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AD HOC COMMITTEE ON IACAC BOARD STRUCTURE. IACAC Town Meeting Friday, May 6, 2011 Itasca, IL. Members. Sandie Gilbert, Co-Chair, Highland Park High School, retired Maryanne Kelly, Co-Chair, Maine South High School Nate Bargar, Illinois State University

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  1. AD HOC COMMITTEE ON IACAC BOARD STRUCTURE IACAC Town Meeting Friday, May 6, 2011 Itasca, IL

  2. Members • Sandie Gilbert, Co-Chair, Highland Park High School, retired • Maryanne Kelly, Co-Chair, Maine South High School • Nate Bargar, Illinois State University • Bob Murray, Illinois Wesleyan University • Amy Thompson, York High School

  3. Analyze current board and committee structure in relation to present functioning (last time board structure was reviewed was 1993) Study like organizations and other NACAC regionals Decide whether current structure meets present and future needs. If not, work to amend structure: Consider historical perspective Create opportunity for growth within organization Create culture for leadership development Create inclusive structure for membership Create structure to best serve students and families Committee Charge

  4. July, 2010 – meeting with President Carin Smith to formulate goals September, 2010 – committee meets at LDI; begins work October, 2010 – committee meets and drafts plan December, 2010 – committee conferences to amend plan January, 2011 – committee findings presented to IACAC Board; feedback sought February, 2011 – Newsletter article outlining work of committee March, 2011 – committee conference to implement board feedback into plan March 2011 – Newsletter posting inviting members to come to Town Meeting at conference for details of plan Past Timeline

  5. Present, Future Timeline • May 2011 – outline of plan; feedback requested • September 2011 – continued discussion at LDI; e-mail blast to membership • November 2011 – Executive Board meeting vote to forward the proposal to the Credentials Committee • March 2012 – outline of proposal with credentials changes in Newsbrief • May 2012 – membership votes on proposal at Annual Conference

  6. Executive Board Restructuring Plan

  7. 4-5 full board meetings per year + LDI Committee chairs chosen/report to President NACAC Elected positions: Delegates IACAC Elected positions: President-Elect Treasurer Secretary Professional Development Directors HS/College Directors 4 Executive Board (President’s Council and Delegate/Directors) meetings per year LDI – full board Committee chairs (non-voting board members) attend board meetings as needed/desired Committee Chairs chosen by Present/report to assigned Delegate/Director NACAC Elected positions: Delegate/Directors IACAC Elected positions: President-Elect Treasurer Secretary CurrentProposed Structure

  8. Increased Member Involvement Opportunities • Board members would oversee committees • 10 Current Executive Board members are also committee chairs • New structure allows for those committee chairs to be held by IACAC general members • Gives future leaders experience and knowledge • More committees/sub-committees • New Committees: Historian, Professional Liaison, District Seminar (formerly elected), Electronic Media, Public Relations, Print Media, Social Media • New Sub-Committees: Grad Students (Membership), ISAC, ISCA (Professional Liaison), District 1 and 2 chairs (District Seminar) • Potential tasks of eliminated High School and College Director positions absorbed into committee opportunities for more members • Potential for committee growth as needed, without overburdening Executive Board

  9. Additional ideas • Add IACAC elected Co-Directors • Special Projects Committee • Project Reach • Camp College • Cadre’s • Past-President’s Committee • Jr. High outreach sub-committee (under Membership Committee) • One delegate to co-chair AP Committee

  10. Increased Member Involvement Opportunities • Members can chair or sub-chair a committee with minimal out-of-office commitment time • Committee chairs and sub-chairs (non-voting board members) can attend board meetings whenever desired or needed. • If unable to report in person, Director can report in his/her place • Technology advances may allow committee chairs to “call in” to meetings without physically attending • Leadership development created within committee and subcommittee roles • Members can become involved and their work known • Members will gain leadership experience and know-how to run for future elected office

  11. Advantages • Reorganizes structure to become congruent with current functioning/21st century • Provides for future growth • Limits number of times full board meets • Allows for most effective use of board meeting time • Saves out of office time for members • Saves costs for individuals, donating institutions and IACAC • Provides leadership opportunity for members who cannot travel; more inclusive for membership • Creates communication and support for like-committees under umbrella headings • Utilizes Delegates year-around • Committees report to Delegate/Director • Delegate/Directors report to President • Director positions require leadership qualities, rather than knowledge specific to committees he/she may oversee • Provides flexibility for President to assign roles

  12. Fewer elected positions: High School/College Director positions phased out (duties absorbed into new structure) District Seminar Directors not elected by membership Disadvantages

  13. Questions Ideas Feedback

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