1. Dit is de Nivel titeldia. Geen tekst toevoegen.Dit is de Nivel titeldia. Geen tekst toevoegen.
2. Structure of this presentation Some international data
Birth in the Netherlands
Professionals in maternity care
Maternity care assistance
3. Infant mortality rate, deaths per 1,000 live births in 1970 and 2006 (* = 2005, ** = 2004)
4. Cesarean section ratein 1990 and latest available year
5. Number of home births and hospital births in the Netherlands since 1965
11. The advantages of the MCA being present in the household are:
The MCA can make sure the mother gets enough rest
The MCA can observe the interaction between the mother and her baby and react immediately
The MCA can give information and instruction on (breast)feeding and baby care at relevant moments
The MCA can observe the physical and psychological condition of the mother and baby and report to the midwife or GP
14. Age distribution of MCA
15. Age distribution of MCA at the time they filled in the questionnaire, at the time they started working as MCA and at the time they stopped working as MCA
16. Work arrangements of MCA
17. MCA’s opinion about their work
18. Plans to keep working or stop working, for all respondents and for different age groups
19. Summary The job of an MCA is:
highly satisfactory
mostly part time
often insecure
at irregular times
Making it less appealing to young women, who prefer a full time, secure job.
20. Conclusion the profession of MCA is relatively old, leading to a large number leaving the coming years;
almost a third of MCAs have contracts without fixed working hours;
the way the work is organized is not very attractive to young people;
this will lead to a new shortage of maternity care assistants;
which will ultimately threaten the maternity care system in the Netherlands.