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BIBLIOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION INIS Training Seminar 14-16 November 2011 Vienna, Austria Serene Wong

BIBLIOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION INIS Training Seminar 14-16 November 2011 Vienna, Austria Serene Wong Database Production & Imaging Group INIS Unit International Atomic Energy Agency f.m.wong@iaea.org. 001^XA11I1365 007^XA11I1360 008^S08/01/R/AM 009^A

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BIBLIOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION INIS Training Seminar 14-16 November 2011 Vienna, Austria Serene Wong

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  1. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION INIS Training Seminar 14-16 November 2011Vienna, Austria Serene Wong Database Production & Imaging GroupINIS Unit International Atomic Energy Agencyf.m.wong@iaea.org

  2. 001^XA11I1365 007^XA11I1360 008^S08/01/R/AM 009^A 100^Mabit, L. (Soil and Water Management and Crop Nutrition Laboratory, IAEA, Vienna (Austria) 200^Selection of the most appropriates fallout radionuclides "137Cs, "210Pbex, (137Cs, 210Pbex) "1"3"7Cs, "2"1"0Pbex (137Cs, 210Pbex)"7Be for erosion and sedimentation investigation. Optimization of supportive services and training by the SSU for IAEA Member States 500^p. 22 600^(English) 009^M 110^International Atomic Energy Agency, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture 200^Soils Newsletter, Vol. 32, No. 1 300^INIS-XA-11I11360 320^ISSN 1011-2650 403^Jul 2009 500^36 p. INIS Character Set

  3. INIS Character set 001^XA11X0026 008^S73/01/R/M 009^M 100^Zolotarev, K.I. (Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk (Russian Federation)) 110^International Atomic Energy Agency, International Nuclear Data Committee, Vienna (Austria) 200^Evaluation of Cross-Section Data from Threshold to 40 MeV for some Neutron Reactions Important for Fusion Dosimetry Applications. Part 2 Evaluation of the Excitation Functions for the ''5''9Co(n,3n)''5''7Co, ''8''9Y(n,2n)''8''8Y, ''9''3Nb(n,2n)''9''2mNb, ''1''6''9Tm(n,2n)''1''6''8Tm and ''2''0''9Bi(n,3n)''2''0''7Bi "5"9Co(n,3n)"5"7Co, "8"9Y(n,2n)"8"8Y, "9"3Nb(n,2n)"9"2mNb, "1"6"9Tm(n,2n)"1"6"8Tm and "2"0"9Bi(n,3n)"2"0"7BiReactions 300^INDC(NDS)—0584330^Research Contract 14745 403^Nov 2010 500^59 p. 600^(English)

  4. 001^UZ0904496 008^S36/01/R/M 009^M 100^Saidov, A.S. (AS RU, Physical Technical Institute, Tashkent (Uzbekistan)) 110^AN RU, Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki 200^Multicomponent solid solution (ZnSe)_1-x-y(Si_2)_x(GaP)_y ((ZnSe)1-x-y(Si2)x(GaP)y) (ZnSe)_1_-_x_-_y(Si_2)_x(GaP)_y ((ZnSe)1-x-y(Si2)x(GaP)y) 230^Mnogokomponentnyj tverdyj rastvor (ZnSe)_1_-_x_-_y(Si_2)_x(GaP)_y 300^ANRU-IYF-P--684 403^Jan 2009 500^14 p. 600^(Russian) 610^12 refs., 4 figs. INIS Character set

  5. 001^XA0801514 008^S07/01/R/M 009^M 100^Von Dreele, R.B.; Besnard, C.; Basso, S.; Camus, F.; Pattison, P.; Schiltz, M.; Wright, J.P.; Margiolaki, R.; Fitch, A.N.; Fox, G.C.; Prugoveeki, S.; Beckers, D.; Helliwell, J.R.; Helliwell, M.; Jones, R.H.; Roberts, M.A.; Miura, K.; Kahn, R.; Giacovazzo, C.; Altomare, A.; Caliandro, R.; Camalli, M.; Coucci, C.; Moliterni, A.G.G.; Rizzi, R.; Hinrichsen, B.; Kern, A.; Coelho, A.A.; Degen, T.; Kokkinidis, M.; Fadouloglou, V.; Gazi, A. (Manchester Univ., Cockcroft Institute and the University of Oxford Road, Manchester (United Kingdom)); Panopoulos, N.; Pinotsis, N.; Wilmanns, M.; Norrman, M.; Schluckebier, G.; Prugoveeki, B.; Dilovic, J.; Matkovic-Calogovic, D.; Bill, David; Markvardsen, A.; Grosse-Kunstleve, R.; Rius, J.; Glykos, Nicholas, M.; Murshudov, G.N.; Karkar, S.; Pauna, N.; Testa, E.; Appleby, R.; Bambade, P.; Moch, S.; Vogt, A. (Univ. Paris-Sud, LAL, 91 – Orsay (France)) 110^European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), 38 – Grenoble (France) 200^Development and directions of powder diffraction on proteins 300^INIS-XA--0801514 403^Jul 2007 500^28 p. 600^(English) 001^XA0801514 008^S07/01/R/M 009^M 100^Von Dreele, R.B.; Besnard, C.; Basso, S. (Manchester Univ., Cockcroft Institute and the University of Oxford Road, Manchester (United Kingdom)) (and others) 110^European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), 38 – Grenoble (France) 200^Development and directions of powder diffraction on proteins 300^INIS-XA--0801514 403^Jul 2007 500^28 p. 600^(English) Tag 100 - Personal Author

