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Event Selection - Electron p T > 20 GeV/c - Electron Isolation < 0.1 - Standard Electron Identification - Electron abs(eta) < 2.5 - Missing Transverse Energy > 20 GeV - At Less 1 b jet ( at less 1 jet with higheff > 2.03). M(jj) Reconstruction
Event Selection - Electron pT > 20 GeV/c - Electron Isolation < 0.1 - Standard Electron Identification - Electron abs(eta) < 2.5 - Missing Transverse Energy > 20 GeV - At Less 1 b jet ( at less 1 jet with higheff > 2.03) M(jj) Reconstruction - Jet pT > 30 GeV/c - HighEfficenecy b tag < 2.03 - abs(eta) <3 - ΔR(jj) > 0.5 1 ZeeJet_pt30to50 investigation with PAT CMSSW_3_5_7 All of these using this event selection Data set:/ZeeJet_Pt30to50/Spring10-START3X_V26_S09-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO *With L2L3 energy correction *Add 1 more event selection At Less 1 b jet ( at less 1 jet with higheff > 2.03)
ZeeJet_Pt30to50 Same Events Mixed Events 2
ZeeJet_Pt30to50 Same event 300-500 GeV/c2 Mixed event after normalization Log Scale Normalization Region 3
ZeeJet_Pt30to50 After subtraction Before subtraction 4 Zoom-in
5 Some information of jets before and after cuts
ZeeJet_pt30to50 Details 6 These are the b jets multiplicity with MC matching . We can see that after all cuts on first page applied we can eliminate most of b jets from our system. I think b jets contamination is not the problem.
ZeeJet_pt30to50 Details 7 Jet multiplicity before and after cuts. We can see that before cuts we have many jets in the events ( most of them have 10s jets in 1 events). After cuts we loss many jets. Most of the events have no jets (the first bin indicate the event with no jets).
ZeeJet_pt30to50 Details 8 In these plots show the Et of the first leading calo jet before and after the cuts. There are peak shape on these plots?????
ZeeJet_pt30to50 Details 9 In these plots show the Et of the second leading calo jet before and after the cuts. There are peak shape on these plots too ?????
ZeeJet_pt30to50 Details 10 These two plots show the parton flavor of jets before and after cuts. The number on x-axis have these meaning 1,2,3, and 4 are u,d,s,c quarks. 5 is b quark. 0 is the jets without MC match. 21 is gluon jet. Minus value is just antiparticle. We can see that most of jets after cut are from no MC match jets which I think it is normal.
11 From page 12 to 14, I extracted the in formation of 2 jets in the combinations that make the M(jj) in the region of 130 GeV<M(jj)<180 GeV (the region around peak 150 GeV)
ZeeJet_pt30to50 Details 12 These plots show the calo jets that pass the cuts to do the combination in the region of 130 GeV<M(jj)<180 GeV. Jet i is the first to do the M(jj) combination and jet j is the second jet i.e. M(jj) from (Jeti,Jetj ). We see the peak at 90 GeV for the jet i and 60 GeV for jet j??????????
ZeeJet_pt30to50 Details 13 These two plots show the parton flavor of jets i and j in the combination after cut in the region of 130 GeV<M(jj)<180 GeV.
ZeeJet_pt30to50 Details 14 I plotted the 2D histograms of page 12 on the left and page 13 on the right. On the left we can see that most of combinations are from 100 GeV jets and 60 GeV jets. Also, on the right jets with parton flavor 0 ( no MC match jets) contribute the most to the peak.
15 M(jj) with different parton flavor jets and Gen Jets
ZeeJet_pt30to50 Details 16 Dr. Volobouev suggested to find the M(jj) of calo jets with parton flavor 0 and parton flavor not equal to 0. On the left is the M(jj) of the calo jets parton flavor 0 after cuts. On the right M(jj) of the calo jets parton flavor not equal to 0 after cuts. In both case we can see the peak at 150 GeV.
ZeeJet_pt30to50 Details 17 Dr. Lee suggested to do the M(jj) of same event from Gen jets. On the left M(jj) without cuts, the peak at around 100 GeV????. On the right M(jj) after cuts clear peak at 100 GeV???.
My questions and some comments • Kalanand told me to use these for Z+Jets BG • /ZeeJet_Pt50to80/Spring10-START3X_V26_S09-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO • /ZeeJet_Pt30to50/Spring10-START3X_V26_S09-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO • /ZeeJet_Pt230to300/Spring10-START3X_V26_S09-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO • /ZeeJet_Pt80to120/Spring10-START3X_V26_S09-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO • /ZeeJet_Pt300toInf/Spring10-START3X_V26_S09-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO • /ZeeJet_Pt20to30/Spring10-START3X_V26_S09-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO /ZeeJet_Pt20to30/Spring10-START3X_V26_S09-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO • /ZeeJet_Pt20to30/Spring10-START3X_V26_S09-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO • /ZeeJet_Pt20to30/Spring10-START3X_V26_S09-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO • /ZeeJet_Pt20to30/Spring10-START3X_V26_S09-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO • Should I change to another Z+jet samples? • 2. Dr. Lee: The integrated luminosity for this ZeeJet_Pt30to50 is 2240.15 pb-1 (if my calculation is correct) • 3. Dr. Kamon: when you said “simple veto events with any second lepton with Pt > 10 GeV” you mean if in the event have 2 electrons (or more) with Pt >10, I must not use this event? • 4. “Eventually, we need to mix two physics sources.” Yes, I need to learn that.