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CG Agenda Items FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update

October 16, 2012 Coordination Group Meeting. CG Agenda Items FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update. Ken Shaffer FGDC OS Deputy Executive Director 703-648-5740 kmshaffer@usgs.gov. Final – 10-12-12. Background.

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CG Agenda Items FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update

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  1. October 16, 2012 Coordination Group Meeting CG Agenda ItemsFGDC Committee Meeting SummariesFGDC Business Update Ken Shaffer FGDC OS Deputy Executive Director 703-648-5740 kmshaffer@usgs.gov Final – 10-12-12

  2. Background This presentation contains information that supplements a set of read-aheads on the topics covered in the CG meeting and will be used as a walk-though of all the topics at the CG meeting. Use this presentation before reviewing the read-aheads in order to gain context. Materials will not be presented in full at the meeting, it is the responsibility of the attendees to review the material prior to the meeting, as per CG standard operating procedures. CG Agenda Items - Items on the Coordination Group (CG) agenda with references to any read-aheads FGDC Committee Meeting Summaries FGDC Business Update - Current FGDC initiatives/activities

  3. CG Agenda Items Users/Historical Data Work Group Report Vegetation Subcommittee Report Spatial Water Data Subcommittee Report - Federal Only Session - GAO Evaluation Update Geospatial Platform Data Sets / Data Themes

  4. Users/Historical Data Work Group Report Contact: Colleen Cahill, Library of Congress, ccah@loc.gov • Read ahead: Users-Historical Data Work Group Report – Colleen Cahill.pptx Presentation

  5. Vegetation Subcommittee Report Contact: Ralph Crawford, Forest Service, rcrawford01@fs.fed.us • Read ahead: Vegetation Subcommittee Report – Ralph Crawford.ppt Presentation

  6. Spatial Water Data Subcommittee Report Contact: TodDabolt, EPA, dabolt.thomas@epa.gov; Bob Pierce, USGS, rrpierce@usgs.gov • Read ahead: Spatial Water Data Subcommittee Report - TodDabolt and Bob Pierce.ppt; Weaving the National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric Factsheet - Spatial Water Data Supplemental Reading.docx Presentation

  7. GAO Evaluation Update Contact: Ken Shaffer, FGDC OS, kmshaffer@usgs.gov Read aheads: none -Federal Only- Current activities

  8. Geospatial Platform Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, jmahoney@fgdc.gov • Read aheads: CG FED ONLY GeoPlatform Update - 20121016.pptx -Federal Only- Review of Steering Committee and NGAC meeting discussions

  9. Data Sets / Data Themes Contact: Wendy Blake-Coleman, EPA, blake-coleman.wendy@epamail.epa.gov • Read aheads: A-16 Theme and Dataset Slides – Wendy Blake-Coleman.pptx -Federal Only- A-16 Planning

  10. FGDC Committee Reports Committees’ Decisions Summary CG and SC Monthly Membership Changes Steering Committee Executive Committee National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC) Next Coordination Group Meeting

  11. Committees’ Decisions Summary Contact: Ken Shaffer, FGDC OS, kmshaffer@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none • Steering Committee – 9/20/12 • Approved the Geospatial Platform multi-agency investment contributions through FY 2016. • Approved the Geospatial Platform governance structure, as laid out in the Business Plan. • Coordination Group – 9/4/12 Meeting • Voted to approve the changes to the Governmental Units and Administrative and Statistical Boundaries Theme, in an electronic vote closing on September 7. Changes will: • Reduce the number of A-16 data themes to 16 by consolidating various themes into this theme; • Change the name of the theme; and • Amend the definition of the theme. • Executive Committee Meeting – 8/27/12 Meeting • ExCom will send out information about the funding strategy. • ExCom will explore a working capital fund for the reserve funding for the Platform.

  12. CG Electronic Vote on Cultural Resources SC Contact: Arista Salimi Maher, FGDC OS, amaher@fgdc.gov Read Aheads: none • An electronic ballot was sent out on October 10 for CG primary members to vote on endorsement of the following: • The dissolution of the Cultural and Demographic Statistics Subcommittee; [Note: this theme is being removed so the subcommittee is no longer needed]. • A change to the Cultural Resources Working Group (which is currently under the Cultural and Demographic Statistics Subcommittee): the Working Group will become the "Cultural Resources Subcommittee" under the Cultural Resources Theme. • Votes are due to Arista Maher (amaher@fgdc.gov) no later than COB Friday, October 26.

