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Learn about fracture mechanics, the study of crack propagation in materials, and its role in predicting mechanical failures. Explore theoretical concepts, experimental techniques, and historical perspectives. Discover linear elastic and elastic-plastic fracture mechanics.
FRACTURE MECHANICS • REFERENCES: • 1. Anderson, “Fracture Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications.” • 2. Richard W.Hertzberg, “Deformation and Fracture Mechanics Of Engineering Materials.” • 3. Dowling, "Mechanical Behavior of Materials" • 4. Broek, “Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics” • 5. Ağah Uğuz, “Kırılma Mekaniğine Giriş “
FRACTURE When material damage like micro-cracks andvoidsgrow in size and become localized, theaveragingprocedure can no longer be applied and discontinuities must be taken into account.This localization results in a macroscopic crack, whichmay grow very fast, resulting in globalfailure.
Fracture Mechanics Definition: It is thefield of mechanicsconcernedwiththestudy of propagation of cracks in materails. Itusesmethods of analyticalsolidmechanicstocalculatethedrivingforce on a crackandthose of experimentalsolidmechanicstocharacterizethematerial’sresistancetofracture.
Fracture Mechanics • In modern materials science, fracture mechanics is an important tool in improving the mechanical performance of mechanical components. • It applies the physics of stress and strain, in particular the theories of elasticity and plasticity, to the microscopic defects found in real materials in order to predict the macroscopic mechanical failure of bodies.
Fracture Mechanics In fracture mechanics attention is basically focused on a single crack. Theoretical conceptsand experimental techniques have been and are being developed, which allow answers toquestions like: • Will a crack grow under the given load ? • When a crack grows, what is its speed and direction ?
Fracture Mechanics • Will crack growth stop ? • What is the residual strength of a construction (part) as a function of the (initial) crack • What is the length and the load ? • What is the proper inspection frequency ? • When must the part be repaired or replaced ?
Fracture mechanics Fracture mechanics is a failure theory that • determines material failure by energy criteria, possibly in conjunction withstrength (or yield) criteria • considers failure to be propagating throughout the structure rather thansimultaneous throughout the entire failure zone or surface.
Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) A large field of fracture mechanics uses concepts and theories in which linear elastic materialbehavior is an essential assumption. This is the case for Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics(LEFM). • is the basic theory of fracture, that deals with sharp cracks in elastic bodies. • It is applicable to any materials as long as the material is elastic except in a vanishingly • small region at the crack tip (assumption of small scale yielding), • brittle or quasibrittle fracture, stable or unstable crack growth
Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics • is the theory of ductile fracture, usually characterized by stable crack growth • (ductile metals) the fracture process is accompanied by formation of large • plastic zone at the crack tip
Why structures Fail • Negligenceduringdesign, constuction, oroperation of structure. • Application of a newdesignormaterial, whichproduces an unexpectedresult.
Historical Perspective • Experimentsperformedby Leonardo da Vinci severalcenturiesearlierprovidedsomeclues as totherootcause of fracture. He measuredthestrength of ironwiresandfoundthatthestrengthvariedinverslywithwirelength. • A quantitativeconnectionbetweenfracturestressandflaw size camefromthework of Griffth 1920. He applied a stressanalysis of an elliptical hole totheunstablepropagation of crack. Griffthinvokedthefirstlaw of thermodynamicstoformulate a fracturetheorybased on a simpleenergybalance.
Figure 1 Galileo’ s tension bar Figure 2 Da Vinci’s cable
During Design someimportanttitlesare: • DeformationandFracture • ExceedtheElasticDeformation • Buckling (Burkulma) • PlasticDeformation • Fracture (Kırılma) • Fatique (Yorulma) • Creep (Sünme ) • StressCorrosionCracking (Gerilme Korozyon Çatlağı )