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2. Presented by:. The Office of Research
1. Post Award Administration of Sponsored Projects
2. 2
3. Today’s Topics Financial:
Grants Accounting Office
Principal Investigator (PI) Responsibilities
Cost Transfers
Time & Effort Reporting
No-Cost Extensions/Continuations
Progress Reports
Close Out
4. 4 Grants Accounting Office
5. 5
6. Financial Status Updates Advantages
Shows estimated available balance by budget category
Shows encumbrances BANNER does not
Salaries for PAF’s that extend beyond the end of the current fiscal year
Benefits and F&A cost recovery
Only includes expenses Grants Accounting knows about
P-Card charges and chargebacks post after the last day of the month
P-Card charges made after the 26th of the month post on the following cycle
7. 7 PI Responsibilities The PI has the primary responsibility to:
Manage the award with care and diligence
Know and adhere to all terms and conditions
Ensure that expenditures charged to the award
are appropriate
Document appropriateness of expenditures in
accordance with sponsor regulations and University practices
Initiate PAF’s for personnel working on the project
Review expenditures posted to the award index on a regular basis (recommend monthly review)
8. 8 PI Responsibilities The PI has the primary responsibility to:
Achieve technical objectives of the project
Execute the project as outlined in the funded proposal
Monitor and ensure the integrity of any collaborative relationships
Complete all applicable technical reports in an accurate and timely manner (progress/interim/final reports, patent/invention)
Comply with all applicable rules, regulations and terms and conditions of the award, including those of the University
9. 9 How to Review Expenditures Open Lab for Budget Questions
Hands on, personalized assistance
BANNER Self-Service or Internet Native BANNER
Usually 2nd Monday of the month
Contact: Angela Catlos X6728
BANNER Self-Service
Reports by fiscal year
Reference guide on DOCS under
‘Budget & Business Services’
Abbreviated version available from
Grants Accounting
10. 10 How to Review Expenditures Internet Native BANNER
Separate channel on DOCS
Reporting options more flexible
Multiple fiscal years, across fiscal years, specific month
Run detail report or summarize by budget category
View expenditures: use FRIGITD screen
Only need to fill in 2 fields and click on ‘Next Block’ icon
Quick Reference Guide available
Export expenditures to Excel: use FRIGTRD screen
Quick Reference Guide available
11. 11 How to Review Expenditures Limitation of either instance of BANNER
Only includes expenses that have been processed and posted in Accounting
P-Card charges and chargebacks post after the last day of the month
P-Card charges made after the 26th of the month post on the following cycle
Does not encumber:
Salaries past the end of the fiscal year or most recent PAF, whichever is earlier
F&A Cost Recovery
12. 12 General Statements About Expenditures Statements made regarding the allowability of or limitations on specific types of expenditures reflect what is generally true of most grants
Actual terms and conditions vary from
one grant to another
Always review the Notice of Grant Award to determine the specific terms and conditions that are relevant to each individual award
13. 13 Expenditures
What does Grants Accounting look
for when monitoring expenditures?
Would you like to know
how your expenditures
can FLY through the
review process?
14. 14 Expenditures Prepare expenditures to FLY on the:
15. 15 Expenditures Timing: Grant Budget Period
Expense must be incurred within the authorized period
Pre-award costs may be permitted
Award Terms and Conditions
Sponsor Policy/Guidelines
Federal Government: 2 CFR 220/A-21
Federal Agencies: DHHS Policy, NIH Policy, NSF Policy, etc.
State Agencies: ODMH Guidance, OCJS Guidance, etc.
Private Entities: AHA Guide for Grant Awardees, etc.
University Policy/Practices
Purchasing Policy, Travel Guidelines, etc.
16. 16 Expenditures Reasonableness
Prudent person would agree that expenditure was necessary for the project and that the price was appropriate
Prudent person would agree that expenditure was made at a time that it could be reasonably expected to benefit the project
Example: equipment – within 90 days of the end of the project?
Example: supplies – within 30 days of the end of the project?
