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CROATIAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. The education system in Croatia consists of : pre-school education, primary education, secondary education, higher education and lifelong learning and adult education. PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION.
The education system in Croatia consists of : • pre-school education, • primary education, • secondary education, • higher education and • lifelong learning and adult education.
PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION • Pre-school education and child care are intended for children aged six months up to the primary school aged pupils. • Employees are educational workers - educators, counselors, psychologists, therapists, speech therapists and nurses. • Types of programs: 1.full-day programs2. preschool programs3. shorter programs
Additionally offered programs:a) Early learning of foreign languages (EN, FR, DE, IT, ES)b)Sports Programs: rhythimcs, dance, soccer, tennis...c) Programs for ill children (children who are in hospitals)d) Religious Programs (Catholic, Jewish, Protestant,in kindergartens ...)
Alternative programs: a) Kindergartens on the principles of Montessori pedagogy b) Waldorf kindergartens c) Kindergartens on the principle of pedagogy Agazzi
PRIMARY EDUCATION • Compulsory for children aged 6 to 15 • It is subdivided into: 1. CLASSROOM TEACHING - classes 1-4 (children aged 6 or 7 to 10 or 11) class teacher teaches subjects: the Croatian language, mathematics, science and society, arts, Music, Physical Education and class teacher's lesson;english teacher teaches English;religion teacher teaches religious classes - elective lessons 2. SUBJECT TEACHING – classes 5-8 ( pupils aged 10 or 11 to 14 or 15) each subject taught by subject teacher
ELECTIVE classes : a second foreign language (usually German), religious education, informatics Extracurricular activities: drama, school choir, dance group, football, handball ... Class teacher has 20 hours of lessons a week directly working with students, subject teachers between 18 and 22 hours.
Teaching in most primary schools takes place in two shifts: morning shift from 8 a.m. and afternoon shifts from 2 p.m.Students in classrooms have 3-6 lessons a day, in subject teaching 5-7 lessons.. Lessons last for 45 minutes.Primary education is free, but books, textbooks and other school equipment must be paid and brought by students and their parents .
SECONDARY EDUCATION • 1. Secondary Schools:a) High School - general or specialized (language, math ...) - lasts 4 yearsb) Vocational schools - technical, industrial, trade ... last from 1-4 yearsc) Art schools - music, dance, art .. last 4 years • 2.Adult secondary education • 3.Education of students with disabilities
At the end of the 4-year education secondary school students are required to take the state graduation exam (matura tests), and students of other schools can take the State graduation (matura) if they are in 4-year education.Secondary education is not compulsory and free of charge.
HIGHER EDUCATION • 1.UNIVERSITY:a) Facultyb) The Academy of Arts • 2.Polytechnics and colleges • Studies are paid, and for excellent students there is the possibility of getting a scholarship. Duration of education is 3 or 5 years.