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Field Days and More. Janet Kennedy JMU Summer Institute July 18-20, 2011. So… What Are We Looking At!. Field Days Family Fun & Fitness Nights School Activity Days. Field Day Themes. Kickin’ It Old School Wacky Olympics It’s Alive! Final Field Day No Couch Potatoes! Be A Star!
Field Days and More Janet Kennedy JMU Summer Institute July 18-20, 2011
So… What Are We Looking At! • Field Days • Family Fun & Fitness Nights • School Activity Days
Field Day Themes • Kickin’ It Old School • Wacky Olympics • It’s Alive! • Final Field Day • No Couch Potatoes! • Be A Star! • Your Ticket To Play
Field Day Guidelines for Teachers & Staff • Wear your field day shirt, shorts or pants of your choice, and comfortable shoes. • Bring a water bottle or small cooler with drinks. • Wear a hat or visor, or bring an umbrella. • Use sun block. • Read the directions for your event carefully. Always stress safety. • Remind students the goal is FUN, not necessarily winning. • If you need to leave your event for an emergency, do so but inform your coordinater. • Your event will be set up for you by your 5th grade assistant who should be waiting for you at the event area. Refer to the map to locate your event. • The equipment will be returned to the school by your 5th grade assistant. • A horn or whistle will be sounded to start and end the Field Day events.
Procedures for Classroom Teachers • Students use the restroom before field day. • Explain to students how to proceed through the events. Students may go to an event more than once but should try to visit all activities. They may have restroom and water breaks, as well as, one freeze pop. • Place students in pairs or in a triple if there is an odd number. • Line up your student pairs outside the classroom at the assigned time. 5th grade event assistants should already be outside. Kindergarten students should be lined up with their 5th grade escorts. Teachers accompany their students to the field day area. • Classes arrange themselves around the area (where they will return here when Field Day is over) to await the directions from the Coordinator. • Parade around the blacktop, shouting your chants and waving banners. • Teachers will go to their events and then the students will begin a few minutes when they are ready. • The Coordinator will sound a horn or whistle when Field Day is over. Students and classroom teachers will return to their original area. When classes are reunited with their teacher they may return to the building. • 5th grade escorts return to the Kindergarten classrooms with their pairs. 5th grade assistants return event equipment. • Teachers adjust lunch schedules accordingly and inform the cafeteria staff or if you are having a sack lunch.
Kickin' It Old School Air Banana Pebbles Knock Down Cattle Round up Fishin’ Firewood Fetch Scoop It Up Steer Roping Paddle Strike Shoe Kick Eagle 500 Eagle Boogie Driving Pigs To Market Sailing Race Ball Transfer Sock Toss/ Horseshoes Tire Roll Snow Cone Race Soup Spoon Race Pancake Flipping Obstacle Course Target Throw Balance Shuffle Bean Bag Balance Sandwich Frisbee Throw S.O.S. Disc Bowling Jumpfor My Love (outside Mrs. Lynch’s Classroom) Moving Marshmallows Eagle Treasure Nurse’s station Freeze Pops Snow Cones
Final Field Day – “Good-bye” Teachers please sign up for one event. A student from Girls of Excellence or Men of Distinction will also sign up for one event and assist you at your station. It’s on a first come first serve basis so get your requests in early. • Coosh Ball Flipping: Students place a coosh ball on the face of the racquet. Toss the coosh ball into the air with a little flip and attempt to catch it on the racquet. Older students may try flipping the coosh ball higher. Obstacle Course: Explain the course (through the cone zig zag , high step through the tires, jump over the hurdles, crawl through the tunnel, jump over the mat and run to the finish line). the course is timed. With two stopwatches, you can have two players running the obstacle course at a time. Give the first player about a 10-second lead, and then start the second player. • Chicken Cacciatore: Using only 2 lummi sticks each, students race to their own chicken coop (hula hoop approx. 20 ft away) and retrieve a chicken and return to the starting point without dropping the chicken. If dropped they cannot use their hands to pick it up. Once the chicken is placed at the starting point the players must return to the coop and retrieve another chicken and continue on until the coop is empty. Adjust distance for age of children.
