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European policies for researchers & EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion Researchers’ Mobility Day, Kopaonik , 7 March 2011. Dimitris Sanopoulos Centre for Research and Technology Hellas. Outline presentation. Policy frame - Researchers in the European Research Area: the beginning
European policies for researchers & EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion Researchers’ Mobility Day, Kopaonik, 7 March 2011 Dimitris Sanopoulos Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Outline presentation • Policy frame - Researchers in the European Research Area: the beginning • Actions undertaken and results obtained so far: EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion • Policy frame - Researchers in the European Research Area NOW
Policy frame – Researchers in the European Research Area (ERA): the beginning • Actions undertaken and results obtained: EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion • Policy frame - Researchers in the European Research Area NOW
The European Research Area (ERA) In 2000, the EU decided to create the European Research Area (ERA). This meant creating a unified area all across Europe, in which we should: • Enable researchersto move and interact seamlessly, benefit from world-class infrastructures and work with excellent networks of research institutions; • Share, teach, value and use knowledge effectively for social, business and policy purposes; • Optimise and open European, national and regional research programmes in order to support the best research throughout Europe and coordinate these programmes to address major challenges together; • Develop strong links with partners around the world so that Europe benefits from the worldwide progress of knowledge, contributes to global development and takes a leading role in international initiatives to solve global issues
Whyresearchers in the ERAChallenges Researchers are at the heart of knowledge creation, transfer and exploitation: they are knowledge vectors. Without them, no research. Europe’s challengeson human resources in research: • Strong and rising competition, globally and with other economic sectors • Demographic challenges in the form of a higher retirement rate for researchers • Europe’s goal of increased public and private investments in R&D • Need to mainstream mobility, based on the paradigm of “brain circulation”, between institutions, between sectors and across borders
EU has a deficit of researchers and therefore needs: • To attract, train and retain an increasing number of talented people undertaking the profession of researcher; • To convince the EU public opinion and the EU Governments to invest on researchers
Policy frame – Researchers in the European Research Area (ERA): the beginning • Actions undertaken and results obtained: EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion C. Policy frame - Researchers in the European Research Area NOW
… the long way to EURAXESS • Activities started around 2003 / 2004, but developed differently • A study with Deloitte/TEP in 2007 proofed that the ERA-MORE • Network and the ERMPortal were not sufficiently known among the • researcher community • Branding launch on 24 June 2008 under a new umbrella in • presence of former RTD Commissioner Potocnik
5th Anniversary of the European Researcher’s Mobility Portal & launch event of EURAXESS24 June 2008, Brussels
EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion: 4 initiatives that, by supporting the mobility and career of researchers, assist in establishing Europe as an area of excellence in scientific research 3 reference pillars: • Mobility issues • European dimension in research careers • Making Europe more attractive
EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion4 activities Recruitment tool with job vacancies, funding opportunities, grants, employment, etc. Relocation assistance for researchers and their family Information on the Charter and Code(i.e. rights and obligations in the research profession) and their implementation mechanism: the HRS4R A networking tool for European researchers abroad
Policy frame – Researchers in the European Research Area (ERA): the beginning • Actions undertaken and results obtained so far: EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion C. Researchers in the European Research Area NOW
1st milestone: May 28th 2008 Communication from the EC to the Council and the EU Parliament: Better careers and more mobility: A EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIP FOR RESEARCHERS (EPR)
The European Partnership for Researchers • Decisive measures are needed for Europe’s researchers, and progress should be made in a comprehensive and coordinated way • Partnership = framework for MS to direct their efforts at national level (National Action Plans) based on common, agreed objectives in 4 key areas: 1.Systematically open recruitment (specific ref. to EURAXESS Jobs and Services); • Meet social security and supplementary pension needs of mobile researchers (specific ref. to EURAXESS Services); ; 3. Provide attractive employment and working conditions (EURAXESS Rights); 4. Enhance the training, skills and experience of researchers
3 year initiative building upon reforms and actions already underway • Member States to set out national action plans (5 MS & 3 AC have submitted NAPs) • Commission helps in mutual learning, good practices and where appropriate establishing common guidelines on specific issues • European level action to support Member States in areas where coordination and financial incentives advance progress; • Monitoring and reporting on agreed indicators and evaluation after 3 years
1) EURAXESS Jobs Ref. EPR/Axe 1 „Open recruitment“/Proposed priority action n° 2: “MS and EC to ensure that all publicly funded researchers' positions are openly advertised online, in particular EURAXESS” EURAXESS and the EPR
2) EURAXESS Services Ref. EPR/Axe 1 „Open recruitment“/Proposed priority action n°3: “MS and EC to ensure adequate information and assistance services for researchers moving between institutions, sectors and countries including through EURAXESS “ Around 130,000 queries in 2010 EURAXESS and the EPR
3) EURAXESS Rights Ref. EPR/Axe 3 „Attractive employment and working conditions“ i.e. leaning on the concrete implementation of the Charter and Code Over 1,000 institutions from 30 European countries and beyond have expressed their support to C/C 42 already awarded the „HR Excellence in Research” logo(more in the pipeline) EURAXESS and the EPR
2nd milestone: September 30th 2008 Council Conclusions on the European Partnership for Researchers and the SGHRM Mandate “…the "Human Resources and Mobility" Steering Group, the mandate of which will have to be adapted, is the most appropriate forum for conducting this partnership in a flexible manner…"
3rd Milestone: Communication (2010) “Europe 2020 - A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth” • Big Societal Challenges - Climate, Energy, Health, Security, Resource Efficiency… • Need an integrated andstrategic approach • 7 Flagship Initiatives: Innovation Union, Agenda for New Skills and Jobs, Digital Agenda, Youth on the Move, etc. • 4th Milestone: Communication (2010) “Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative - Innovation Union” • Innovation overarching policy objective • Main obstacles: unfavorable framework conditions & fragmentation of effort
The Innovation Union Commitment (1) • Over 30 Action Points (“Commitments”) proposing initiatives in key areas, including: • #1: By the end of 2011, MS should have strategies in place to train enough researchers to meet their national R&D targets and to promote attractive employment conditions in public research institutions. Gender and dual career considerations should be fully taken into account in these strategies.
The Innovation Union Commitment (4) • #4: Completing the ERA: In 2012, COM will propose an ERA framework and supporting measures to remove obstacles to mobility and cross-border cooperation (to be in force by end 2014), addressing among others: • quality of doctoral training, attractive employment conditions and gender balance in research careers; • mobility of researchers across countries and sectors, including through open recruitment in public research institutions and comparable research career structures and by facilitating the creation of European supplementary pension funds.
The Innovation Union Commitment (30) • #30: By 2012, EU and MS to put into place integrated policies: • to ensure thatleading academics, researchers and innovators reside and work in Europeand • toattract a sufficient number of highly skilled third country nationalsto stay in Europe.
That’s all, for now: stay tuned! http://ec.europa.eu/euraxessDimitris SanopoulosCentre for Research and Technology HellasHead of Implementation of Horizontal Projects UnitTel: +30 2310 498155Fax: +30 2310 498410E-mail: sanopoul@certh.gr