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Chemical Engineering and Chemistry: Education in a changing World Jetse C. Reijenga "Methodology of Teaching Experi

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry: Education in a changing World Jetse C. Reijenga "Methodology of Teaching Experimental Chemistry" Dept. Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands for University of Belgrade, December 2005.

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Chemical Engineering and Chemistry: Education in a changing World Jetse C. Reijenga "Methodology of Teaching Experi

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  1. Chemical Engineering and Chemistry: Education in a changing World Jetse C. Reijenga "Methodology of Teaching Experimental Chemistry" Dept. Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands for University of Belgrade, December 2005

  2. 9 Depts, 10 (3-year) Bachelor programs 19 (2-year) Master programs (English) Chem Eng & Chemistry: 20 profs, 75 research staff 50 postdocs 200 support staff 500 students, 150 PhD Eindhoven University of Technology (founded 1956)

  3. Contents • Some Trends in Science, Research, Industry • Changing Demands on Education • Topic 1: Multi Disciplinary Projects • Topic 2: Experiment Simulations • Chemical engineering example • Chemistry examples • Conclusions • Discussion

  4. Trends in Science and Engineering Source: http://scholar.google.com

  5. Citations Explosion Source: Chemical Abstracts Service

  6. From Generalists to super Specialists Source: Derek Price (1986) cited on http://www.lib.lsu.edu/collserv/lrts/ST2.html

  7. Trends in Research and Communication • Increased awareness for industrial application • Computation: increased modelling capabilities • Paper  electronic journals • Explosion of number of specialized journals • Search engines • Letters  e-mails • Local  global facilities • Local  off-line or real-time long-distance cooperation

  8. Trends in Employment and Industry • Mono  Multi Disciplinarity • Individual  Team work • Boundaries disappear: global companies, EU expansion Employment of Chemical Engineers in the USA vs. PhD year Source: E.L. Cussler and J. Wei, A.I.Ch.E. Journal, 2003, 49(5), 1072-1075

  9. From the old paradigm….. Source: C. Moore (Pfizer R&D), AIChE Process Development Symposium (June 2003)

  10. .….to the new paradigm Source: C. Moore (Pfizer R&D), AIChE Process Development Symposium (June 2003)

  11. Changing Demands in Education • Facts  knowledge, skills • where to get & how to select info • Skills  competences, experience • Skills related to use of Information Technology • Isolated cases  integrated approach • Guided exercise  problem oriented approach • Passive  active educational setting • Individual  team work • Mono-disciplinary  multi-disciplinary teams • Internationalization: master programs in English • Multi cultural aspects • "Final" exam and diploma  life-long learning Sources: Industrial contacts and alumni surveys

  12. Educational Settings • Lectures (individual) • Instructions (individual) • Guided self-study (individual) • Exams (written & oral) (individual) • Term paper (individual) • Research assignments (individual) • Industrial internship (individual*) • Practicals (2 students*) • Real group work (4-8 students) Source: http://w3.chem.tue.nl/en/

  13. Increased Emphasis on Group Work

  14. Multi-disciplinary Project Work - goals • Cooperate in a team with students with different specialization • Deal with practical problems (problem definition and analysis) • Combine existing technical knowledge • Locate and acquire new information • Independently incorporate non-technical aspects (any…) • Project work (planning, phasing, monitoring progress, costs…) • Communicative & inter-cultural aspects • unit has 8 ECTS credit points during 1 semester in Master Source: http://www.ifp.tue.nl and http://chem.tue.nl/6Z003

  15. Multi-disciplinary Project Work - setup • A multi-disciplinary study is proposed by a Client • Client is a company executive or university professor • The study can be: • Literature study • Feasability study • Scenario study • Prototype design • The group process is monitored by a Tutor • Tutor is a PhD student at the Department • The grading relates to the project result but also to group process • Group delivers project plan, 2 presentations, 2 reports, website Source: J.C. Reijenga, L.J.Asselbergs, Inter disciplinary Cooperation in Engineering Science Education, in 6th International Conference on Education, Athens (2004)

  16. Multi-disciplinary Project Work - examples • A new type of oxinitride glass was developed: investigate future areas of application • The pollution of fresh water by the Bengali leather and textile industry - No Time To Waste • Design a pipeless batch plant for emulsion polymerization • Make an inventory of sustainability of photographic techniques in historical context • Design, construct and test a refrigerator on solar cells (this was a cyber-cooperation with NUS students) Source: project websites on http://students.chem.tue.nl