Fish Foot Toss: Player is given a rubber fish. The students lie on their backs on the mat with their heads all at the same edge. Placing the fish between the arches of the feet, the students toss the fish by lifting their legs quickly over their heads and letting go of the fish so that it travels in the air for distance. Fishing Hole: Students take off one shoe and one sock. On the signal to begin, the players hop to the pool with a Frisbee and sit on a step board. He then dips the uncovered foot in the pool, picking up one marble with his toes. He then places the marble in his Frisbee repeating this process until he has collected 5 marbles. • Noodle Race: A race between two people. They line up at the starting line back-to-back with a half pool noodle between their legs. Holding onto the noodle, they run to the turning line, marked by cones, one going forward, the other backward. When they cross the turning line they reverse and return to the finish line. • Clothing Race: Each player lines up on the starting line with a suitcase containing oversized clothes. When the race starts, the player runs to the cone, unpacks his suitcase and puts on the clothes and shoes. He then races back to the starting point wearing the clothes and carrying the suitcase.
Bionic Jumping Frogs: The object of the game of to make the frog “jump” as far as possible by placing the frog on the playground ball and dropping the ball to the floor. When the ball hits the floor, the beanbag frog will bounce from the ball high into the air! Give each player some practice time and then come together for a “jump off.” • Panning for Gold: Retrieve 15 pennies before your partner. A bucket filled with water and pennies stands about 15 feet from the first player in line. On a signal from the teacher, the pair of students runs to the bucket, picks up one penny, and runs back to place it in a Frisbee. Repeat this process until one person retrieves 15 pennies. • Rope Pull Balance: Make your opponent lose his or her balance and fall off the step board. The two opponents squat down on the step boards as each hold one end of the rope. The excess rope is lying on the ground between the players. On a signal, the players begin to pull the rope until one player loses balance. The players cannot let go of the rope or stand up. • Alphabet Race: Place a set of 26 alphabet cards about 30 feet from each team. The pair of students runs to the alphabet cards that are scattered on the ground, picking up one card each and returning to the starting line. As cards are returned they should be placed in alphabetical order on the rope. Stepping Stone : Students begin by placing a stepping stone on the ground in front of them and move forward by stepping on the stone. They carry two stones with them. The next stone is placed on the ground so the student can move forward again until the player reaches the cones.
Field Day 2005 “It’s Alive!” • “Moray Eel” Toss –Students stand backwards on the starting line. They hold a noodle (eel) with both hands below the waist. When ready, the noodle (eel) should be tossed up high and backwards over his/her head to see whose noodle (eel) goes the farthest. • “Mummy” Bag Race - partners race while jumping in sacks (mummy bag) down around a cone and back. Cone should be about 30 ft. away. • “Bone” Toss – Scatter hula hoops. Partners stand behind a line and attempt to toss bones (lummi sticks) into a hula hoop. Do not have anyone in the hula hoop area when bones (lummi sticks are being tossed. • Cup of “Blood” Relay – The first partner fills his/her cup with red colored water from a pail and then runs to a 1-liter soda bottle 20 feet away to deposit the water in it. He/she runs back to his/her partner to hand off the cup so the process may be repeated until the soda bottle is full of “blood” (red colored water) • “Headless Horseman” – students will mount a pillo-pollo stick, ride the beast down the field, knock off a “head” (foam ball) from a batting tee into the goal and race back to the staring cone. • Fishin’ for “Eye Balls” – students remove shoes and socks and sit on step boards beside a kiddies pool filled with water (keep shoes and socks away from the water area). Upon a signal they are to place their feet in the water and retrieve 5 marbles using only their toes and put into tubs placed beside the pool.
“Goblin” Squeeze –Students run to the crates and sit down. They pick up the sponge, and soak it in the water bucket, and squeeze the water into a cup. When the cup is full, they carry it back to the starting line. • Bat an “EYE” – Each partner hits 5 whiffle balls (eyes) off the tee with a plastic bat. The farthest ball wins. Stress SAFETY while batting. Move the tees away from each other. • 3-Headed Ball – partners place a foam ball (head) between their foreheads and apply pressure so that the ball (head) is held in place without using any hands. They walk in unison to a cone and back without dropping the ball (head). • “Python” Pull – partners join together with others to form a group of 4 to 6 (may include teachers, student assistants or helpers). Each group tries to pull the tug-of-war (python) rope until the marker (scarf) on the rope passes the cone on their side. • “Shark Jump” – students run from the starting point and attempt to jump/leap over the series of rivers (folded mats with sharks upon them). • “Monster” Ball – Partners attempt to throw a cage ball as far as they can. Throw will be measured for distance. Two attempts for all. • “Snake” Charmer - Each pair is given one jump rope. The pair must work together so that both partners are jumping the rope at the same. Each student must have hold of a different handle. • “Blind Man’s” Bluff – one member of a pair puts on a blindfold while the other person verbally coaches him or her into aiming and shooting a basketball at the basketball hoop or a hanging hula hoop then switch roles.
