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Economy of Portugal. Daniela Nº4 Vanessa Nº27. Introduction. With this work we intend to show the negative aspects to you of the Portuguese economy. For this we made a balance of the Portuguese economy of year 2007. Portuguese economy.
Economy of Portugal Daniela Nº4 Vanessa Nº27
Introduction With this work we intend to show the negative aspects to you of the Portuguese economy. For this we made a balance of the Portuguese economy of year 2007
Portuguese economy • The Portuguese economy is the 34th largest in the world and over the last 40 years Portugal was the OECD country with higher GDP growth rates. • Having joined the European Union in 1986, the country then began a period of strong reforms and high investment in infrastructure which is reflected in a rapid acceleration in economic growth.
Economy of Portugal • Portugal was the first country selected for the final phase of Economic and Monetary Union, initiating the introduction of the Euro currency as from January 1st, 1999. • Portugal was the country within the euro zone which has the highest rates on increased taxes between 1995 and 2005 and is among the nations that have risen more the tax burden in the last five years. In spite of this, it still is below the European average.
Portugal needs more and better investment. The construction of a more competitive economy requires companies strong, dynamic, socially and environmentally sustainable and capable of being competitive in a globalised economic environment.
Despite previous experiences and initiatives to ease costs of context associated with the life of the companies, there is still, in terms of public action, a clear deficit in the administrative process procedures, the adequacy of regulatory mechanisms and the procedural rules for the application of systems encouraging the initiatives of business investment.
What are the portuguese governement main objectives? • The idea is to promote the implementation of various types of investment projects, ensuring a tracking proximity, reducing the excessive administrative obstacles and ensuring a rapid response, without prejudice to the legal provisions necessary for the safeguarding of public interest, particularly at the level of safety and the environment. These objectives will be pursued not only through the institutionalization of a proper monitoring system and monitoring of projects, but also through the necessary legislative amendments.
Men/women: differentwages • Womenstudy more and are financiallyresponsible for a growingnumberofhomes. Nevertheless, theresearchinstitutesofthecountry show thattheystilloccupyfewerpoststhanmenandhavelowerwages, evenwhenperformingthesamefunction. Womenobtained more space, butstillfailed to overcomeinequalitiesonsalariesandpositions.
Differences between Portugal, Spain and the Euro zone Look at any table of European economic data and Portugal stands out. GDP growth last year, at 1.3%, was the lowest not just in the European Union but in all of Europe. Since 2000 the Czech Republic, Greece, Malta and Slovenia have all overtaken Portugal in terms of GDP per head. And Portuguese GDP per head has fallen from just over 80% of the EU 25 average in 1999 to just over 70% last year.
Differences between Portugal, Spain and the Euro zone According to some, Portugal's problem was to let public spending out of control, pushing the forecast deficit in early 2005 up to 6.8% of GDP, the highest in the euro zone. The biggest difference is that Spain reformed its public sector and disciplined its public finances before joining the euro, not afterwards. When interest rates fell and released a surge of growth in the late 1990s, Portugal responded with an expansionary fiscal policy instead of taming its deficit ....
Our main economical problems - Lack of jobs -Growth of the unemployment
Our main economical problems • -Shutdown Of several entreprises (textile, shoes…) • -The habitation lease also went up slightly. The purchase of houses is difficult and it might get worse.-The cost of living and the purchase power got worse since the arrival of the Euro currency.-The minimum wage is of 437 euros, being the half one of the table since Luxemburg is in 1º with 1503 euros.