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Nitrification. . Ammonia (NH ). . Nitrobacterwinogradskyi. Nitrosomonaseuropaea. . 3. Nitrite (NO2-). . Nitrate (NO3-). Lots of Assumptions. . Same bacteria in freshwater and saltwater systems Nitrosomonas europaea was the AOB Nitrobacter winogradskyi was the NOB Spotte 1971
1. Nitrifying Bacteria in Aquarium Systems Timothy A. Hovanec, Ph.D.
Chief Science Officer
Marineland Aquatic Research Labs
6100 Condor Cr.
Moorpark, CA 93021
805.553.4446 fax 805.529-0170
2. Nitrification
3. Lots of Assumptions Assume the AOB and NOB are closely related - but are not. Spotte in Fish and Invertebrate Culture - Water management for closed systems mentions on page 5 that “Nitrification in fresh water was greatest before addition of sodium chloride. At the normal concentration of seawater, nitrification in the freshwater systems stopped altogether.
Also say Nitrifiers are among those unable to make a sudden transition.
Assume the AOB and NOB are closely related - but are not. Spotte in Fish and Invertebrate Culture - Water management for closed systems mentions on page 5 that “Nitrification in fresh water was greatest before addition of sodium chloride. At the normal concentration of seawater, nitrification in the freshwater systems stopped altogether.
Also say Nitrifiers are among those unable to make a sudden transition.
4. Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria* Assume the AOB and NOB are closely related - but are not. Spotte in Fish and Invertebrate Culture - Water management for closed systems mentions on page 5 that “Nitrification in fresh water was greatest before addition of sodium chloride. At the normal concentration of seawater, nitrification in the freshwater systems stopped altogether.
Also say Nitrifiers are among those unable to make a sudden transition.
Assume the AOB and NOB are closely related - but are not. Spotte in Fish and Invertebrate Culture - Water management for closed systems mentions on page 5 that “Nitrification in fresh water was greatest before addition of sodium chloride. At the normal concentration of seawater, nitrification in the freshwater systems stopped altogether.
Also say Nitrifiers are among those unable to make a sudden transition.
11. Methods and Materials
15. Nitrification in FW Aquaria
23. Mass Production of Nitrifiers
24. Sum up - what we’ve learned At most 20% of bacterial biomass on a biofilter, but usually 2-5%
Nitrifiers grow more slowly in saltwater
spend energy maintaining turgur pressure
(Oren, A. Micro Mol Biol. Rev. 1999. 63:334-348)
NOB grow more slowly than AOB
will see nitrite before ammonia when problems are developing
Around 10°C and below species shift
Grow as floccs when happiest, when stressed floccs break-up and cells separate
25. Thanks to my Lab Staff