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The PARCC Institute – High School Math: Preparing for PARCC! NJ ’ s Next Generation Standardized Assessment System. FEA/PSA - Judith T. Brendel - Spring 2014. Welcome…. Desired outcomes… understand the overall substance, design and technical aspects of next generation PARCC assessments
The PARCC Institute – High School Math:Preparing for PARCC!NJ’s Next Generation Standardized Assessment System FEA/PSA - Judith T. Brendel - Spring 2014
Desired outcomes… • understand the overall substance, design and technical aspects of next generation PARCC assessments • gain access and practice with PARCC tasks and related resources • better enable educators to effectively lead the transition to CCSS and PARCC assessments.
What should teaching and learning in the 21st century look like?” “…revolutionary transformation rather than evolutionary tinkering.”US DOE, NETP 2010 4
Education for a Contemporary Age Preparing a Globally Competent and Innovative Workforce 6
A Changing World… A growing need for a paradigm shift in the way we teach and learn… A Nation at Risk (1983) http://www2.ed.gov/pubs/NatAtRisk/findings.html http://www.ed.gov/pubs/NatAtRisk/index.html SCANS Report and America 2000 http://wdr.doleta.gov/SCANS/whatwork/whatwork.pdf (What Work Requires of Schools) “The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago; the second best time is today.”(Ancient Chinese Proverb) 7
A Changing Student… (recommended resources) Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants – Parts I and II – Do They Really Think Differently? (Prensky, 2001) http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/default.asp Marc Prensky’s Essential 21st Century Skills http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky-Essential_21stCenturySkills.pdf “Different kinds of experiences lead to different brain structures.” Dr. Bruce D. Perry, Baylor College of Medicine 8
A Changing Student… (recommended resources) Authentic Intellectual Work and Standardized Tests: Conflict or Coexistence (2001) http://ccsr.uchicago.edu/content/publications.php?pub_id=38# How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School (1999, 2003) http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=6160 9
Listen to our students! “I am a 21st Century Learner!” 10 10 10
How? Fostering essential skills… • Global competence • Content knowledge • Entrepreneurship • Adaptability • Interpersonal • Communication • Collaborative problem solving • Critical thinking • Creativity • Innovation … through innovative pedagogy and ubiquitous technology. 11
What conditions will foster these skills? “I do not teach my students; I simply create the conditions for their learning.” (Albert Einstein) 2006 Innovative Teachers Forum. Retrieved May 10, 2010 on : http://www.edlabgroup.org/tl/resources/InnovativeTeachers2006.pdf 12 12
21st learning… …what should it look like?
21st learning… http://www.pascack.k12.nj.us/cms/lib5/NJ01000238/Centricity/Domain/87/Writing%20Equations%202.swf 14
Common standards,… …common (online) assessments, and common instruction that promote the essential skills. 15
Reflection… • What trends will continue to shape the world in which our students will live and work? • What skills will our students need to succeed in their future? • What type of learning environments would best support to development of these skills? • …what are your thoughts?
Let’s take our… (page-3) PARCC Pre-Assessment! Item 9: grade-7 level math w/new CCSS (What’s different?) ADD H.S. EXAMPLE 19
Race to the Top Assessment Grants: • $350 million of Race-to-the-Top Fund to consortia of states to design and develop common K-12 assessment systems aligned to CCSS • In September 2010, the U.S. Department of Education awarded grants to: • Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) – 18 States, & DC • Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) • Winning consortia - four years - to develop assessments systems, • States participating will administer new assessments statewide by 2014-2015 • ACHIEVE was selected through a competitive bid process, by PARCC to be the Project Manager.
Race to the Top Assessment Grants: • New Jersey is PARCC Governing Board State: • Will administer the assessment system statewide 2014-15 school year. • Will field test assessment items spring 2014. • Governing Board meets quarterly. The chief state school officer for each of the governing states sits on the PARCC Governing Board. This to make major policy, operational, design and financial decisions regarding PARCC. • Executive Committeemeets weekly. (Governing Board Members from 6 states) • ACHIEVE won competitive bid, selected by PARCC to be the Project Manager.
