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Embargo: tricks and tips

Embargo: tricks and tips. Eleonora Cossi - INFN. Embargo: tricks and tips. Historical : An order of a state forbidding foreign ships to enter , or any ships to leave , its ports : an embargo laid by our Emperor upon all vessels whatsoever General : An official ban on any activity

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Embargo: tricks and tips

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  1. Embargo: tricks and tips EleonoraCossi - INFN

  2. Embargo: tricks and tips • Historical: An orderof a state forbiddingforeignshipstoenter, or anyshipstoleave, itsports:an embargo laidbyourEmperoruponallvesselswhatsoever • General: An officialban on anyactivity • In journalism: a news embargo or a press embargo is a requestby a source that the information providedwillnotbepublisheduntil a certain date

  3. Embargo: tricks and tips • News embargoes are commonlyapplied on information of science and health-related news regardingupcomingscientific journal articles • The reasonsgivenforsuchembargoes are twofold. First, theyenablejournaliststo produce more comprehensive and accurate coverage, as the embargo providestime in whichthey can research the background to a story • Second, theyenabledoctors and scientiststoreceive and toanalyzescientificstudiesbefore the general public does, enablingthemtobebetterinformedwhencalledupontocomment

  4. Forthcoming Nature Physicspaper “DearColleague, Iamwritingtoinformyouthat “Parity–time-symmetricwhispering-gallerymicrocavities” byYang hasbeenscheduledforAdvance Online Publication (AOP) on Nature Physics's website on 06 April at 1800 London time… You are receivingthisletterbecauseone or more of the authors are affiliatedtoyourinstitutionand/or becauseyourorganizationprovidedfundingfor the research.   EveryTuesday, the Nature researchjournalsdistribute a press releaseofpaperstobepublished AOP the followingSunday. Withinthisrelease, a fewpapersofparticularnewsworthiness are highlighted, withauthorcontactdetails, and the rest are listed. Journalists are given the nameof the author(s) tocontact, togetherwithphonenumbers and e-mail addresses. At thistime, journalists are alsogiven online accessnotonlyto the papers on the press releasebuttoall the papers due toappear… Wewouldbedelightedto cooperate withyiu (US!) in ensuringmaximumpublicityforthispaper. You can sendanypress releasesthatyouhavecreatedforthisresearchtotrusted media contacts, under embargo, fromtoday. Please do not post tothird-party internet journalistresourcesites(suchasEurekAlert or AlphaGalileo) until the Thursdaybeforepublication. Wireservicesstoriesmustalwayscarry the embargo time at the head ofeach item, and maynotbe sent out more than 24 hoursbeforethattime.

  5. Embargo: tricks and tips • If the policy is clear when working with Nature or Science, it is less formal when the embargo is set among institutions • Publication of an article on http://arxiv.org/ (late at night!) • Scientific seminar thatwillannounceresultssubmittedforpublication

  6. Embargo: tricks and tips TRICKS • A Press office never really knows when a big news will come up and from where : blog? Internet is like an ocean… • PR face an international contest (US/CET) • Journalists get easily upset TIPS • Enforce international collaboration with our PR (…have you seen this?) • PR must be strategic with journalists • Always a B plan

  7. "That's the press, baby, the press, and there'snothingyou can do aboutit, nothing."

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