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Future Vision Pilot: An Overview

Future Vision Pilot: An Overview. Ashley Lapin Future Vision Senior Coordinator ashley.lapin@rotary.org. Grant Model. Rotary Foundation Grants. District Grants. Global Grants. Club- and district-developed grants. Packaged grants. District Grants.

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Future Vision Pilot: An Overview

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  1. Future Vision Pilot:An Overview Ashley Lapin Future Vision Senior Coordinator ashley.lapin@rotary.org

  2. Grant Model Rotary Foundation Grants District Grants Global Grants Club- and district-developed grants Packaged grants

  3. District Grants • Educational and humanitarian activities consistent with the mission • Single “block” grant awarded annually • Smaller activities and projects • Fund both local or international activities • Local decision making with broad guidelines

  4. Global Grants • Long-term projects • Larger grant awards • Sustainable outcomes • Alignment with areas of focus • World Fund match • Two options: club- and district-developed and packaged

  5. Areas of Focus • Peace and Conflict Resolution/Prevention • Disease Prevention and Treatment • Water and Sanitation • Maternal and Child Health • Basic Education and Literacy • Economic and Community Development

  6. Role of Future Vision Coordinator • Receive and review proposals and applications for projects taking place in assigned districts • Provide support and assistance to sponsoring Rotarians throughout the application process • Districts I work with: • 1130; 1600; 1660; 1760; 2201; 2360; 4160; 4170; 6380; 6400; 6420; 6560; 7210; 7620

  7. D-7620 Global Grant Statistics • Proposals received: 18 • Applications received: 14 • Grants awarded: 9 - 3 - 1 4 Scholarships - 2 - 1 5 Humanitarian projects - 2

  8. D-7620 Global Grant Statistics Ctd. • Total World Fund amount awarded: US$241,204 • Total District Designated Fund (DDF) amount awarded: US$173,345 • Total flow-through cash: US$135,721 • Total funding for grants (World Fund, DDF & flow-through cash: US$550,270

  9. 2010-11 District Grant Statistics for D-7620 • Grant Amount: US$21,550 • 10 projects on spending plan • Activity types targeted: • General education and literacy • Food/Agriculture • General health and medical equipment

  10. Pilot Updates • Update to the Terms and Conditions: international travel deadline • Global Grants: No required language exams • International sponsors must provide a minimum of 30% of total Rotarian sponsor contributions

  11. Strategic Partnerships Update • Approved Strategic Partners • Aga Khan University • Oikocredit • Available packaged grant opportunity: • Aga Khan University vocational training team opportunity

  12. Pilot Challenges • Using Member Access to apply for grants • Trying to fit traditional programs into new grant model • Targeting specific goals under areas of focus • Adjusting to new timelines for district grants, scholar selection • Developing sustainable and measurable activities

  13. Sustainability “Outcomes that can be maintained long-term to serve the ongoing need of a community after grant funds have been expended.”

  14. Making A Project Sustainable Digging a water well • Provide training on maintenance, repair, water conservation & hygiene • Develop a community water & sanitation board • Train board to oversee well usage and collect fees for future maintenance and repair

  15. Making A Project Sustainable Purchasing medical equipment • Provide training for local medical staff on use of equipment, diagnostic techniques, effective follow-up treatment • Plan for future maintenance and repair

  16. Making A Project Sustainable Providing books to a school • In addition to books, send a vocational training team • Train additional teachers and expand skills of current staff

  17. Resources • RI website (www.rotary.org) • Future Vision Pilot News • Future Vision e-learning modules • Grant terms and conditions • Future Vision Pilot Operations staff Staff contact sheet is posted on RI website • District leadership DG, DRFC, grants subcommittee members

  18. www.rotary.org/futurevision futurevision@rotary.org

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