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Update on Governance Therese McNulty. CHILDREN’S & ADULTS’ SERVICES. DfE Governor’s Handbook Updated version January 2014. Annex A updates The School Governance Procedure (roles, Procedures and allowance) (England) Regulations 2013
Update on Governance Therese McNulty CHILDREN’S & ADULTS’ SERVICES
DfE Governor’s Handbook • Updated version January 2014. Annex A updates • The School Governance Procedure (roles, Procedures and allowance) (England) Regulations 2013 • DFE guidance finally produced for the ‘board’ of governors ! Link on EGFL • Consultation on changes to governance composition regulations (maintained schools) ends 14th March • All GBs must reconstitute under 2012 Regulations by September 2015. • All ‘appointed’ governors must be appointed based on skills needed • Surplus governors no longer decided on by seniority – skills. Decided by GB (agenda item and vote) apart from foundation governors DfE changes to governance regulations & guidance
Inspectors must evaluate how well the GB evaluate the the performance of the school esp pupil progress, leadership of teaching, management of staff, difference made by initiatives – pupil premium, sport funding • ‘Critical friend’ replaced with support and holding the headteacher/SLT to account for the achievement of pupils • Governors are not routinely expected to be involved in the day to day activity of the school • Governors are not expected to undertake lesson observations ...however, they hold important strategic responsibilities for the development and improvement of the school • Inspectors should meet as many governors as possible Ofsted – January 2014
Governor Conference – What does outstanding governance mean? Wednesday 25th June at Trail Finders 2-7pm to include governor awards • Local leaders of governance/governor expertise • Toolkit – updated on EGfL includes framework for governor review • LA appointments/nominations revised process now in place (on EGfL) LA Updates