“It’s ALIVE!” Field Day 2005 Name__________________________ Partner______________________________ Grade_______ Age_______ Teacher_____________________________ _____1. “ Snake” Charmer _____2. “Moray Eel” Toss _____3. Hockey “Heads” _____4. “Fur Ball” Shake _____5. “Chopstick” Chicken _____6. “Mummy” Bag Race _____7. Cup of “Blood” Relay _____8. “Blind Man’s” Bluff _____9. “ Siamese Twin” Hoops _____Restroom _____Water _____Ribbon _____Nurse _____Office _____Freeze Pop _____10. “Headless Horseman” _____11. Fishin” for “Eye Balls” _____12. “Bone” Toss _____13. “Python” Pull _____14. Spoonin’ “Critters” _____15. Squeeze It _____16. 3-Legged Race _____17. Shark Jump _____18. Stack ‘em Up _____19. 2 in a Tube _____20 Bat an “EYE” _____21. “Monster” Ball _____22. Knock ‘em Down _____23. Clothes Relay _____24. 3-Headed Ball _____25. “Big Foot” _____26. Obstacle Course _____27. “Goblin” Squeeze
“No Couch Potatoes” 3 - 4 • Potato Hockey – each partner has a hockey stick and a potato.. They must push or tap the potato around a cone and back. Potato must cross the starting line to be considered finished. (equipment – 4 hockey sticks, 6 potatoes, 1 cone) • Chopstick Potato – Using only lummi sticks, partners must race down to a cone, pick up one potato and return it to the starting line without dropping the potato. Repeat, so that each partner gets 2 potatoes. (equipment – 1 cone, 4 potatoes, 4 lummi sticks) Potato Sack Race - partners race while jumping in sacks down around a cone and back. Cone should be about 30 ft. away. (equipment – 8 potato sacks, 1 cone) • Potato on a Spoon – Each partner must carry a potato on a spoon with one hand (while the other hand is behind their back) down around a cone and back. Potato must be in the spoon when crossing the starting line. Potato must not be held or be leaning against the person’s body. (equipment – 1 cone, 2 long wooden spoon, 4 potatoes)
Potato Head – partners place a potato between their foreheads and apply pressure so that the potato is held in place without using any hands. They are to walk in unison down to a cone and back without dropping the potato. (equipment – 1 cone, 2 potatoes) • Potato Towel Toss– Partners toss a potato up in the air and catch it using a towel. (2 towels, 4 potatoes) • Potato Race – Place 3 hoops, 15 ft apart in front of each partner. Place 3 potatoes for each partner at the starting point. On the signal each player picks up one potato and carries it to the first hoop. He/she returns for the second potato and places it in the middle hoop and so on. Next, they return to the hoops one at a time to retrieve the potatoes. (equipment – 6 potatoes, 6 cones)
Be a Star – Shine on Field DaySedgefield Elementary Grades 3 – 4 June 13, 2011 • Throton Throw - __Jeanine Scherrer__ • Equipment: 6 Throtons and 1 cone • Activity: Students pair up and throw a Throton. It’s thrown like a football but is a rubber, weighted cylinder. Students will throw and catch with each other or throw at a target. • Helper – Alexis Tynes (Baker) • Ice Cream Cone Race - __Mrs. Merrit___ • Equipment: 2 small cones, 2 white gator skin balls, 2 lightweight cones • Activity: Place a Nerf ball on an upside down PE cone (small cone). Students run down to a designated spot 30 feet away and then return to the starting line. If the ice cream falls off the cone just pick it up and continue. It looks just like a snow cone. • Helper – Jonathan Wissmann (Avery) • Jump For My Love- ___Amy Barker__ • Equipment: jump bands, long mat, boom box with batteries or sound system • Activity: Students do tinikling dance steps with jump bands. Two students are jumping in the middle (tapping, step in-in, out-out, straddle, cartwheel, etc.) and two students have the jump bands attached to their ankles to move the bands in and out to the rhythm of the music. Music can be We Will Rock You or Jump for My Love • Helpers – Summer Thomas and Sarah Hatcher
Partner Squirts- __Margaret Bivins__ • Equipment: 4 blind folds, 4 squirt bottles • Activity: Each pair is given a squirt bottle filled with water and is then blind folded. Place them about 15 ft apart and spin the students 1 time. Tell them to begin squeezing the squirt bottle and see if they can get their partner wet. • Helper – Marcus Moss (Gault) • 26. