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Armed forces remained Loyal to the tsar. Mutinies in the armed services did not continue after the war i.e. the mutinies at Kronstadt and the mutiny on the PotemkinWhen faced with serious disorder in the towns and in the countryside the army stood behind the TsarLoyal troops returned to destroy the soviets.
1. Why did the 1905 revolution fail? Summary of reasons
2. Armed forces remained Loyal to the tsar Mutinies in the armed services did not continue after the war i.e. the mutinies at Kronstadt and the mutiny on the Potemkin
When faced with serious disorder in the towns and in the countryside the army stood behind the Tsar
Loyal troops returned to destroy the soviets
3. The Tsar was able to divide his opposition He secured the loyalty of the moderate liberals
In doing so he managed to buy of the peasants, defeat the workers and arrest their leaders The church and the civil service retained all their old powers
Censorship was reintroduced and the powers of the Duma was severely limited
4. The Tsar was able to divide his opposition The alliance of peasants, workers and liberals fell apart after the first Duma was proposed
Each group had a different agenda
5. Neither the peasants or liberals were ready for a revolution Peasant unrest diminished with the announcement that redemption payments would be reduced then abolished
This reduced the unrest along with winter Peasant union declined as those who continued to protest faced no mercy
6. Unrest among nationalities Many of Russia’s subjects were not ethnic Russians
The governing elites throughout the empire were almost always culturally Russified
Jews, Muslims and nomadic peoples faced contempt and discrimination
7. Unrest among nationalities Nationalist movements grew steadily to reclaim and revive their cultural heritage especially in Poland
However nationalities within Russia were divided in their efforts against autocracy
8. The Tsar’s response Once he had defeated the workers and bought off the peasants, he felt strong enough to back down on the concessions he made to the liberals
He made changes to the construction of the Duma that made it ‘less democratic in its scope’
9. As Trotsky states:
‘ the events of 1905 were a prologue to the two revolutions of 1917…. Although with a few broken ribs, tsarism came out of the experience of 1905 alive and strong enough.’