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Explore the constitutional features of Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey, Italy, and Denmark including sovereignty, pluralism, separation of powers, and human rights.
Poland Capital of Poland is Warsaw. Utilitarian language is Polish. Politycal structure is parliamentary republic. It is democratic state. Lech Kaczyński is a president. 322.575 km² is surface of state. Polish monetary unit is one złoty. Population is 38,139,000. It is hymn of Poland „Marsz Dąbrowskiego”
Czech Republic Capital of Czech Republic is in Prague. Utilitarian language is Czech. Politycal strukture is parliamentary republic. This is democratic state. Vaclav Clause is a president. 78 866 km² is surface of state.Czech monetary unit is one czech crown Population is 10 425 000. It is hymn of czech republic „Kde domov můj”.
Turkey Capital of Turkey is Ankara. Utilitarian language is Turkish. Politycal strukture is parliamentary republic. It is limited state democratically. Abdullah Gul is a president. 780 580 km² is surface of state. Turkish monetary unit is one new turkish lira. Population is 71 893 000 . It is hymn of Turkey „İstiklâl Marşı”
Denmark Capital of Denmark is Copenhagen. Utilitarian language is Danish. Politycal strukture is parliamentary monarchy. This is democratic state. Margrethe II is a qeen. 43 094 km² is surface of state. Danish monetary unit it one danish crown. Population is 5 484 723. It is hymn of Denmark is „Der er et yndigt land”
Italy Capital of Italy is Rome. Utilitarian language is Italian. Politycal structure is parliamentary republic. It is democratic state. Giorgio Napolitano is a president. 301.300 km² is surface of state. Polish monetary unit is one euro. Population is 59.418.550. It is hymn of Italy „Fratelli d'Italia ”.
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