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner - __James Garnand and Shellie Sweat__ • Equipment: assorted pictures of food, a blue mat, foam plates, food pyramid poster. • Activity: Student partners compete against each other to put together a balance meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Players carry a foam plate and run down to the blue mats where they will find pictures of food that they could eat at every meal. Student must put breakfast food on their plate for a HEALTHY meal. They return to the teacher in charge of the station or the student assistant to see if their meal is healthy. If it’s a good meal they return the food to the breakfast food area and then move to the lunch food area. The process is repeated until they’ve completed their dinner. Everyone should try to get three healthy meals. • Helper – Shakera Carter (Gault) • 27. Water Stand Up- _Christine Numbers__ • Equipment: 4 plastic or paper cups, water in a bucket • Activity: Students lie down on their backs. The student helper places a cup of water (no more than half full) on each of the student’s foreheads. The students try to stand up without tipping or spilling the cup of water. They cannot use their hands to hold the cup. If successful at getting up, they can try going back down to their original lying position. The ground will get wet eventually so you will need to move this activity on occasion. • Helper – Arnella Hodzic (Gault)
Be a Star! Shine on Field Day. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 11. _____ 12. _____ 13. _____ 14. _____ 15. _____ 16. _____ 17. _____ 18. _____ 19. _____ 20. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Name _______________
Family Fun Nights Themes Balance Your Fitness – Balance Boards, Basketball Spinning, Noodle Balance, Balance your Diet, Stepping Stone Balance, Cup Stacking, Hippity Hops and Balance Beam Walk Dancing For Fitness –Zumba, Ballroom, Aerobic, Hip Hop and Line dance – Tinikling, Dance Dance Revolution and Bouncing to the Beat Jump Into Fitness – Jumping Rope, Jump Bands, Hippity Hops, Obstacle Course with Hurdles, Basketball Rebounding, Mini-trampolines, Bounce Houses Reward Yourself With Fitness– Raffle off prizes for those participating in all the activities offered at Fitness Night. Brochure can be used to sign off at each station and then turned in for raffle. Prizes can be jump ropes, balls, extra PE class, etc.
South Morrison Family Fun and Fitness NightBalance Your FitnessActivity or Station Directions/Explanation • All teachers and staff members should check their station area prior to their scheduled time to ensure that the station has been set up and that you are familiar with the procedures. All volunteers will receive a gift bag in appreciation for their time and effort. Please stop by the front lobby upon arrival and pick it up from Mrs. Godwin or Emblidge. • Brochures – Please be in the front lobby by 6:15 p.m. to pass out brochures. Pick up the brochures from Coach Kennedy’s office beforehand. You will be finished when all the brochures have been distributed or N.L.T. 7:15 p.m. (Scherrer, Wilma Thomas) • Jump Ball Balance – Please report to the cafeteria at 6:40 p.m. There will be five jump balls and a boom box with a CD for you to use. Students will attempt to balance on the platform of the ball and then jump up and down. Do not let adults or high school students use the jump balls. It will not support their weight. This is for children only. The jump rope team members will be assisting you throughout the night. Please monitor the jump balls; I don’t want to lose any. Return the jump balls, boom box and CD to Coach Kennedy’s office at the end of the evening (8:00 p.m.). (O’Neil, Bradford)
Noodle Balance – Please report to the 4th grade hall at 6:40. You will have 12 swimming noodles in two sizes available to use. Students will try to balance half noodles or whole noodles in the palm of their hand and then again on the back of their hand. Have them try it first in a stationery position and then again walking. Let them try to balance the noodle on their forehead or chin. Please return noodles to Coach Kennedy’s office at the end of the evening. (8:00 p.m.) (Denion, Parks) • Balance Walkers and Stilts –Please report to the gym (1/4 of the gym closest to my office door) at 6:40. You will have two sets of Team Walkers and four sets of bucket stilts available for student use. The walkers are like skiing and it requires four people (working in unison). They must work cooperatively to move forward. The stilts are for individuals but please don’t let older children or adults use the bucket stilts. Have students walk from red line to black line and back. Please return all equipment to Coach Kennedy’s office at the end of the evening (8:00 p.m.). (McCusker, Avery) • Balance Boards – Please report to the gym (1/4 of the gym area closest to the exit door to the parking lot) at 6:40. You will have two plastic Balance Masters, four wooden balance boards, one Woggler and one maze board (with two ping pong balls) for students to use. Have students keep their balance as they try to use the previously listed items. Only the Woggler travels forward; the rest of the balance boards are stationery. Do not let older teens or adults use the Woggler or maze board. Please return all equipment to Coach Kennedy’s office at the end of the evening (8:00 p.m.). (Barker, Goode)
