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COMENIUS. A vision without a task is only a dream . A task without a vision is drudgery . A vision and a task are the hope of the world. Inscription on a church wall in SUSSEX in England, c. 1730.
A visionwithoutatask is only a dream. A taskwithoutavision is drudgery. A vision and a taskarethehope of theworld. Inscriptionon a churchwallin SUSSEX in England, c. 1730
EineVisionohneUmsetzungbleibteinTraum. EineUmsetzungohneVisionisteineTragödie. Und eineVision, die umgesetztwird, bringtHoffnungfürviele. InschriftauseinerKircheinSussex von 1730
Lavisionesenzaazione é un sogno. L’azionesenzavisione é un incubo. La visione e l’azionesono la speranza per il mondo.
Visio ilmantyötehtävääonpelkkäunelma. Työilmanvisiotaonraatamista. Visio ja työovatmaailmantoivo.
A feladat nélküli vízió egy álom, a vízió nélküli feladat lélekromboló, míg egy vízió és egy feladat a világ reménysége. Egy sussexi templom felirata, kb. 1730-ból
Cologne: 2003, 2005, 2007, 2013 Warsaw: 2003, 2005, 2007 Debrecen: 2002 (2), 2006, 2009, 2011, 2012
Klosterneuburg: 2004, 2006 Oradea: 2004 Valencia: 2005
Varna: 2006, 2010 Setúbal: 2008, 2011 Mersin:2010, 2012
Seinäjoki: 2014 Genova: 2013 Rakvere: 2011, 2012
Aims of the project • Great variety of subjects, courses and departments • Integratingasmanyparticipantsaspossible • Promotingkeyskills, e.g. language, social, digitalskills and culturalinteraction • Understandingdemographicdevelopment • V
Aims of the project • Demographicsurveysaboutthedifferenteverydayhabits of thegenerations • Comparingdemographicdata of the partner countries • Developing IT trainingcoursesforthe old generation • Developing a glossary of important project terms • Promotingculturalcompetencethroughphoto, video and internet activities • Cooking, singing and dancingtogether
Aims of the project • Developingrespectforyourowntraditions and forforeignones • Organizingeventswhichconnectdifferentgenerations • Publishing the project resultslocally, regionally, nationwide and ontheinternationallevel • Integratingexperiences and results of former and present Comenius projects
Resultsgained and expected • A common project website • Documentation of project activities, includingthe 4 project meetings • Exhibitionstallsat project weekinGermany • Evaluation of questionnaires • Videos, photos, project posters and drawings • Betterkeyskills • Increased interest inthe project topics