cts/sec Day ROSAT All Sky Map (3/4 keV) High sensitivity all sky X-ray monitor and survey with MAXIN. Isobe(RIKEN, isobe@crab.riken.jp) ,Mihara, M. kohama, M. Suzuki (RIKEN), M. Matsuoka, S. Ueno, H. Tomida (JAXA), N. Kawai, J. Kataoka (Tokyo Tech. Univ.), A. Yoshida, K. Yamaoka (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.), H. Tsunemi, E. Miyata (Osaka Univ), H. Negoro (Nihon Univ.), M. Morii (Rikkyo Univ.), and MAXI teamWeb : http//www-maxi.tksc.jaxa.jp Star Sensor Slit of SSC Slit of GSC • What is MAXI (Monitor of All sky X-ray Image) • Instruments on MAXI ISS • MAXI carries two scanning camera Gas Slit Camera (GSC) & Solid-state Slit Camera (SSC) • Both cameras • consist of 1-d position sensitive detector, collimator and slit. • have a narrow rectangular field of view. • are set up toward zenith and forward direction, to compensate non-operational periods (e.g. South Atlantic Anomaly). • All sky X-ray monitor on the Japanese Experimental Module (JEM) of the International Space Station (ISS) • Launch : autumn, 2008. • Orbital period : 96 minute(ISS). • Mission life : more than 2 years • Sensitivity : 1 mCrab @ 1 week ISS Motion MAXI Zenith FoV X-ray source 2 JEM X-ray source 1 Forward FoV MAXI Slit Scan Earth Collimator ISS Motion 1d-position sensitive detector Field of views of MAXI Concept of slit camera GSC SSC(without collimators) GSC SSC collimator Proportional counters (10mm Carbon anode, Xe + CO2 @ 1.4 atom) 2 – 30 keV 5350 cm2 1.5 x 160 degree2 18 % @ Mo-Ka 0.1 degree X-ray CCDs (made in Japan) 0.5 – 10 keV 200 cm2 1.5 x 90 degree2 140 eV 0.1 degree Detector Energy Range Effective Area Field of view Energy Resolution Position Accuracy Proportional Counters CCD chip Slit • What to be explored with MAXI • Long-term variability of AGNs • Sensitivity of MAXI A simulated lightcurve of MCG-6-3015, with MAXI Power spectrum density, (multiplying by frequency; Hayashida et al. 1998) MAXI can monitor more than 1000 X-ray sources, especiallyactive galactic nuclei (AGNs). day hour min sec Cyg X-1 RXTE-ASM ( ~30 mCrab ) Time scale ∝ Mass-1 10 mCrab @ 1 orbit (96 min) AGNs 3 mCrab @ 1 day 1 mCrab @ 1 week Black hole mass on various scales will be estimated with MAXI • Monitoring of blazars X-ray flux of known sources, plotted against distance Mrk 421 • “Dynamic” Catalog of X-ray sources (Takahashi 1998) Mrk 501 (Kataoka 2000) MAXI GLAST MAXI GLAST MAXI and GLAST can trace the highest energy electrons in jet • Monitoring Galactic sources • Emission line mapping with SSC RXTE/ASM Lightcurve (Bradt et al. 2002) Neutron Stars Black Holes 1 orbit Snowden et al. 1997 MAXI SSC will make a detailed map of emission lines (e.g., Oxygen) in our Galaxy (Local bubble, galactic ridge, etc,). MAXI can monitor fainter objects. (MAXI sensitivity is 0.075 cts/s in the figures !) • Quick alert of X-ray transients flare of known sources • g-ray bursts and their afterglow • Distribution of distant AGNs (X-ray BGD) • etc. 2 weeks Simulated all sky image to be obtained with MAXI GSC (Diffuse sources excluded) MAXI team (2003)