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Electronic Commerce

Electronic Commerce. Lecture 8. Needs. smartcard. currencies. e -Consumers. Input (CGI). HTTP. Internet TCP/IP. Web Server. Form. ??. Clients. Servers. Client-Side Programming JavaScript VBScript Applets …. ???. ???. HTML. Server-Side Programming SSI ASP/JSP CFML

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Electronic Commerce

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  1. Electronic Commerce Lecture 8

  2. Needs smartcard currencies e-Consumers Input (CGI) HTTP Internet TCP/IP Web Server Form ??

  3. Clients Servers • Client-Side • Programming • JavaScript • VBScript • Applets • … ??? ??? HTML • Server-Side • Programming • SSI • ASP/JSP • CFML • Servlets • …

  4. Servers • Client-Side • Programming • JavaScript • VBScript • Applets • Server-side programs • Written in Java • http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/ HTML • Server-Side • Programming • SSI • ASP/JSP • CFML • Servlets A Servlet CGI Program CGI Program JVM Web Server

  5. SSInclude Servlets (SSIS) <servlet name=SERVLET_NAME code=SERVLET.CLASS codebase=PATH_TO_YOUR_SERVLET_CLASS INIT_PARAM1=VALUE1 INIT_PARAM2=VALUE2 INIT_PARAM3=VALUE3… > <param name=PARAM1 value=PARAM_VALUE1 param name=PARAM2 value=PARAM_VALUE2… > </servlet>

  6. SSI with Servlets • Include embedding of Servlets in HTML documents • Named Servlets will be invoked in the Server side (if they are not loaded) • Servlets process the SSInclude requests and format necessary information to send along the HTML at the point of invocation.

  7. import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class DBPhoneLookup extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); try { // Load (and therefore register) the Oracle Driver Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); // Get a Connection to the database con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:oracle:thin:dbhost:1528:ORCL", "user", "passwd"); // Create a Statement object stmt = con.createStatement(); // Execute an SQL query, get a ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT NAME, PHONE FROM EMPLOYEES"); A Sample Servlet

  8. // Display the result set as a list out.println("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Phonebook</TITLE></HEAD>"); out.println("<BODY>"); out.println("<UL>"); while(rs.next()) { out.println("<LI>" + rs.getString("name") + " " + rs.getString("phone")); } out.println("</UL>"); out.println("</BODY></HTML>"); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { out.println("Couldn't load database driver: " + e.getMessage()); } catch(SQLException e) { out.println("SQLException caught: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { // Always close the database connection. try { if (con != null) con.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) { } } } }

  9. Why Use servlets Over CGI • Replacement of CGI • Servlets are written in Java • platform independent (write once run everywhere) • Hardware independent (WinNT to Unix) without compiling or changing anything. • Less resources intensive: CGI takes more memory and time

  10. Servlets over CGI • Persistent: They are loaded once, multiple threads of the same servlet will handle multiple client requests. • Fast: Servlets run must faster than CGI scripts written in interpreted languages(Perl). • More powerful database connectivity: JDBC to connect to different Databases. • Extensible: since written in Java, brings all benefits of Java (robust, Object Oriented…)

  11. Client-Side • Programming • JavaScript • VBScript • Applets Servers <html> <body> … <% On Error Resume Next rs.MoveFirst do while Not rs.eof %> ………... <% rs.MoveNext loop%> ………... </body> </html> HTML • Server-Side • Programming • SSI/PHP3 • ASP/JSP • CFML • Servlets

  12. Request example3.asp Open RecordSet & Display Data in HTML Format Establish a Connection with Database Send SQL Statement to database Retrieve Data from Database by using RecordSets Active Server Page Web Browser Web Server Database