Balance Beam–Students walk across the balance beams with bean bags o n their heads, on the backs of their hands or walking backwards. • Stepping Stone Balance – Please report to the gym (1/4 of the gym area closest to the equipment closet) at 6:40. You will have several mats and many varied sizes of plastic stepping stones. Scatter the stones out on the mats in any pattern you choose or just randomly. Have students travel from one side of the mats to the other stepping only on the stones. If students lose their balance, they come back to the beginning and try again. Please stack mats at the end of the evening and return all the stepping stones to the cage. (8:00 p.m.) (Vaughan, Horrell) • Spinner Balance – Please report to the gym (1/4 of the gym area closest to the stage steps) at 6:40. You will have two giant spinning dishes available for this station (one has a rounded bottom and the other more pointed). A student will try to balance him/herself inside (upright in the dead center works best) the spinner while two students (standing outside the dish) spin the dish in circles. Have students keep all body parts inside the dish and be very careful when they get out of the dish (dizziness may occur). • (Dail, ____________) • Balance your Nutrition – A table will be set up in the library for a dietician to distribute healthy information and initiate activities that will help students/family members balance their diet and nutritional intake. (Erin Griffin)
School Activity Days • Banking on Fitness • “Eggs-cellent” Fitness Find • Dance Day These are usually culminating or earned events. It can be for citizenship, grades, books read, funds raised, passing SOL’s, etc.
“BANKING ON FITNE$$” * • This activity is appropriate for elementary students and the concepts may be used for any grade level. Students are given the opportunity to make decisions about how much they will work and which activities they would like to participate in. Students will be able to earn and spend PE money on fun and fitness activities. Many important skills including math and time management are incorporated in this activity and most importantly it keeps students moving and excited about physical activity. • ACTIVITY AREA: • Track or designated play area • Activity stations to purchase with ATM card on interior of track or running area • EQUIPMENT: • ATM Card, a variety of equipment that you want to use for stations, High-lighters, Sharpies
DESCRIPTION: Prior to instruction give classroom teacher enough ATM cards for each student in their classroom. Students should write their names on the back of the cards and bring them to PE class. Start by having students run 1 lap around the track or marked area of field or gym. As each student completes the lap, the PE teacher highlights one of the $5 amounts on their ATM card. Then have students sit down and explain the rules of the activity to them. Talk to them about being honest about how many laps they ran and spending money off their ATM card. After they understand the rules, give them the option to spend the $5 just earned at one of the P.E. Stations on the inside of the track or they can jog laps to earn more money. Students will continue to earn and spend their P.E. money during class. At the end of class ask students to add up the money they have not spent. You can see who liked to save their money and who liked to spend it. RULES: 1. For each lap completed the student will earn $5 on their ATM card. (Have students hold out ATM card for highlighting as they pass the teacher.) 2. Students may earn as much money as they would like. But teacher should announce periodically how much time is left in class. 3. The students can spend their PE money on activities inside the track. Before starting the activity, students must mark off the $ amount spent at that station with a Sharpie. It may be helpful to work in pairs with partners marking each other’s card. 4. Students may stay at an activity for as long as they like. The only exception is if the activity is in high demand. The teacher may ask the person that has been there the longest to leave. 5. Students are to use good manners when jogging, getting their card highlighted, waiting in line or participating at a station.