  13. CG and SC Monthly Membership Changes Contact: Arista Salimi Maher, FGDC OS, amaher@fgdc.gov Read Aheads: none • Michele Motsko (NGA) replaced Jim Kwolek as SAOGI on 9/21/12.

  14. CG Co-Chair Nominations Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, amaher@fgdc.gov; Ken Shaffer, FGDC OS, kmshaffer@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none Thanks to Wendy Blake-Coleman for serving as Co-Chair this year. Call for Nominations has closed – one nomination received. Following the October 16 CG meeting, the new CG Co-Chair will be Steve King, DHS. Thanks to Steve for volunteering!

  15. Steering Committee Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, amaher@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none • Last meeting was on 9/20. Next meeting: TBD. • Public Session included the following topics: • Geospatial Platform • Geospatial Info Sharing at the Information Sharing Environment (ISE) office • Report out on Sept. 18-19 NGAC Meeting • Fed Only Session consisted of discussions on: • Geospatial Platform Business Plan/Business Case & Next Steps • A-16 Data Themes

  16. Executive Committee Contact: Arista Maher, FGDC OS, amaher@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none • Last meeting: August 27. • Discussed the Geospatial Platform Business Plan and Business Case, along with recent activities on the Hurricane Response Group, as well as the support contract for FY 2013. • ExCom members were updated on the status of A-16 data themes and next steps. • The NGAC meeting agenda and 2013 NGAC nominations process were reviewed. • A brief update on the status of the GAO evaluation was given. • Next meeting: October 26 (agenda in development) • A-16 activities, Utilities theme leadership • Geospatial Platform • Symbology tool recommendation • GAO update

  17. NGAC Update Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, jmahoney@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none Sept 18-19, 2012 NGAC Meeting • Leadership Dialogue • Geospatial Platform Update • Geolocation Privacy Panel Discussion • COGO Report Card • NGAC Subcommittee Reports • Landsat Advisory Group • A-16 Subcommittee • Elevation Subcommittee • NHD Subcommittee • National Address Database

  18. NGAC Landsat Advisory Group Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, jmahoney@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none • DECISION: The NGAC unanimously adopted two papers developed by the NGAC Landsat Advisory Group (LAG): • The Value Proposition for Ten Landsat Applications • Statement on Landsat Data Use and Charges. • ACTION: The NGAC Landsat Advisory Group will develop a paper identifying potential new applications that may emerge based upon the next generation of Landsat data.

  19. NGAC A-16 Subcommittee Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, jmahoney@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none • FGDC Guidance:Are there significant gaps or omissions in the revised A-16 data themes and associated datasets? • Action: Subcommittee has conducted initial review of revised data themes and datasets: • General support for the revised data themes • Comments received focused primarily on sub-themes/ datasets • Next Steps: • NGAC members will send additional comments to subcommittee

  20. NGAC Elevation Subcommittee Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, jmahoney@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none • FGDC Guidance: Provide feedback on the proposed 3D Elevation Program: • Increasing acquisition coverage • Avenues or opportunities to achieve program objectives • How to best engage identified industry sectors • Action: Subcommittee developed draft responses to the study questions – discussed at NGAC meeting • Next Steps: • NGAC members will send additional comments to subcommittee • NGAC will consider revised paper at Nov/Dec 2012 Webinar meeting

  21. NGAC Address Subcommittee Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, jmahoney@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none • FGDC Guidance: Develop white paper assessing the need for a National Address Database, identifying potential concerns, and identifying alternative approaches. • Action: Subcommittee developed draft paper – discussed at NGAC meeting • Next Steps: • NGAC members will send additional comments to subcommittee • NGAC will consider revised paper at October 2012 Webinar meeting

  22. NGAC NHD Subcommittee Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, jmahoney@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none • FGDC Guidance: Is the current stewardship model the optimal strategy for engaging partners and improving the data? What improvements can be made or incentives leveraged to strengthen stewardship and funding? • Action: Subcommittee provided feedback and comments on draft NHD Stewardship Survey. Draft survey instrument was modified to address NGAC comments • Next Steps: • Subcommittee will review and comment on results of survey

  23. NGAC Next Steps Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, jmahoney@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none NGAC will revise draft subcommittee papers (National Address Database, Elevation). NGAC will develop a paper describing geospatial priorities for the next Presidential term. NGAC will hold a web-based meeting in November/December 2012 to consider revised papers. Joint, 3 subcommittee webinar on October 25 for NGAC subcommittee members to review comments and discuss the draft papers.

