party. • Classes can earn several chances for the opportunity for a principal party. • A monthly drawing is held, and the principal does a short activity with the lucky classes.
Student of the Week • Teachers nominate a male and a female from their class once throughout the year. • The student names are announced weekly through schoolwide announcements. • The student’s photo and a short description of their positive behavior is posted in a display case.
Faculty Meeting Staff Prizes Drawings • Faculty and staff are awarded through monthly drawings for their participation in handing out positives to students. • Faculty and staff are given a small bag with stars. Once they have handed out all of their stars, they turn the bag in to be refilled. • Their name is then put in for a drawing for prizes awarded at faculty meeting. • When a name is drawn, that teacher spins for a prize.
Think Time • Think Time is a consequence for not following classroom or school procedures. • Teachers are to give two precision commands to the student. If the student does not follow the commands, they are given a Think Time pass and are to go to a different classroom where they have time to think about their behavior. • While in Think Time, the student fills out a paper regarding what their behavior was and how they should have acted before they can return to class. • A fourth time in Think Time becomes an office referral.
Hallway Patrol • Students are assigned to help keep hallways under control. • Teachers choose four responsible students per recess during their assigned week to monitor hallways. • Hallway Patrol students are stationed in different areas of the hall to keep students following hallway procedures. • Hallway Patrol gives a warning to those who are breaking the rules. If the behavior continues, a Hall Patrol Ticket is issued and given to the students’ teacher.
Lunchroom Trophy • Students follow lunchroom rules to try to earn the Star Trophy for their class. • A timer is set at each lunch table, and students are not allowed to leave before the timer goes off. Students must raise their hand to be excused once the timer does go off. • The grade level class that had the best behavior receives the Star Trophy for the next day. • The class with the Star Trophy does not have to wait for the timer. They can leave once excused.
Data Indicators • Principal 200 Club Tickets • STARS • Distributed by staff and collected by students • Tardies • Office Discipline Referrals • Think Time Slips • Hall Patrol Tickets
Trends and Changes in Data Indicators • Maintained a consistent distribution of positives throughout the school year, on average (e.g. 200 Club Tickets and STARS) • ODRs decreased on average across the year; significant drop from last year • Tardies remained high • Buy-in and enthusiasm from staff achieved
Implementation Steps 1. Obtain administrative support 2. Consensus building amongst UBI team -Establish roles and team problem-solving process -Create action plan and yearly goals -Attain necessary training and skill sets 3. Gain buy-in from faculty and staff -Provide them with training and materials -Assign grade level support teams 4. Make data driven decisions -Identify data indicators, monitor and assess progress, implement necessary changes
Current Data • Graphs include positive and consequence data -200 Club Tickets and Stars -ODRs and Tardies for the year
Plans for Continuous Improvement • -Continue to celebrate and acknowledge successes • -Implement tier 2 & tier 3 interventions to reduce school tardies • -Bolster school-wide bullying program and adopt school wide social skills trainings • -Incorporate more of the ABC in ABC-UBI • Use DIBEL benchmark and progress monitoring data through Local Case Management and UBI teams • Establish math CBM training for UBI team & school wide; use CMB Focus Program as a school
Discussion • Staff and UBI team testimonials In regards to Stewart’s positives, this was said: “Students have been motivated and excited about the 200 Club. I have received comments from parents who have had a positive call, and how nice it is to get a good report.”
More Testimonials “My students love congratulating their peers when they receive a ‘Stellar Star’ ticket. It is both motivating and exciting for all of us.”
More Testimonials “I was with a shy student of my class in the office when he called home to tell his mother about being a Stellar Star. The look and feeling was memorable!”
More Testimonials After her first student was sent to Think Time, one teacher said the following: “The whole class learned from her experience. No one has needed Think Time since that day. It has been wonderful!”
More testimonials Teachers also commented on the Hallway Patrol intervention: “The students have loved doing hall duty. It helps give them a sense of belonging to the school community. It also gives them a sense of pride because they can be trusted.”
Conclusion • Our data shows improvement in student behavior. • There is higher morale, a sense of teamwork, and increased student self-confidence. • These changes are the direct effect of our school-wide rules/procedures & various positive reinforcement systems. • Not to mention our dedicated & hard working students, staff, faculty, and community members! • We are all proud to call ourselves Stellar Stars.