  6. 001^XA0900776 008^S43/01/R/M/K 009^M 100^Fertman, A.D.; Basko, M. (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow (Russian Federation)), E-mail: alexander.fertman@itep.ru; Hinca, R.; Pavlovic, M.; Strasik, I. (FEI STU, Bratislava (Slovakia)); Hofmann, I.; Mustafin, E.; Schardt, D.; Varentsov, D. (GSI, Darmstadt (Germany)); Hinca, R.; Sobolevskiy, N.; Strasik, I. (INR RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation)) 110^International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL (United States) 200^Activation method for measuring ranges of heavy ions in solids 210^International topical meeting on nuclear research applications and utilization of accelerators 211^Vienna (Austria) 213^4-8 May 2009 310^IAEA-CN—173 403^2009 500^174 p. 600^(English) 611^Also available on-line: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Meetings/PDFplus/2009/cn173/cn173_BoA.pdf 001^XA0900776 008^S43/01/R/M/K 009^M 100^Fertman, A.D.; Basko, M. (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow (Russian Federation)), E-mail: alexander.fertman@itep.ru; Pavlovic, M. (FEI STU, Bratislava (Slovakia)); Hofmann, I.; Mustafin, E.; Schardt, D.; Varentsov, D. (GSI, Darmstadt (Germany)); Sobolevskiy, N. (INR RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation)); Hinca, R.; Strasik, I. (FEI STU, Bratislava (Slovakia); INR RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation)) 110^International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL (United States) 200^Activation method for measuring ranges of heavy ions in solids 210^International topical meeting on nuclear research applications and utilization of accelerators 211^Vienna (Austria) 213^4-8 May 2009 310^IAEA-CN—173 403^2009 500^174 p. 600^(English) 611^Also available on-line: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Meetings/PDFplus/2009/cn173/cn173_BoA.pdf Tag 100 (cont’d)

  7. 001^XA09N0640 007^XA09N0631 XA09N0588 008^S96/01/R/AM/K 009^A 100^Min, B.J. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)), E-mail: bjmin@kaeri.re.kr; Han, K.W.; Lee, E.J. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)) 200^The role of nuclear education and training in Korea 210^2. coordination committee meeting on the Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT) 211^Hanoi (Viet Nam) 213^26-28 Oct 2005 500^7 p. 600^(English) 610^3 figs, 1 tab 009^M 110^International Atomic Energy Agency, INIS and Nuclear Knowledge Management Section, Vienna (Austria) 200^Managing nuclear knowledge: IAEA activities and international coordination. Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT) 300^INIS-XA--09N0588 403^Jul 2007 500^[1 CD-ROM] 001^XA09N0588 008^S96/01/R/M 009^M 110^International Atomic Energy Agency, INIS and Nuclear Knowledge Management Section, Vienna (Austria) 200^Managing nuclear knowledge: IAEA activities and international coordination. Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT) 300^INIS-XA--09N0588 403^Jul 2007 500^[1 CD-ROM] 600^(English) 611^Also available on 1 CD-ROM attached to the printed booklet 'Managing nuclear knowledge: IAEA activities and international coordination. Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT)' from IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit: E-mail: sales.publications@iaea.org; Web site: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/publications.asp Tag 007 - related RN/TRN

  8. Tag 007 (cont’d)

  9. 001^HR0900118 007^HR0900099 008^S73/01/I/AM/K 009^A 100^Broggini, C. (Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Padova (Italy)) 200^LUNA and the sun 210^International Conference Nuclear Structure and Dynamics 2009 211^Dubrovnik (Croatia) 213^May 2009 500^p. 20 600^(English) 009^M 100^Prepolec, L. (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (Croatia)); Niksic, T. (University of Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia)) 110^University of Zagreb Physics Department of the University of Zagreb (Croatia); Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (Croatia) 200^Book of abstracts of International Conference Nuclear Structure and Dynamics 2009 300^INIS-HR--09003 403^2009 500^191 p. 190 p. 001^HR0900099 008^S73/01/I/M/K 009^M 100^Prepolec, L. (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (Croatia)); Niksic, T. (University of Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia)) 110^Physics Department of the University of Zagreb(Croatia); Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (Croatia) 200^Book of abstracts of International Conference Nuclear Structure and Dynamics 2009 210^International Conference Nuclear Structure and Dynamics 2009 211^Dubrovnik (Croatia) 213^May 2009 300^INIS-HR--09003 403^2009 500^190 p. 600^(English) 009^9 800^NUCLEAR STRUCTURE; DECAY; COLLECTIVE MODEL; CLUSTER MODEL; SHELL MODELS; DENSITY FUNCTIONAL METHOD; NUCLEAR ENERGY; HEAVY ION REACTIONS; ASTROPHYSICS; NUCLEAR REACTIONS Inconsistency between M-level tags of associated records