Why New Common Assessments? Current Assessment Systems… • Too many tests, often with disconnected purposes (e.g., instructional improvement vs. accountability vs. college admissions) • Not challenging enough to measure CCR • Do not measure the full range of college- and career-ready knowledge and skills (such as research, analysis, critical thinking, and collaboration)
Why New Common Assessments? Current Assessment Systems… • Fail to generate information for educators and students quickly enough or at all • Are widely inconsistent across states making results impossible to compare
Why New Common Assessments? Next-Generation Common Assessment Systems will… • Measure students’mastery of Common Core State Standards • Provide a common measure of college and career readiness • Include a range of item types that allow for the assessment of higher-order skills
Why New Common Assessments? Next-Generation Common Assessment Systems will… • Leverage new technologies in assessment and reporting to get actionable student data to educators and parents in real time • Mitigate challenges associated with student mobility by ensuring students will have the same expectations wherever they live
K-2 formative assessment being developed, aligned to the PARCC system Timely student achievement data showing students, parents and educators whether ALL students are on-track to college and career readiness College readiness score to identify who is ready for college-level coursework • Targeted interventions & supports: • 12th-grade bridge courses • PD for educators SUCCESS IN FIRST-YEAR, CREDIT-BEARING, POSTSECONDARY COURSEWORK ONGOING STUDENT SUPPORTS/INTERVENTIONS
What does it mean? “Students are on-track or ready for college and careers” (Math)
Spring 2012 NJ ASK Aligned to NJCCCS Spring 2013 NJ ASK Aligned to the CCSS and NJCCCS (Except Gr. 6-8 Math) Spring 2014 NJ ASK Aligned to the CCSS SY 2014-15 Full administration of PARCC assessments Assessment Transition Timeline Assessment Transition Timeline “Transitional Assessments”
The PARCC Commitment… PARCC is designed to promote quality instruction aligned to the CC Standards, so the assessment is worthy of preparation rather than a distraction from good work. TEACHING to the TEST may be a GOOD THING!
Understanding the Common Core State Standards …is to understand PARCC
Why Common Core State Standards? • "The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers," which will place American students in a position in which they can compete in a global economy. 33
Why Common Core State Standards? • Before Common Core State Standards we had standards, but rarely did we have standards-based instruction. • Long lists of broad, vague statements • Mysterious assessments • Coverage mentality • Focused on teacher behaviors – “the inputs”
Principles of the CCSS… FEWER - CLEARER - HIGHER • Aligned to requirements for College and Career Readiness • Based on evidence • Honest about time
The CCSS Difference: Grade 8 Mathematics Before: NJCCCS (2004) • Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem. After: CCSS (2010) • Explain a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse. • Applythe Pythagorean Theorem to determine unknown side lengths in right triangles in real-world and mathematical problems in two and three dimensions. • Applythe Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance between two points in a coordinate system.
a2 + b2 = c2 5 5 25 4 16 c a = 4 a c = ? 4 9 3 3 b = 3 b
Implications of the CCSS on WHAT and HOW to teach… What are the Critical Shifts to Consider?
COMMON CORE SHIFTS in ASSESSMENTS Shift 1: Focus Priority standards = focus of the assessments. Other standards deemphasized. Shift 2: Coherence Assessments will reflect the progression of content and concepts as depicted in the standards across grade levels. Shift 3: Fluency It will be assumed students possess required fluencies through grade 8; as such, students will not be allowed to use calculators in grades 3-5. Students will be allowed to use four-function calculators with a square root key or scientific calculators in grade 6 and scientific calculators in grades 7-8.