  13. Extract Client’s Input (CGI) ODBC-Compliant Server-Side Program • Connect/Open • Extract/Update by SQL • Format

  14. Needs e-consumers VB Perl Java Product Information ?How? Internet TCP/IP Web Server ASP Or CFML Web Data

  15. Web Technology Requests Web Server Web Client Http: Hyper Text Transport Protocol Internet Responses Stateless

  16. Maintain State • Hidden Fields in Forms • SessionID in URL • Cookies Examples: http://lw4fd.law4.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/getmsg?disk= https://ww3.janus.com/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+HomeStaticA?GXHC_gx_session_id_VJ_WEB=70f2fa69ad7e9e69

  17. Client-server computing ODBC- & JDBC- compliant DBMS Static vs Dynamic HTML pages Java COM CORBA Drumbeat 2000 X/Open Informix, Sybase, Oracle CGI programs (Unix shell scripts, C and/or Perl programs) HTTP Applets vs Servlets API ASP vs JSP Lotus Domino, Netscape Enterprise, IIS, … SQL ColdFusion/CFML XML Web-based Enterprise Computing

  18. Needs CRM ??? e-consumers Product Information Internet TCP/IP New Products Web Server Web Data

  19. Customer Relationship Management • Augment quality of products • Maintain customer intimacy • Move from ‘cold’ order taking & bye to partnership throughout the whole buying experience for the customer (deliver, product information, billing, installation, repair/return, renewal) • Competitive advantage and the key core business process

  20. Needs Suppliers EDI e-consumers Product Information Manufacturing Plants Internet TCP/IP Product Development (R&D) Web Server Web Data New Product Data Mining

  21. Chrysler(Source: MIS Quarterly, June 1995) • Established electronic communication with a few suppliers in 1969 • Not adequate • Suppliers did not have current information about Chrysler’s requirements • Assembly plants did not know exactly the shipment content • Keep large safety buffers • Costly emergency deliveries when shortage occurred • 1990: EDI • Over 100$ saved per vehicle • Annual savings amounted to over $220 millions

  22. EDI • EDI uses syntax that is commonly known between the two communicating parties (compressed, predefined, sequenced) • No one existing Internet-based tool could interpret all EDI transmissions • Record keeping includes specific software to be kept along with it • New users of EDI could not expect immediate deployment without specialized software

  23. The Extended Enterprise Value Chain Suppliers Front Office e-Business e-Business e-Commerce Back Office Channel & Customers SCM ERP CRM CRM e-Store

  24. Issues • How to encode information such that all parties involved will be able to use it? • How to establish communication between disparate systems over the Internet (instead of private networks)? • How could the company be reorganized to accept this reverse value chain?

  25. Java & CORBA • Java “Write Once, Run Any” language since its announcement April 1995; a short 4 years and its technology is still in development • CORBA Object-based broker to tie together disparity information systesms; circa 1989;

  26. CORBA • Common Object Request Broker Adapter • Object Management Group (OMG), 1989 • CORBA 1.1 in 1991, CORBA 3 in 1999 • “…allows a distributed, heterogeneous collection of objects to interoperate.” • ORB, IDL, & IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol)

  27. Client Server Server IDL IDL IDL ORB ORB IIOP IIOP Internet

  28. XML • Extensible ML – again a descendant of SGML or a subset of • Work on draft proposal begins July 1996 by the SGML (Standard General Markup Language) ERB (Editorial Review Board) • XML specification 1.0 in February 1998 (by W3C) • Participation by Microsoft and Netscape to support the new standard began the ascent to popular acceptance

  29. Two Classes of XML Documents • Well-formed: conform to XML standard; there exists a structure of its content • Valid: conform, and adhere to DTD • Validating vs Non-Validating XML processors/parsers

  30. Creating XML Documents • Start- and end-tags • Attribute assignments • Entity references • Comments • Processing instructions • CDATA sections • Document type declarations

  31. Start- and End-Tags • Naming conventions quite like variables in programming language, start with a letter, no spaces, … • Nesting is allowed <district> <building> McDonald’s </building> </district> • Start- and End-Tags are required. • <foo>…</foo> • <foo/> for empty content within a tag

  32. So? • Standardize information storage in vertical markets • Tools can be developed easily • <address> means? • Good for textual data – human-readable form; not good for floating point numbers (12,304,000.93 or 12 5/16)