  17. International cooperation J.C. Reijenga, H. Siepe, L.E. Yu, C.-H. Wang, Chem. Eng. Educ. 37(2), 14-19 (2003)

  18. Experiment Simulations Experiments Bridging the Gaps…… Theoretical Concepts Multi disciplinary Projects Industrial Internships Real Life Situation

  19. Experiments or……………..? • Experiments: • Are expensive • Can fail (are not always student-proof….) • Are time consuming • Require safety precautions and chemicals • Are restricted to specific laboratory hours & locations • BAD idea: replace all experiments with simulations • BETTER idea: simulations as preparation for real experiments

  20. "equipment" Theoretical model Equipment parameters Data Simulations - purposes Making the black box ….. transparent Visualize theoretical concepts Animate processes Sources: http://www.po.gso.uri.edu/dynamics/WBC/tmovie10.html and H. McNair, Basic Liquid Chromatography, http://hplc.chem.shu.edu/HPLC

  21. demonstration classroom teaching practical training in (dry) lab as step towards optimization Simulations - applications

  22. You get more students and less budget, what do you do Simulation - Chem. Engineering example 3-phase batch reaction • Glucose in water is oxidized at constant pH, temperature, using a Pd/C catalyst and oxygen from air in a 1 litre CSTR • Conversion is monitored using automated titration with NaOH • 50% conversion typically 1 hour (……waiting time) • Equipment typically costs 10000 euro Interesting parameters: temperature, pH, initial concentration, stirring speed, air flow (O2/N2 ratio) and the amount and type of catalyst (e.g. solid spheres, totally porous)

  23. Source: J.C. Reijenga, unpublished results (1994)

  24. Simulation - Chemistry example Virtual lab of analytical separation techniques Database Source: http://edu.chem.tue.nl/ce

  25. Source: J.C. Reijenga, J. Chromatogr., 1991, 588, 217-224 title

  26. Source: J.C. Reijenga, E. Kenndler, J. Chromatogr. A, 1994, 659, 403-415 and 417-426 title

  27. Source: J.C. Reijenga, and M. Hutta, J. Chromatogr. A, 1995, 709, 21-29

  28. Source: J.C. Reijenga, J. Chromatogr. A, 2000, 903, 47-54 title

  29. HPLC simulator specs #1 UV 200 - 400 nm & RI 75 sample components 0 - 65 oC Source: J.C. Reijenga, J. Chromatogr. A 903 (2000) 41-48

  30. HPLC simulator specs #2 5 - 500 mm 1 - 10 mm 1 - 25 µm MeOH ACN Source: J.C. Reijenga, J. Chromatogr. A 903 (2000) 41-48

  31. HPLC simulator extensions • Lichrospher100 RP18 5µm • Lichrospher100 CN 5µm • Spherisorb ODS-2 5µm • Aluspher100 RPSelectB 5µm • TSKgel Super ODS • ChromolithPerformance RP C18e • 3 (4) parameter model • Valid 5 - 90% • source: ChromSword Source: J.C. Reijenga and M. Hutta, J. Sep. Science, submitted october 2005

  32. HPLC simulator, typical output

  33. HPLC simulator, display options

  34. Monolithic column 150 mm, 50% ACN, temperature 65 0°C

  35. Conventional column, 150 mm, 35°C, particle diameter 110 µm

  36. ProteinLab • heat treatment • gel filtration • ammonium Sulphate fractionation • ion exchange chromatography • hydrophobic interaction chromatography • preparative isoelectric focusing • affinity chromatography • 1D and 2D PAGE for purity check Source: http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/chem/staff/elaborate/packages/

  37. view the dynamics of separation………… Simulations - from macro to micro • so far: simulation of detector signals as final result • zoom in on time scale - from minutes to milliseconds • zoom in on distance scale: • from meters to millimeters (during separation in column) • from millimeters to micrometers (boundary layer effects) • from micrometers to nanomaters (molecular level details) Source: http://www.cofc.edu/~kinard/Applets/ChromatographyAnimation.gif

  38. CZE/ITP Source: http://edu.chem.tue.nl/ce/stackweb/ title

  39. Simul 4.0 Source: B. Gas (Prague) on http://prfdec.natur.cuni.cz/~gas/

  40. j.c.reijenga@tue.nl Conclusions • Group work bridges the gap Theory - Real Life Situation • work on communication skills • Simulations help bridging the gap Theory - Experiments • work on information technology skills • Points for discussion • The world changes, change with it! • There's no change without effort, time and money! • Threat or opportunity? • Giant steps or small steps? • Isolation, competition or cooperation?

  41. Thank you

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