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Computing Report

Computing Report. SICB OO Migration Hoffman Review of Computing Event Filter Farms. New SICB release procedure. Better communication Developers to communicate foreseen changes in advance

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Computing Report

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  1. Computing Report • SICB • OO Migration • Hoffman Review of Computing • Event Filter Farms

  2. New SICB release procedure • Better communication • Developers to communicate foreseen changes in advance • to librarian (F.Ranjard), production team (A.Jacholkowska, E. Van Hervijnen), relevant sub-detector contact • Fewer, better quality, versions • Release meeting to decide on: • Content of new version (priorities) • Schedule for release and testing • Update SICB release web page • Testing procedure and quality checks • Sub-detector groups to provide specialised software for detailed quality checks • Plans presented by VELO/Level 1, Tracking, Muon, RICH • Software run centrally (A.Jacholkowska) to check each new version against set of publicly available reference histograms

  3. SICB production • New book-keeping database • In ORACLE • Filled directly by production jobs • Important for CERN AND home-labs productions • Query from web • Later directly from GAUDI job • See LHCb > Computing > MC book-keeping > prototype • Production status • Trigger optimization data produced with version 220 - 223 • MC 800k events • DSTn 750k events • Production for Physics aimed to start end March 2000

  4. Forthcoming “SICB” updates • extended magnetic field map (A.Jacholkowska) • VTX software for field treatment (T.Ruf) • multi PASS structure (pileup studies) (A.Tsaregorotsev) • RICH developments (physics and setup) (G.Wilkinson) • muons (bug fixes and data base) (P.Colrain) • AXSEL lib in the standard stream (G.Corti) • Pileup trigger modification (N.Zaitsev) • new THC1 trigger bank (O.Callot) • CALO raw hit development (I.Korolko)

  5. Migration strategy as presented at last plenary • Step 1: separate SICBMC and SICBDST • Step 2: wrap SICBDST algorithms into Gaudi framework (Brunel) • Step 3: gradually replace FORTRAN with C++ algorithms

  6. Step 1 status • Pre-release SICBMC v230 and SICBDST v230 • Available since 9th February • Main problem was getting initialisations right • Extensive verification needed • Problems outstanding: • Pileup • Not possible in current version • Solution exists with small modification to Calorimeter Raw Hits • Verification • Test samples have been produced • Use data quality histograms to compare SICB with SICBMC/SICBDST • Ongoing SICB development • Chasing a moving target!

  7. Step 1 Commissioning Proposal • SICBMC/SICBDST checks and fixes to be made by 15th March • This is the highest priority • Requires work from all sub-detector contacts • Report problems and fixes to F.Ranjard and A.Jacholkowska • Next released version of “SICB” will be SICBMC/SICBDST “v230” • Freeze SICB development until this works • Current list of foreseen “SICB” improvements will go to following version of SICBMC/SICBDST • Possible exception is pileup code (to be decided next Wednesday)

  8. Step 2: Brunel status • Wrapping SICBDST FORTRAN modules is trivial • Difficulty lies in getting the initialisation right • All SICBDST digitisation and reconstruction modules already wrapped as GAUDI algorithms • Small technicalities being solved • Functionally identical to SICBDST by early March • Same testing procedure as for SICBDST • Follows SICBDST developments (uses the same libraries) • Then ready to accept new OO algorithms • And to replace SICBDST in production • Decision at April software week?

  9. Step 3: OO reconstruction software • Ongoing work presented by • Calorimeters, Muon, RICH, VELO/Level 1, Tracking • Highlights: • Calorimeter data model design review (18/02/2000) • Very useful both for calorimeter team and GAUDI team • Highlighted needs for LHCb-wide solutions/conventions • e.g.: how to access MC truth from reconstructed data • Implementations of geometry in GAUDI • Done for ECAL, under study for Muon • Implementation of data model for Level 1/VELO • Including converters from SICB data

  10. Step 3 (continued) • More highlights: • RICH OO simulation/reconstruction implemented inside GAUDI • Tracking progress: • Track fit has ~same functionality as in SICB • Not yet using VELO information • Ready for release in GAUDI • Track following well advanced • Track finding studies started • Ready for a review • To be organised in the coming weeks • A name (but no logo) • Ambitious plans for further OO (re)implementations • From all of the above

  11. GAUDI status • Plenty of users • Plenty of bug reports and constructive feedback • Being addressed by bug fix release and new features for v4 • Better understanding of how to do distributed development • Need for common approaches in many areas • Association to Monte Carlo truth • Geometry • Efficient addressing of contained data • Special sessions on these topics in April software week • Collaboration with ATLAS • GAUDI chosen by ATLAS for first prototype framework • Could lead to better architecture, higher quality, more leverage • But limits freedom, requires more formalism

  12. Hoffman review of LHC computing • Aims to understand software and hardware needs of LHC experiments • Leading to computing MOUs in 2001 • Three panels of “independent” reviewers • With “attendance” from IT and experiments • Asking detailed questions to the experiments • Steering group • To produce final report in June 2000 • LHCb represented by J.Harvey and M.Cattaneo • First LHCb discussion this afternoon (160/1-009)

  13. Review panels • Software panel • Chair: M.Kasemann, LHCb: P.Mato, O.Callot • Detailed questions to be answered by 15th March • Resources, planning, architecture, programs, 3rd party software.... • 4 hours of LHCb presentations! • World-Wide Computing Model panel • Chair: D.Langlin, LHCb: F.Harris, M.Schmelling • Detailed questions to be answered by 21-23rd March • MONARC, regional centres, GRID, Tapes vs. Disks.... • Half day of LHCb presentations! • Management and Resources panel • Chair: M.Calvetti, LHCb: J.Harvey, J.P.Dufey • 24th March: baseline computing plan based on current technology • 14th April: software planning (distribution of responsibilities)

  14. Event Filter Farm Project • Joint project between IT and LHC experiments • Provide toolkit for management/control/monitoring • LHCb favours use of SCADA to integrate with experiment • Currently not the project’s preferred solution • Test-beds for new technologies • Test farm of 200 CPUs in 2000, 500 in 2001, 1500 in 2002 • Can be reserved for test purposes • Organisation of yearly workshops

  15. Conclusions • Better co-ordination and verification procedures for new releases • SICBMC/SICBDST split complete • Verification is highest priority • SICB retired mid-March • OO migration progressing well • Hoffmann review requires input from LHCb on very tight time-scale

  16. Software contacts A.Jacholkowska and E. van Herwijnen (production) M.Cattaneo (Brunel) P.Mato (Gaudi) J.Harvey (Computing) H.Dijkstra (Trigger) T.Ruf (Velo) G.Gracia, M.Needham, M.Merk (outer tracker, kalman) G.Wilkinson (Rich) G.Corti (Analysis) A.Tsaregorodtsev (management, pileup) P.Colrain (Muon) I.Korolko, O.Callot (Calorimeters) P.Bartalini (Event Generators)

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