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Disaster Preparedness Pandemic Influenza

Disaster Preparedness Pandemic Influenza. Melissa House, Ph.D.: Public Health Walden University PUBH 8165-1 Instructor: Dr. Robert Marino Spring Qtr, 2011. Learning outcomes. After this presentation you will be able to: Define Pandemic Influenza

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Disaster Preparedness Pandemic Influenza

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  1. Disaster PreparednessPandemic Influenza Melissa House, Ph.D.: Public Health Walden University PUBH 8165-1 Instructor: Dr. Robert Marino Spring Qtr, 2011

  2. Learning outcomes • After this presentation you will be able to: • Define Pandemic Influenza • Describe the potential impacts of Pandemic Influenza • Identify preventative strategies against Pandemic Influenza • Identify key roles in emergency preparedness • Identify the key components in an emergency preparedness plan • Identify how to develop an emergency preparedness checklist

  3. What is Pandemic influenza • An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerges for which there is little or no immunity within the affected population • Causes serious illness • Spreads quickly • Global disease outbreak OSHA, 2011, State of New Jersey, 2007

  4. Potential Impacts of an Influenza Pandemic • Rapid spread • Overload within Health Care Systems • Inadequate medical supplies • Inadequate personnel • Economic and Social disruption (NCBI, 2009)

  5. Strategies for preventing pandemic influenza • Early detection • Treatment • Infection control • Vaccination Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010

  6. Pre-Pandemic Period

  7. Healthcare Facilities • Develop process & decision plans • Disease surveillance • Communication/Agency Collaboration • Education/Training • Medication Use • Healthcare facility capacity • Supplies • Personnel U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2004

  8. State & Local Responsibilities • Develop process & decision plans • Collaboration with other agencies • Communication • Legal & ethical issues

  9. HHS responsibilities • Provide: • Guidance • Resources • Collaboration with other agencies

  10. Outbreak Period

  11. Healthcare facility responsibilities • Activate Plans • Heighten surveillance • Establish communication • Infection control • Reporting U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2004

  12. State & Local Health responsibilities • Provide other agencies with up to date information: • Spread of disease • Location • Statistical Information • Assist with other agencies

  13. HHS Responsibilities • Assist other agencies: • Medication management & dispense • Supplies

  14. Preparing a Checklist

  15. Plan Components • Surveillance • Communication • Education/Training • Triage • Access • Occupational Health • Vaccination

  16. Surveillance

  17. Surveillance Plan • Establish procedures to identify and tract outbreak within area. • Lab Testing – How, when, & who • What type of data to collect & monitor • How often to monitor data • Timing of data collection • Quality Assurance World Health Organization, 2005

  18. Communication

  19. Communication Plan • Develop plan that includes key stakeholders. • Develop collaborative partnerships with other agencies. • Develop policies of how information is to be presented.

  20. Education/Training

  21. Education/Training • Develop education and training plans for both healthcare workers and patients • Training should include: • Prevention, identification & treatment for pandemic influenza. • Hospital procedures/plans to be implemented during a pandemic situation.

  22. Education/Training • Cross-training for staff • Educational handouts for patients • Educational drills to prepare staff for emergency situations • Up-to-date information education on possible pandemic diseases • Control, treatment, prevention, etc. • Training on personal preparedness

  23. Triage

  24. Triage Plan • Develop triage plan that includes • Screening protocols • Treatment priority protocols • Transport protocols • Isolation protocols U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2004

  25. Facility Access

  26. Access Plan • Develop a plan that addresses access to the facility during pandemic situations. • Plans should include: • Procedures for closing & limiting access to the facility • Visitor access & limitation • Security U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2004

  27. Occupational Health

  28. Occupational Health • Development of plans to deliver vaccine or antiviral medications to personnel. • This includes a method for: • Prioritizing personnel receipt of vaccine/medication • Monitoring system to assess employee exposure • Policy for the management of employees who become ill or who present with symptoms U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2004

  29. Vaccination

  30. Vaccination Administration • Development of a plan that established procedures for vaccination use • Procedures should include: • Priority list • When to start giving vaccination • How vaccinations will be given

  31. Summary Preparation for a pandemic event is crucial to all healthcare facilities. When proper planning is put into place, the detrimental affects of a pandemic outbreak can be avoided. It is also important that all potential resources are included in the planning process to ensure adequate procedures and training.

  32. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Interim Guidance on Infection Control Measures for 2009 H1N1 Influenza in Healthcare Settings, Including Protection of Healthcare Personnel. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/guidelines_infection_control.htm. NCBI. (2009). Disaster planning: potential effects of an influenza pandemic on community healthcare resources. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19739459. State of New Jersey. (2007). Pandemic preparedness planning template for federally qualified health centers. Retrieved from http://www.state.nj.us/health/flu/documents/plan/hlth_app_3.pdf. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2004). HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan Supplement 3 Healthcare Planning. Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/pandemicflu/plan/sup3.html#process.

  33. References Cont. World Health Organization. (2005). WHO: Checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/csr/recources/publications/influenza/Flucheck6web.pdf.

  34. Further Reading • Emergency Management Guide • www.fema.gov • Emergency Response and Crisis Management Technical Assistance Center – Creating Emergency Management Plans • http://rems.ed.gov/docs/CreatingPlans.pdf • Seasonal Flu Guidance for Health Professionals • http://www.flu.gov/professional/hospital/index.html

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