  33. XML/EDI ..only an estimated 125,000 organizations worldwide have an EDI system. Furthermore, there are only 80,000 EDI enabled businesses in the US. That works out to less than 2% of the 6.2 million businesses registered in the United States. http://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/5815/executive.htm (15-12-99 13:00)

  34. XML/EDI • New users would adopt XML for interchange of data over the Internet, especially, e-merchants • Tools are readily available to encode the data and interpret the data in XML format • XML-encoded data could be either filtered to store in company specific formats and/or for viewing using common Internet-based tools (soon to be available; even in an email)

  35. Other Standards • http://www.onestandard.com : ?? • http://visualgenomics.com : Bioinformatic Sequence Markup Language (BSML) • http://www.fpml.com : Financial products Markup Language

  36. Data Mining • “Knowledge Discovery in databases” • Find patterns (visiting periods), outliners • Analysis market basket (find i-itemset) • What 2 items appear frequently in a transaction • What sequence of items that were ordered over time • What items were ordered frequently during a time period

  37. Data Mining • Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) http://www.ncr.dk/CRISP/ • Consortium of European companies (NCR, Integrated Systems Limited (ISL), Daimler Benz [now DaimlerChrysler?], OHRA Verzekering en Bankk Groep, B.V.) in July 1997 • First model Jan 1999

  38. CRISP-DM • Business Understanding • What does the business need and why do we need the knowledge? Like requirement specification • Data Understanding • Data collection, quality and quantity • Data Preparation • Characteristics of datasets and filtering of data

  39. CRISP-DM • Modeling • Select the modeling technique; neural networks • Evaluation • Outcome versus objectives • Deployment • Accept, implement and fit to other business processes

  40. WAP Forumwww.wapforum.org • Wireless Application Protocol T-Business E-Business Air Space Physical Network Handheld Wireless Device e-consumers m-econsumers

  41. Pre-Wintel World • limited memory (640KB) • restricted CPU (8088) • simple interface (DOS) • low bandwidth (none) • low battery life (laptop?) • high latency (unbearable) • unpredictable availability • unstable transmission • different standards • Wireless World • limited memory • restricted CPU • simple interface • low bandwidth • low battery life • high latency • unpredictable availability • unstable transmission • different standards (GSM)

  42. WAP Forum • Founded in June 1997 by Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia and Phone.com • Now has over 100 members (mid-1999) • Wireless subscribers reach 1 billion by 2004 • Protocol specification brings together existing Web technology in the wireless telecommunication domain

  43. WAP Forum • Accelerate needed infrastructure, network equipment, applications, and contents • Device Independent • Ease of use & pricing structure • WML, WMLScript, WTA (Wireless Telephony Applications), microbrowser, WTLS (WirelessTransport Layer Security)

  44. WAP Programming Model Source: www.wapforum.org

  45. WAP Protocol Stack Source: www.wapforum.org

  46. Mobile Computing • Connected wherever you go • Same environment wherever you are • Same person whatever you use (smart card) • Know wherever you are (location-aware systems) • Any suggestions??

  47. Web Security(based on article by Rubin & Geer, Jr., 9/1999 IEEE Computer) • Web server configuration (Apache) • Misconfigure • Configuration files in server root directory • Access to document tree • Username/Password information • Permissions • Web Server should be run as a genuine user (as ‘www’), but not as nobody.

  48. TCP Layers Application Application Presentation Session Transport host-to-host Transport Network Internet Network Access Data Link Physical Physical

  49. HTTP • Not a protocol for transferring hypertext • But a protocol for transmitting information for making hypertext jumps easy • A stateless protocol • Transaction oriented : TCP connection is established for each transaction and terminated at the end of the transaction

  50. HTTP Key Terms • Cache : stores cacheable responses to reduce same future references • Proxy : an intermediary program that acts on behalf of other clients • Tunnel : an intermediary program that acts as a blind relay between two connections • Connection : A transport layer virtual circuit between two programs

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