Available funds in budget category
Re-budgeting may require sponsor’s prior approval
Grant Budget Reallocation Form
17. 17 Expenditures Allocable
Charge award in accordance with amount of benefit
If incurred solely to advance one project: charge 100%
If incurred to advance multiple projects: charge each project proportionally in accordance with the benefit received
Can be difficult when multiple projects are funded
Must use a ‘reasonable basis’ for allocation
Determined by individual circumstances
Examples: # of experiments, % of effort, reasonable estimate of use, etc
Cannot be based on the amount of funds available
18. 18 Expenditures
Consistent Treatment
Direct vs. Indirect Cost
Examples of indirect: lab space, electricity, support staff, general use computers
Cannot charge award for an expense that would NOT be applied to non-sponsored program index
Example: service contracts for equipment
“Most Favorite Customer” rule
19. 19 Expenditures of Special Interest General Purpose Equipment
Equipment not limited to research, scientific or other technical activities
Examples: office equipment and furnishings, telephones, information technology equipment, printing equipment, etc.
University policy: $2,500 or more AND useful life of at least one year
Unallowable as direct charges except where approved in advance by the awarding agency
Special Purpose Equipment
Equipment limited to research, scientific or other technical activities
University policy: $2,500 or more AND useful life of at least one year
Exception to the allocation cost principle
University-wide equipment search required if using Federal funds
20. 20 Expenditures of Special Interest Office Supplies
Typically included in F&A
Often unallowable as a direct cost
Exception may be available if all of the following apply:
Project requires office supplies above and beyond normal use levels
Office supplies are necessary to conduct the substance of the project
The purchase is reasonable, allocable and allowable
Allowability varies
Where it is allowable, often only available when on travel status
21. 21 Expenditures of Special Interest Travel
Airfare in excess of lowest available rate is unallowable
Exceptions usually available if it would result in traveling at unreasonable hours, would excessively prolong the duration of travel, etc.
International travel
Often requires prior approval from sponsor
Federal funds: Fly America Act
Available on DOCS:
Employee Expense Reimbursement Form
Per Diem rates
University Travel Guidelines
22. 22 Expenditures of Special Interest Payments to Subcontractors
PI must initiate subcontract with ORSP
Subcontractor required to submit an invoice for payment
The invoice should be detailed enough for the PI to determine that all charges are allowable to the grant
The PI reviews the invoice and approves it only if the subcontractor has met the agreed to performance and reporting requirements
23. Subcontracts If included in proposal, email Beth Cline (ecline@neoucom.edu) with request for subcontract
Provide the following information:
Name and contact information of subcontractor (institution)
Subcontractor key personnel
Subcontractor scope of work
Period of performance
Dollar amount (special payment terms, if applicable)
Reporting requirements
Other special terms and conditions
If subcontract not included in proposal, sponsor approval required
24. 24 Charging Expenses to a Grant Index P-Card
Reconcile by the 1st business day of the following month
Can split charges among multiple indexes
Manual / Pointers on DOCS
Purchase Order
Required for equipment, animals and chemicals
Department enters requisition in BANNER
Electronically sent to multiple reviewers for approval
List of reviewers is based on type of purchase
Equipment search required for purchases with Federal funds
Accounting creates a purchase order and either places the order or notifies the department to place the order
25. 25 Charging Expenses to a Grant Index Invoices
PI or their designee must review and approve invoices for payment
Supervisory Signatory Form
Send invoices to Grants Accounting Office with:
Date of approval
Index(es) and account(s) to be charged
If splitting expense among multiple indexes include the dollar amount to be charged to each index
Signature is confirmation that the expense is appropriate for payment from the grant index
26. Cost Transfers What is a cost transfer?
A cost transfer is the process of taking an expense off of the index it was originally charged to and moving it onto another index
Why might a cost transfer be needed?
Timing issue - pre-award costs/delay in obtaining index #
Cost overrun or unallowable expense
Clerical error
How is a cost transfer initiated?
Interdepartmental Charge & Cost Transfer Form 26
27. 27 Cost Transfers Potential Audit Finding
Auditors look for both volume and documentation of appropriateness
Burden of proof is with University to prove transfer was appropriate
Often interpreted as an indication of inadequate internal controls
Casts doubt on the effectiveness of the University’s processes
to accurately administer awarded funds
If processed past 90 days, casts doubt on the effectiveness
of the University’s processes to detect and correct errors
Cost transfers between two sponsored programs are more likely
to be challenged by an auditor
28. 28 Cost Transfer Documentation Timing Issues: Pre-award Costs/Index Delays
Documentation should include:
Brief explanation of the situation
Indicate pre-award costs or cause of delay
Additional documentation will be needed if the cost transfer is requested more than 90 days after the
index for the new award is set up
Existing awards cannot be used as a ‘holding place’ for
charges until a new award is set up
Use departmental or designated index
29. 29 Cost Transfer Documentation Cost Overruns or unallowable expenses
Documentation should include:
Brief explanation of the situation
Indicate award is ending or expense disallowed
Expenses moved to correct cost overruns
or to move unallowable expenses must be
charged to a departmental or designated index
rather than to another sponsored project
30. 30 Cost Transfer Documentation Error correction - typos, miscommunications, etc.