  24. NGAC Nominations Update Contact: John Mahoney, FGDC OS, jmahoney@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none Status: • Approx. 10 of the current 28 NGAC appointments will expire in December 2012 Review Panel: • Interagency review panel evaluated nominations and developed recommendations to DOI Office of the Secretary Timeline: • Aug/Sept: Review panel development of recommendations • October: Appointments package submitted to Office of Secretary • Oct-Dec: Appointments reviewed/approved/signed • Dec 31, 2012: New appointments take effect

  25. Next Coordination Group Meeting Contact: Arista Salimi Maher, FGDC OS, amaher@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none Tuesday, November 13 - 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET Meeting will be held at NCPC (and via webinar/telecon). Geodetic Control Subcommittee Report Transportation for the Nation Subcommittee Report Metadata Subcommittee Report -Federal Only- Data Sets/Themes Geospatial Platform Last CG Meeting of 2012: 12/11.

  26. 2013 CG Meeting Dates Contact: Arista Salimi Maher, FGDC OS, amaher@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none • 2013 CG meeting dates at NCPC have been set.(Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm ET, unless otherwise specified). Mark your calendars! • Meetings usually take place during the 2nd Tuesday of the month; some have shifted due to conference scheduling/NCPC’s availability. • Dates are as follows (m/d): • 1/8, 2/19, 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, 6/11, 7/16, 8/13, 9/10, 10/8, 11/19, 12/10. • Also available on the FGDC Calendar: http://www.fgdc.gov/calendar/month

  27. FGDC Business Update Geospatial Line of Business and Geospatial Platform Update (by task and subtask) Geospatial Platform Catalog NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) FGDC Standards Update

  28. Geospatial Line of Business/Platform Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, rhlamb@fgdc.gov Read ahead: None • Managing Partner Activities: • Completed monthly EVM submission for Geospatial LoB • Monitored and coordinated the completion of the 2012 InterAgency Agreements • Continued to prepare FY14 budget documents

  29. Interagency Document Status Current as of 10/10/12 Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, rhlamb@fgdc.gov Read ahead: None

  30. Geospatial LoB/Platform Contract Transition Contact: Roxanne Lamb, FGDC OS, rhlamb@fgdc.gov Read ahead: None • Closed out Grant Thornton contract activities • Information organization and transfer • Introduction of COMSO contract support • Establish new timeline for milestones and deliverables • Established logistics for meeting and reporting • Identified key near term priorities

  31. Geospatial Platform Catalog Contact: Doug Nebert, FGDC OS, ddnebert@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none GSA has selected the open source CKAN metadata catalog system to replace the Data.gov DMS and index by Q1 CY 2013. geo.data.gov and Platform will use the new Data.gov catalog to harvest and store all metadata, even those from agency ArcGIS portals. Doug Nebert is acting as the Data.gov technical lead until GSA finds a replacement for Chris Musialek, and will be promoting the geo requirements and coordinating with Platform.

  32. Geospatial Platform Catalog, continued Contact: Doug Nebert, FGDC OS, ddnebert@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none There will be one registration process for ‘raw data’ and geospatial data. CSDGM (FGDC) Metadata will be converted on-the-fly to ISO for presentation while displaying original metadata on request. Harvest will be used primarily, but an ISO metadata editor and XML upload are planned. GeoPlatform will provide a simple and advanced query UI against all NSDI metadata, and yet showcase National Geospatial Data Assets.

  33. NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux, FGDC, burbanma@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none • Tentative 2013 Category descriptions posted at: http://www.fgdc.gov/grants/2013CAP/2013CAPDescriptions • Total of 20 possible awards in 8 categories. • Announcement getting USGS approvals. • Will be posted on Grants.gov end of October or early November 2012.

  34. 2012 FGDC Annual Report Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux, FGDC, burbanma@fgdc.gov Read ahead: none Thank you to everyone who provided input! Report is in the layout phase. Will available for review by the full CG this month. Printed report will be available in December.

