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By What Authority?. False Standards of Authority. Bible Authority. Religious authority comes from God because he is our Creator (Gen. 1:1) and God expresses his authority through his word (Heb. 1:1-2) Both the OT and the NT exemplify the need for God’s authority in our life
By What Authority? False Standards of Authority
Bible Authority • Religious authority comes from God because he is our Creator (Gen. 1:1) and God expresses his authority through his word (Heb. 1:1-2) • Both the OT and the NT exemplify the need for God’s authority in our life • There is also a need to distinguish the different covenants in the Bible and handle accurately the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15)
Bible Authority • God authorizes a practice sometimes by speaking generically (allowing for aides, expediencies) and sometimes by speaking specifically or explicitly (not allowing any additions) • How does God authorize something in the NT? How is authority established? God establishes authority the same way governments establish authority through their own written documents … directly (statements, examples) and indirectly (implications / inferences)
Bible Authority • God is silent on some matters, so what are we to do? God’s silence: permissive or prohibited? • Two attitudes have existed down through time regarding this matter: • When God is silent we can act (permissive) • When God is silent we cannot act (prohibitive)
Bible Authority • The world is filled with people who engage in religious activities that have not been authorized by God’s word • There are many false authorities that people appeal to in order to defend or justify their religious practices • Many turn away from the truth and simply follow their own desires (2 Tim. 4:3-4)
False Standards of Authority • Adam appealed to a false standard of authority for his unauthorized practice (Gen. 3:12) • Aaron appealed to a false standard of authority for his unauthorized practice (Ex. 32:22-23) • Saul appealed to a false standard of authority for his unauthorized practice (1 Sam. 13:11-14; 15:15,21,24)
False Standards of Authority • The Pharisees appealed to a false standard of authority for their unauthorized practice (Mk. 7:1-13) • Saul of Tarsus appealed to a false standard of authority for his unauthorized practice (Acts 26:9-11) • The Gnostics appealed to a false standard of authority for their unauthorized practice (Col. 2:8, 16-23)
False Standards of Authority • “Look at all the good it is doing, therefore, it must be right.” • Look at the crowds, the young people, the funds raised, the lost people saved, etc. • This standard says that the end justifies the means (Rom. 3:8; 6:1)
False Standards of Authority • “Great and wise men favor this plan or practice.” • Many religious scholars, leaders, and doctors, like Barnes, Clark, Barclay, and Spurgeon say such-and-such about infant baptism, instrumental music, faith only, etc. • This standard says that the word of men can replace the word of God; man’s word is respected over God’s word (Mt. 15:6; 1 Cor. 2:5)
False Standards of Authority • “The Church approves of the practice.” • Many religious practices are defended by the councils and creeds of “the Church” hierarchy • This standard says that God has given authority to “the Church” leaders who came after the NT apostles (Gal. 1:6-9; Col. 2:8; 2 Thess. 2:15; Jude 3)
False Standards of Authority • “Pioneers of the Restoration Movement and faithful brethren have always done this and said it was right.” • Many religious brethren like Campbell, Stone, Lard, McGarvey, Pendleton and “Brother so-and-so” approved of such practices • This standard says that the practice of brethren is right (Gal. 2:11-14; 2 Tim. 2:17-18) • NOTE: If brethren do what is unauthorized by God’s word, then they are not “faithful”
False Standards of Authority • “Other religious groups who love God are doing it.” • Other religious groups do this in their worship, in their building, etc. • This standard says that the practice of a religious group is right (Mt. 7:21-23; Lk. 6:46; Jn. 14:15) • We must not look to the world for our authority (1 Sam. 8:5); we must seek to please God, not the world (Gal. 1:10; 1 Thess. 2:4)
False Standards of Authority • “I had rather do wrong than nothing at all.” • Look at what other religions are doing in the area of recreation, entertainment, business, and education, and we aren’t doing anything • This standard says that one chooses between (1) wrong and (2) nothing; not considering the choice of (3) doing what is right (1 Cor. 15:58; Eph. 2:10; Tit. 2:14)
False Standards of Authority • False standards of authority devised by human wisdom sound good and tickle the ears of those who want man’s word above truth • Let us be content to do God’s will in God’s way!