VARITIONS: 1. Jukebox – Have students purchase music that can be played during the class period. Create a list of songs that they can choose from and allow the students to select the music. I have parent volunteers man this station. 2. Have sales/mark-ups on activities. If there seems to be an activity in high demand raise the price. If there is an activity not being used put it on sale. 3. Use P.E. Breaks – Have the students pay for water, bathroom, and resting. 4. Use P.E. Penalties – Have students pay fines for bad manners, bad sportsmanship, untied shoes, and resting without paying. 5. I do this as a field day type event with the entire school participating throughout the day. The PTA helps out at the stations and we include additional stations where the students may purchase popcorn or healthy snacks, bottled water, and tattoos. We also have the school principal at a station where students may toss a wet sponge. HELPFUL TIPS: Make a menu listing the activities and prices and place it on the wall. Place dollar amount signs on the cones beside each station. Have black Sharpies at each station. May be attached to cones with a long string. STATION IDEAS: Hula hoops, Rocket Launchers, Corn Hole (bean bag toss), Jumping rope, Balance boards, Hippity hops, Stilts, Jump balls, Scarf juggling, Cup stacking *Idea taken from Fitness Currency (Challenging by Choice) by Jason Runk
Eggs-cellent Fitness Find Stress: The Prize Is Fitness • To begin the egg hunt: • Class will be in a line, the adult assigned to the group will release 4 students at a time at 10 second intervals. • At least one adult (hopefully two) per class will be in front of the prize tables to open eggs when the students return with them. • Students may only get one egg per turn and it may not be opened by the student. They are to jog back to the adult and wait in line until their egg can opened. • Adult opens the egg, tells the student the activity to perform and lets them know if there is a prize to be won. • DO NOT remove the contents of the egg. Put one or both slips of paper back in the egg and place them in the basket next to the cone. Don’t drop them please. • If there is a prize, teacher indicates which prize it is to the prize table staff. • Students winning pie certificates will return to event site at 3pm to participate in pie throw • 1-2 adults will be needed to monitor the egg area so that students do not open the eggs before taking them back to the teacher • Teachers drop off their classes outside the main entrance in the oval at the cone with their name—students are to be picked up from the same spot. There will be an adult waiting at the cone for your class. • It should be lots of fun for everyone but please emphasize to your students prior to the event that the true “find” or reward is improving their fitness level. Every egg has a task inside but not every egg has a prize. Students will jog down the field and pick up one egg each trip. The more they jog the more fit they will become and the better chance they’ll have of finding an egg with a prize inside. It’s a fun way to increase fitness!
Egg Activities • Hop on each foot 5 times • Jump with two feet 10 times • Balance on each foot, count to 5 • Do 10 Arm circles forward • Do 10 Arm circles backwards • Squat and blast off, 5 x’s • Tiptoe ten steps • March around the teacher • Make your best animal sound • Bend and touch your toes 5 x’s • Turn in a circle 3 times • Give the teacher a High Five • Toss and catch a ball 5 times • Give the Teacher a compliment • Jump with two feet 10 times • Balance on each foot, count to 5 • Do 10 Arm circles forward • Do 10 Arm circles backwards • Squat and blast off, 5 x’s • Snap your fingers 10 x’s
Dance Activities • One grade level at a time comes to the gym for 35-40 minutes of dancing. You can choose any of the following. • Line Dancing – do dances already learned in PE class and teach one new line dance • Hip Hop – use an instructional DVD for children and put it up on the big screen using an LCD projector. • Multi-cultural Dancing – Mexican Hat Dance, Virginia Reel, Cotton-eyed Joe, Limbo, Tinikling, Hula, Hora
Janet KennedySedgefield Elementary Schooljanet.kennedy@nn.k12.va.us(757) 591-4792 ext. 55660DVD’sKidz Bop Dance Moves (kidzbop.com) School House Hop (Jumping Fish Productions, Inc.)All-Time Favorite Dances (Kimbo Educational)