Cost transfer requires specific documentation
Based on NIH Policy
University practice requires same documentation for all awards
Provides University with an argument if an auditor questions it
Documents University’s effort to improve internal processes and to reduce the need for future cost transfers
Documentation should include:
Brief explanation of how the expense was charged to an incorrect index
Affirmative statement that the expense is appropriate for the index it is being moved to
Brief explanation of the steps taken to avoid similar errors in the future
If past 90 days: explanation of why the error was not detected earlier
31. 31 Cost Transfer Documentation Personnel expenses
Requested via retroactive PAF
Documentation is:
Time & Effort Report
Cost transfers that contradict the % of effort reported will require specific and compelling documentation
Auditors and sponsoring agencies typically disallow
re-certifications of effort
Additional documentation may be requested in some circumstances
Sudden increase in effort
Near end of grant budget period
32. 32 Time & Effort Certifications A Time and Effort Report is an after-the-fact confirmation of how an employee spent their time over the prior quarter
Provides audit backup for personnel charges on grant index
If obligated time as cost share: documents that cost share obligation has been met
If obligated to spend specific % of effort on project: documents that % of effort obligation has been met
Required by:
Federal Government (2 CFR 220/OMB Circular A-21)
Some state agencies
Kept on record for 10 years and is subject to audit
33. 33 Effort Certification Process At the end of each quarter Grants Accounting sends out Reports with an estimate of the employee’s effort distribution
Estimate is based on payroll records and cost share information received from ORSP or from the PI
Percentages reflect 100% of employee’s time regardless of the quantity of hours worked
Confirm or correct the estimate via the ‘Actual Effort’ column
Must be signed by employee and a supervisor with first hand knowledge of how the employee has been spending his or her time
Return Report to Grants Accounting with both signatures
Grants Accounting will review any changes and contact the supervisor if a revised PAF is needed
34. Progress Reports
As required by the sponsor (see terms and conditions of award) – usually quarterly or annually
Responsibility of the PI
NIH: eSNAP. Prepared by PI, formally submitted by ORSP (Beth)
35. Close-Out Why?
To ensure adherence to sponsor terms and conditions
Final review and approval of expenditures
Final technical/narrative report (e.g., eSNAP; requirements/timing depend on sponsor)
Other, e.g.,
Final invention statement and certification
Disposition of equipment
Reprints of articles
PI: final review of expenditures
Grants Accounting: prepares/submits final financial report
36. 36 Additional Resources DOCS Channels
Administration & Finance Forms & Resources
Information for NEOUCOM/NEOUCOP Researchers
ORSP Website
DHHS Website
Grants Policies, Laws, and Regulations or
DHHS Grants Policy Statement
NIH Grant Policy Statement
Laws & Regulations - relevant CFR links
Other Policy Resources - relevant OMB Circulars
37. 37 Additional Resources
NSF Grants Policy Statement
NSF Grant Policy Manual
Code of Federal Regulations/OMB Circulars
2 CFR 220 (formerly OMB Circular A-21)
2 CFR 215 (formerly OMB Circular A-110)
Federal Audit Standard
OMB Circular A-133
38. 38 Developments & Feedback Request Development of Online Resources
pre and post award information
general information, FAQs, forms and contacts
Faculty and staff reviewers needed
If interested, contact:
Susan To, Grants Accountant
X6380 or sto@neoucom.edu
39. 39 Summary Make use of the resources that are available.
Be familiar with the PI’s responsibilities pertaining to award administration.
Keep track of PAF end dates; allow sufficient time for PAF’s to be processed.
Understand what makes an expenditure FLY through the review process (TARMAC).
Review charges to your award on a regular basis. If there are questionable charges, resolve them as soon as possible.
Please call, e-mail or come visit us if you have any questions!
40. 40 How to Contact Us Grants Accounting
Susan To, Grants Accountant
X6380 or sto@neoucom.edu
Maureen Brown, Grants Specialist
X6382 or mbrown@neoucom.edu
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Beth Cline, Director
X6498 or ecline@neoucom.edu
Diana Dubinsky, Research Coordinator II
X6497 or ddubinsk@neoucom.edu
41. 41