CC SHIFTS in ASSESSMENTS continued …. Shift 4: Deep Understanding Each standard will be assessed from multiple perspectives, while not veering from the primary target of measurement for the standard. . Shift 5: Application Shift 6: Dual Intensity Students will be expected to know grade-level mathematical content with fluency and to know which mathematical concepts to employ to solve real-world mathematics problems.
TASK TYPES – PARCC I – Computation, Skills, Process (x – 2)2 + 6 = 75 2x2 - 5x – 6 = 0 II – Mathematical Reasoning xxx xxxx III – Modeling, Combined Standards, Applications Compare the 3 sets of data (graph, chart, and equation) and defend the argument that ….
TASK TYPE-I Tasks assessing concepts, skills and procedures. - include abalance of conceptual understanding, fluency, and application. These tasks can involve any or all mathematical practice standards. - will be machine scorableand will include innovative, computer-based formats. -will appear on the End-of-Year and Performance Based Assessment components and generate evidence for measuring major, additional, and supporting content with connections to the mathematical practices as indicated in the PARCC Model Content Frameworks for Mathematics.*
Mathematics online Sample Item/Prototypes: PARCC TYPE-I TASKS (1, 2, or 4 point questions) HS – FunctionsS HS – Seeing Structure in Quadratic Equation HS – Picture Frame (Algebra-I/Math 2) http://www.parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/HS-Alg1Math2PictureFrame.pdf HS – Myla’s Swimming Poole (Algebra-I) HS – Green Tea Observation Study (Algebra-2/Math 3)
TYPE II: Tasks assessing expressing mathematical reasoning. - tasks call for written arguments/justifications, critique of reasoning, or precision in mathematical statements (MP. 3, 6). These tasks can also involve other mathematical practice standards. - tasks may include a mix of innovative, machine scored and hand scored responses. - tasks will be included on the Performance Based Assessment component and generate evidence for measuring mathematical reasoning with connections to content.
Mathematics online Sample Item/Prototypes: • PARCC TYPE-II TASKS (4 point questions) • HS – Graphs of Functions (Algebra-II/Math III) Nov. 2013 • HS.C.6.2, A.REI.D, MP.3, 7 with 4-point scoring rubric • http://www.parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/HighSchoolAlg2Math3-GraphsofFunctions.pdf • HS – Michelle’s Conjectures (Algebra-II/Math III) • http://www.parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/PARCC_SampleItems_Mathematics_HSAlgIMathIIMichelleConjecture_081913_Final_0.pdf • HS – Geometric Construction Connection (Geometry/Math III) • PARCC_SampleItems_Mathematics_HSGeoMathIIIGeometricConnection_081913_Final_0.pdf • http://www.parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files
TYPE III: Tasks assessing modeling/applications. • (3 or 6 point questions) • - tasks call for modeling/application in a real-world context or scenario (MP.4) and can also involve other mathematical practice standards. • - tasks may include a mix of innovative, machine scored and hand scored responses. • tasks will be included on the Performance Based Assessment component and generate evidence for measuring mathematical modeling/application with connections to content.
TYPE-I PARCC TASKS include a balance of conceptual understanding, fluency, and application, and can involve any or all Math Practice Standards. will be machine scorable and will include innovative, computer-based formats. will appear on the End of Yearand Performance Based Assessment components and generate evidence for measuring major, additional, and supporting content with connections to the mathematical practices as indicated in the PARCC Model Content Frameworks for Mathematics.*
Functions http://www.parcconline.org/samples/mathematics/high-school-functions Given f(x) as a graphed parabola and g(x) as table of values Compare y-intercepts Compare f(3) and g(3) Compare maximum values of each w/in range -5 ≤ x ≤ 5 Compare DIFFICULTY? POINTS? COURSE ? STANDARDS? A type I PARCC task
Seeing Structure in a Quadratic Equations http://www.parcconline.org/samples/mathematics/high-school-seeing-structure-quadratic-equation (3x - 2)2 = 6x – 4 DIFFICULTY? COURSE ? POINTS? STANDARDS? a Type-I PARCC task