  10. Inconsistency between M-level tags of associated records

  11. Inconsistency between M-level tags of associated records

  12. 001^SK09K0351 008^S09/01/I/M/K 009^M 110^Energeticke centrum Bratislava, 83101 Bratislava (Slovakia) 200^V. International Slovak Biomass Forum Proceedings of the fifth International Slovak Biomass Forum (ISBF) 210^5th International Slovak Biomass Forum 5. international Slovak biomass forum 211^Bratislava (Slovakia) 213^21-22 Feb 2005 300^INIS-SK--2009-027 401^Bratislava (Slovakia) 402^Energeticke centrum Bratislava 403^Feb 2005 500^819 p. 600^(English, Slovak, Czech) 611^Also available from http://ecbratislava.sk/index.html Tag 200 and Tag 210

  13. Tag 210 – Conference Title Conference Title (Tag 210) Example: source: Seventh International Conference on Nuclear Energy in Africa (NEA’09) enter: NEA’09: 7. international conference on nuclear energy in Africa source: Proceedings of IX Nuclear Science Conference at Boston University enter: 9. nuclear science conference Conference Place (Tag 211): Boston, MA (US) Please do not includethe conference place in the conference title (Tag 210), or any of the following words/phrase : • book of abstracts of …… • proceedings of …… • papers and abstracts of …… • papers presented at ……… • preparation of ……… • invited talk at ………

  14. Tag 500 – Physical Description 001^XA09N0647 008^S73/01/R/AM/K 009^M 110^International Atomic Energy Agency, Physics Section, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences and Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials Section, Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology and Nuclear Power Technology Development Section, Division of Nuclear Power, Vienna (Austria); American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL (United States) 200^International topical meeting on nuclear research applications and utilization of accelerators. Book of abstracts 210^International topical meeting on nuclear research applications and utilization of accelerators 211^Vienna (Austria) 213^4-8 May 2009 300^INIS-XA--09N0647 310^IAEA-CN--173 403^2009 500^166 p. 174 p. 611^Also available on-line: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Meetings/PDFplus/2009/cn173/cn173_BoA.pdf 009^9 800^NEUTRON SOURCES; NEUTRONS; HEAVY WATER; URANIUM 235; LIQUID METALS; SPALLATION; NEUTRON FLUX; BEAMS

  15. Tag 500 (cont’d)

  16. 001^RU0910257 007^RU0910221 008^S36/00/I/AM/EK 009^A 100^Bobyr', N.P. (IYaS RNTs Kurchatovskij Inst., Moscow (Russian Federation)) 200^Hydrogen isotope inventory by fine-grain graphite MPG-8 210^IHISM-08: 4. international school for young scientists and specialists Interaction of hydrogen isotopes with structural materials 211^Nizhnij Novgorod (Russian Federation) 213^4-8 Jul 2008 215^Chetvertaya mezhdunarodnaya Shkola molodykh uchenykh i spetsialistov Vzaimodejstvie izotopov vodoroda s konstruktsionnymi materialami. IHISM-08 230^Zakhvat izotopov vodoroda v grafite MPG-8 500^p. 122-123, 123-124 p. 122-124 600^(Russian, English) 610^2 refs. Tag 500 cont’d

  17. Tag 500 cont’d

  18. NCL input – case study

  19. Tag 500 (cont’d) 001^XA09N0589 007^XA09N0588 008^S96/01/R/AM/K 009^A 110^International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Daejeon (Korea, Republic of) 200^Asian Network for higher Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT). Report of the consultancy meeting on ANENT 210^Consultancy meeting on ANENT [Asian Network for higher Education in Nuclear Technology] 211^Daejeon (Korea, Republic of) 213^30 Jun - 4 Jul 2003 500^p. 1-12 12 p. 600^(English) 009^M 110^International Atomic Energy Agency, INIS and Nuclear Knowledge Management Section, Vienna (Austria) 200^Managing nuclear knowledge: IAEA activities and international coordination. Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT) 300^INIS-XA--09N0588 403^Jul 2007 500^[1 CD-ROM] 611^Also available on 1 CD-ROM attached to the printed booklet 'Managing nuclear knowledge: IAEA activities and international coordination. Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology (ANENT)' from IAEA, Sales and Promotion Unit: E-mail: sales.publications@iaea.org; Web site: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/publications.asp

  20. NCL input – case study

  21. NCL input – case study

  22. NCL input – case study

  23. NCL input – case study

  24. GOOD LUCK Thank you ! Serene Wong f.m.wong@iaea.org

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