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Effective Communication for Christ: The Art of Conveying Convictions with Passion and Simplicity

Discover the essential qualities for being an effective communicator for Christ from Acts 17:16-34. Learn how solid convictions, passionate awareness, endless simplicity, and rational expectations play a crucial role in effectively sharing the message of Christ with others. Explore the importance of clear and impactful communication in spreading the Gospel and connecting with those who need Christ as their Lord and Savior.

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Effective Communication for Christ: The Art of Conveying Convictions with Passion and Simplicity

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  1. “Effectively Communicating Christ!” Acts 17:16-34

  2. Peter Drucker, often called “the father of American management,” claims that 60% of all management problems are a result of faulty communications.

  3. A leading marriage counselor says that at least half of all divorces result from faulty communications between spouses.

  4. James Dobson writes of the time he saw a sign on a convent which said: “Absolutely No Trespassing – Violators Will Be Prosecuted to the Fullest Extent of the Law. Signed, ‘The Sisters of Mercy.’”

  5. Purpose: to look at four qualities needed to be an effectivecommunicator for Christ.


  7. “Give me 100 men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God and I will shake the world!” John Wesley

  8. IWith SolidCONVICTIONS A. Athens Needed Christ

  9. Acts 17:16 “greatly distressed” (NIV) or “provoked in spirit” (NASB) – Greek word literally means “incite or stir up”…

  10. IWith Firm CONVICTIONS A. Athens Needed Christ B. This AreaNeeds Christ

  11. Sign in Kroger warehouse: “Salesmen, before you try to sell your product to us, be so convinced of its superiority that when you’re finished, we will be more anxious to buy it than you are to sell it.”

  12. Jeremiah 20:9 “His Word is in my heart like a burning fire…”

  13. IIWith Passionate AWARE- NESS A. Awareness of the Audience

  14. Mars Hill above modern Athens Areopagus Communicator must use opportunities. Paul was given a great opportunity when taken to Mars Hill and the Areopagus…

  15. IIWith Passionate AWARE- NESS A. Awareness of the Audience B. Awareness of the Subject Matter

  16. …3) Do you believe most people in the church of which you are a part use and correctly understand the name Christian?

  17. IIIWith EndlessSIMPLICITY A. Complexity is Not the Mark of Smarts

  18. “There is a world of difference between SANCTIFIED FRIENDSHIPS and BROTHERLY FELLOWSHIP!” Bro. Jack Cottrell – teacher, preacher and author

  19. IIIWith EndlessSIMPLICITY A. Complexity is Not the Mark of Smarts B. Paul’s Message Was Profound Yet Simple C. Our Message Must be Simple

  20. IVWith Rational EXPECTA- TIONS A. Some Will Sneer

  21. Share your convictions of Christ with the world and you can plan on there being backlash…

  22. IVWith Rational EXPECTA- TIONS A. Some Will Sneer B. Some Will Procrastinate

  23. Acts 17:32 sounds so noble “…we want to hear you more on this matter.” But…

  24. IVWith Rational EXPECTA- TIONS A. Some Will Sneer B. Some Will Procrastinate C. Some Will Respond

  25. Remember, in this parable the problem was not in the seed… the problem was in the what? The soil!

  26. Two men were in a hot-air-balloon and were lost. They spotted a man on the ground so they made their descent…

  27. Conclusion and Summary Yes, communicating is critical especially when we are communicating the TRUTH of the Gospel to those who need Christ as Lord and Savior. Again, are you and I being effective when we communicate Christ? Effective with:…

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