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MARINE STRATEGY FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE (MSFD). STRUCTURE OF PRESENTATION Summary of MSFD Requirements; EU project management arrangements; Descriptors of most relevance to the ports sector; Summary of proposals contained in consultation documents; Post consultation timescales.
MARINE STRATEGY FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE (MSFD) • STRUCTURE OF PRESENTATION • Summary of MSFD Requirements; • EU project management arrangements; • Descriptors of most relevance to the ports sector; • Summary of proposals contained in consultation documents; • Post consultation timescales. Susan Cramer Planning and Environmental Policy GroupDepartment of the Environment
INTRODUCTION TO MSFD Sets out a common framework, based on co-operation, between Member States to ensure the sustainable use of marine goods and services by current and future generations; Each Member State must achieve or maintain Good Environmental Status in their marine environment by 2020; Strong focus on regional cooperation using existing regional seas conventions like OSPAR where appropriate; UK waters are located in the NE Atlantic Ocean marine region with the sub regions in the Directive relevant to UK waters primarily the Greater North Sea and the Celtic Seas.
2015 2016 2020 MSFD Timescales Programme of Measures implemented Monitoring programme established Initial assessment of UK seas 2008 2010 2012 2014 Develop Programme of Measures Directive transposed GES achieved for UK seas GES defined, including targets and indicators Commission to publish GES criteria & methodological standards
EU MANAGEMENT APPROACHCommission will be assisted by a Committee as per Article 25 Marine Directors Marine Strategic Co-ordination Committee Member States, Regional Seas Conventions and EU level stakeholders GES Working Group Data, Information & Knowledge Exchange Working Group JRC / ICES / GES Task Groups
Implications of MSFD for NI Ports ? • 4 descriptors of most relevance; • Descriptor 2 : Non-indigenous species introduced by human activities are at levels that do not adversely alter the ecosystems. • Descriptor 6 : Sea floor integrity is at a level that ensures that the structure and functions of the ecosystems are safeguarded and benthic ecosystems, in particular, are not adversely affected. • Descriptor 10 : Properties and quantities of marine litter do not cause harm to the coastal and marine environment. • Descriptor 11 : Introduction of energy, including underwater noise, is at levels that do not adversely affect the marine environment.
TRANSPOSITION Putting in place the legal framework for implementation • Consultation 30th October 2009-22 January 2010, responses by email to marineteam@doeni.gov.uk; • The objective of the draft regulations is to establish a coordinated framework which will deliver a coherent strategy while respecting the UK’s devolution settlements; • The regulations contain provisions for collaborative working and requirement for mutual consent between Secretary of State and Devolved Administrations on devolved and retained matters in implementation; • Collaborative working and stakeholder involvement will underpin implementation in NI.
SUMMARY OF DRAFT REGULATIONS • Sets out authorities competent for implementation-Competent Authorities (CA) for NI inshore (DOE) and offshore area (SoS) • 3 levels of implementation • International - SoS responsible for leading and coordinating UK implementation, in particular for the initial assessment, determination of GES and establishing environmental targets and indicators; • National – CAs responsible for developing monitoring programme and POM; • Local – DOE coordinating implementation in NI inshore area-responsibility for the marine environment shared with DARD, DRD, DETI, DCAL and FCILC-NI Executive approval will be required; • Stakeholder participation - through ongoing discussions and public consultation at initial assessment, determination of GES, development of targets and indicators, development of monitoring programmes and development of POM.
TRANSPOSITION TIMESCALES • To ensure a consistent and coherent approach is achieved there is a UK wide approach to transposition; • NI is participating in a Defra led transposition project Consultation closes Prepare summary of Consultation Amend SI and RIA and obtain Committee and Executive approval Regulations laid before Parliament Regulations made 22 January 2010 Feb 2009 March – April 2010 June 2010 July 2010
MARINE STRATEGY FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE (MSFD) CONCLUSION • MSFD should not be seen in isolation, implementation will be supported by measures like:- • existing EU directives like the Water Framework Directive, Habitats Directive, and the Common Fisheries Policy; • UK Legislation – the UK Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009; • Proposed NI Marine Bill; • The transposition stage of the project will be complete by 15 July 2010 however we plan to work closely with stakeholders to implement the Directive and there will be further engagement and formal consultation at key stages as implementation unfolds…… Thank you for listening, do you have any questions ?