1. 1 Food and Nutrition Service Office of Research, Nutrition, & Analysis
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Hispanic Participation in theFood Stamp Program
2. 2 Food and Nutrition Service Nationally, about 1 in 5 food stamp participants are Hispanic Characteristics, 2006 – table A-23Characteristics, 2006 – table A-23
3. 3 Food and Nutrition Service But there is wide State to State variation Characteristics, 2006, table B-10Characteristics, 2006, table B-10
4. 4 Food and Nutrition Service Participation by gender is the same Characteristics, 2006, table A-23Characteristics, 2006, table A-23
5. 5 Food and Nutrition Service On many variables participation is similar Characteristics, 2006, Table A-21
Characteristics, 2006, Table A-21
6. 6 Food and Nutrition Service The participation rate among eligible Hispanics is lower Jenny – Reaching Low-income Hispanics, p.1 December 2006
Reaching Those in Need, State participation rates in 2005, p.1
Table A-3 of food stamp program participation rates, 2004Jenny – Reaching Low-income Hispanics, p.1 December 2006
Reaching Those in Need, State participation rates in 2005, p.1
Table A-3 of food stamp program participation rates, 2004
7. 7 Food and Nutrition Service Reaching Out:Areas to Explore State differences
Other programs
8. 8 Food and Nutrition Service States with the highest percentage of people who speak Spanish http://www.nclr.org/section/audience/policy/state_fact_sheets_policymakershttp://www.nclr.org/section/audience/policy/state_fact_sheets_policymakers
9. 9 Food and Nutrition Service States with the highest percentage of people who speak Spanish (continued) http://www.nclr.org/section/audience/policy/state_fact_sheets_policymakershttp://www.nclr.org/section/audience/policy/state_fact_sheets_policymakers
10. 10 Food and Nutrition Service Hispanics participate in FS and emergency feeding at the same rate
11. 11 Food and Nutrition Service Around 3/4ths of ALL Hispanic infants participate in WIC
12. 12 Food and Nutrition Service Conclusion Hispanic participants are not drastically different than other participants, yet their participation rate is lower.
While the Hispanic population is not evenly distributed, participation by State may give some clues as to where opportunity is greatest.
The WIC program may offer a means to connect with many Hispanics.
13. 13 Food and Nutrition Service Questions?
Ted Macaluso
Office of Research, Analysis, and Nutrition
Food & Nutrition Service, USDA