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Book of Faith Methodology An approach that invites meaningful Bible-based conversation that is life-changing, church-changing, and world-changing. A unique four-dimensional model…used to engage Scripture from various angles to unlock its life-giving message and unleash its life-giving power.
Book of Faith Methodology • An approach that invites meaningful Bible-based conversation that is life-changing, church-changing, and world-changing. • A unique four-dimensional model…used to engage Scripture from various angles to unlock its life-giving message and unleash its life-giving power. • The four dimensions, based on tested methods of Scripture study, include foundational Lutheran principles that have been fruitful for generations.
1 - We begin by reading the Bible text and reflecting on its meaning. We ask questions and identify items that are unclear. We bring our unique background and experience to the Bible, and the Bible meets us where we are. 1 - We begin by reading the Bible text and reflecting on its meaning. We ask questions and identify items that are unclear. We bring our unique background and experience to the Bible, and the Bible meets us where we are. 5 - We return to where we started, but now we have explored and experienced the Bible text from four different dimensions. We are ready to move into the “for” dimension. We have opened Scripture and joined in conversation for a purpose. We consider the meaning of the text for faithful living. We wonder what God is calling us (individually and as communities of faith) to do. We consider how God’s Word is calling us to do God’s work in the world. 2* - We seek to understand the world of the Bible and locate the setting of the text. We explore who may have written the text and why. We seek to understand the particular social and cultural contexts that influenced the content and the message. We wonder who the original audience may have been. We think about how these things “translate” to our world today. 4 - We consider the Lutheran principles that help ground our interpretation of the Bible text. We ask questions that bring those principles and unique Lutheran theological insights into conversation with the text. We discover how our Lutheran insights can ground and focus our understanding and shape our faithful response to the text. 3* - We pay close attention to how the text is written. We notice what kind of literature it is and how this type of literature may function or may be used. We look at the characters, the story line, and the themes. We compare and contrast these with our own understanding and experience of life. In this interchange, we discover meaning.
Opening the Book of Faith Course • A practical tool for those preparing to launch Book of Faith in a local setting • Introduces participants to the four-fold method of studying Scripture, and then reinforces the approach with four integrated studies that build facility with the method • Useful for Book of Faith leader training or for those already in Bible study (assumes a certain level of biblical literacy) Experience Level: Moderate Sessions: 7 Available Now
Rediscovering the Book of Faith Course • A great first course for the whole congregation • Provides an overview of how the Bible was put together, and how it came to be our Book of Faith • An ideal introduction for those new to the Bible as well as those familiar Experience Level: Beginner Sessions: 3 Available Now
Book of Faith Lenten Journey • Invites readers to spend 40 days with the Lord’s Prayer and engage in a devotional reading of Scripture • Suggestions for keeping a journal and journeying with others are included • Flexible study that can be used during Lent or anytime during the year • Free online worship helps are available at www.bookoffaith.org Experience Level: All Now Available
LutheranStudy Bible • Study notes (written by more than 60 Lutheran scholars and theologians) assume little to no prior understanding of theological terminology • Attractive page layout and easy-to-read study notes present the biblical text in a fresh, approachable way • An ideal Bible for use in confirmation classes • Available March 2009 • Quantity discounts are available (25%-30%) • on orders of 10 units or more
Why was the NRSV translation chosen? The NRSV was chosen because of its continued wide use in the church. The NRSV is acclaimed for its accuracy, clarity, and inclusivity.
What do the study notes look like? Study notes are grouped into these categories:
Who wrote the study notes? Study notes written by more than 60 Lutheran pastors and teaching theologians. Study Notes from Mark 1
What other resources are included? Illuminating charts, maps, diagrams and illustrations can be found throughout.
What additional content is included? Articles, written by more than 60 Lutheran Pastors and teachers, include Martin Luther on the Bible, Luther’s Seal and Daily Blessings, Lutheran Insights that Open the Bible, and more. Excerpt from Martin Luther on the Bible
Hardcover Price: $34.99 ($24.50 for 10 or more) Paperback Price: $24.99 ($18.75 for 10 or more)
Book of Faith Adult Bible Studies • Printed materials for both leaders and learners • Videos to help start each session • Flexible online content that will allow leaders to customize their own studies and prepare them more easily • Online course selection tool will be available to assist leaders in finding studies that fit with their group’s level of Biblical fluency, interests, and time commitments.
Book of Faith Adult Bible Studies Launching Spring 2009 • Together in Faith – Themed Lectionary-based studies • Books of Faith – Studies of individual books of the Bible • People of Faith – Studies of people in the Bible
Together In Faith • Integrates small group Bible study with worship through a themed lectionary structure • Five units scheduled in 2009 • Sessions relate to the lectionary, but can be used as thematic studies anytime • Includes online worship helps and related blog for Weekly Lectionary Conversations • Initial releases include studies on 1 John, Mark, Ephesians, and Proverbs
Books of Faith • Small group studies that focus on individual books of the Bible • Six units scheduled to release in 2009 • Initial releases include studies on Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, John, Romans, and Galatians
People of Faith • Explores biblical characters and their stories as a way to re-imagine and engage a life of faith • Four Old Testament units scheduled in 2009 • Initial releases include studies on biblical characters such as Adam, Ruth, Samuel, Job, and others
Easy to Use • Bible Centered • Engages Kids • Available in three models • Classic • Lectionary • Rotation
Spark Bible • Designed for children in grades 3-6 • Features the NRSV translation • Designed to engage learners on multiple levels • Actively engages students in marking their Bibles and making them their own
Spark Story Bible • Designed for children age 2- grade 2 • 150 Bible Stories • Extraordinary artwork • Written to be read aloud
Online Resources • Go to: www.bookoffaith.orgfor more information about the initiative and to join the conversation • Go to: www.activatefaith.org for more information about Spark Sunday School