  35. FGDC Standards Update – October 2012 Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, jmaitra@fgdc.gov, (703) 648-4627. Read-aheads: see my.usgs.gov • FGDC Standards Activities • 2012 CAP Standards Projects • INCITS L1 Standards Activities • OGC Standards Activities • GWG Standards Activities

  36. FGDC Standards Activities Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, jmaitra@fgdc.gov, (703) 648-4627. Read-aheads: see my.usgs.gov • 2012-09-25 FGDC Standards WG meeting, NOAA Silver Spring • Upcoming actions for CG: • Withdrawal of ANSI INCITS 145-1986 (R2007), Identification of Hydrologic Units in the United States and the Caribbean Outlying Areas, Codes for (formerly ANSI X3.145-1986 (R1997) • Statement on FGDC participation in the GWG • The FGDC Standards Coordinator released the revised draft Chapter 10, Standards Suites for Spatial Data Infrastructure, http://www.gsdidocs.org/GSDIWiki/index.php/DraftChapter_10, of the SDI Cookbook for review and comment by SMEs and SWG. The deadline for comments was Friday, October 12.

  37. FGDC Standards Activities Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, jmaitra@fgdc.gov, (703) 648-4627. Read-aheads: see my.usgs.gov • The FGDC OS is following up with CG members about agency participation in standards activities • The next SWG meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 29, 2013 • Location – TBD • Agenda items suggested by 09/25 SWG meeting attendees: • 2011 CAP Spatial Focus demo • Secure deployment of web services • WaterML • Data cataloguing • Mobile applications • Geocoding • CG ideas??

  38. 2012 CAP Standards Projects Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, jmaitra@fgdc.gov, (703) 648-4627. Read-aheads: see my.usgs.gov • September CAP Project Progress Calls • 2012-09-06 – “Enhancing Wetland Classification for the FGDC Wetland Mapping Standard in Montana” – University of Montana • 2012-09-18 – “Integrating the FGDC National Vegetation classification (NVC) Standard with the CNPS/CDFG Manual of California Vegetation, second edition” • 2012-09-20– “Implementation Model Development for FGDC-Standard Cadastral Data - Enabling Seamless Parcel Data Exchange” – Carbon Project • 2012-09-26– “Transitioning to the FGDC Draft Geologic Map Database Standard: A Washington State Geologic Survey Pilot Project” - State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources

  39. 2012 CAP Standards Projects, cont’d Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, jmaitra@fgdc.gov, (703) 648-4627. Read-aheads: see my.usgs.gov • October CAP Project Progress Calls • 2012-10-09 Washington State • 2012-10-25 Carbon Project • November CAP Project Progress Calls • 2012-11-05 Oregon • 2012-11-19 Washington State (interim report due 2012-11-09)

  40. INCITS L1 Standards Activities Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, jmaitra@fgdc.gov, (703) 648-4627. Read-aheads: see my.usgs.gov • Upcoming meetings • 2012-10-17 INCITS L1/U.S. TAG Meeting at USGS • 2012-11-27 INCITS L1/US TAG at TASC, Chantilly, VA • 2012-12-08/12 ISO/TC211 35th Plenary and meeting at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia • INCITS is still looking for someone to serve as L1 International Representative

  41. OGC Standards Activities Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, jmaitra@fgdc.gov, (703) 648-4627. Read-aheads: see my.usgs.gov • OGC TC/PC meeting was held October 8-12 in Seoul, Korea. • OGC North America Open Standards Exposition, held September 19, was a great success • 210 individuals registered for the event, 152 attended (72%, a great turnout) • Approximately 108 agencies and organizations were represented • OGC adopted the following standards: • Enhanced Data Model Extension to the OGC Network Common Data Form (netCDF) Core Encoding Standard • OGC WaterML 2.0 Part 1: Time Series Encoding Standard - USGS, NOAA among organizations that submitted standard to the OGC membership for adoption

  42. GWG Standards Activities Contact: Julie Binder Maitra, FGDC OS, jmaitra@fgdc.gov, (703) 648-4627. Read-aheads: see my.usgs.gov • The 12-3 GWG voting session was held on September 27 at TASC, Chantilly, VA. • The FGDC abstained on all standards in which it could not assess relevance to the civilian community. • The FGDC voted yes on emerging standards identified by the GWG Geospatial Web Services Focus Group • 2012-10-23 next GWG Geospatial Web Services Focus Group meeting at TASC

  43. October 2012 - Standards

  44. November 2012 - Standards

  45. QUESTIONS? www.fgdc.gov

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