57% of Americans say they are most worried about the economy and jobs, while 7% say they are most worried about gas prices and energy issues. However, the economy is very much connected to energy and gas prices; therefore, over 60% of Americans should be doing whatever they can to go green, save energy, and improve our economy. Alternative EnergyThe Best Path for Our Future Footprint The DC Statehood Green Party of the United States 1711 18th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 Email: http://www.gp.org/index.php Phone: 202-319-7191 With ever increasing electricity costs, buying clean, renewable alternative energy offers a way to save money. Alternative energy systems offer greater self-sufficiency, reduce dependence on imported oil, and are far better for the environment. Purchasing an alternative energy system today is a smart economic move for a greener and cleaner environment. The survival of Earth is in your hands. Be smart and have a heart by being clean and going green. Ashley Anhalt Media 1