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Women friendly welfare state?. Saara Pellander Doctoral Candidate , M.Soc.Sc . Women granted right to vote and become eglible for office in general elections. [New Zealand 1893 –only voting rights, right to be elected in lower chamber 1919, 1941 upper champber] Finland 1906 Norway 1913
Women friendly welfare state? Saara Pellander DoctoralCandidate, M.Soc.Sc.
Women granted right to vote and become eglible for office in general elections • [New Zealand 1893 –only voting rights, right to be elected in lower chamber 1919, 1941 upper champber] • Finland 1906 • Norway 1913 • Denmark 1915 • Austria 1918 • Sweden 1919 • UK 1928 • France 1944 • Italy 1945 • Switzerland 1971
Women in national parliaments [Data compiled by the Inter-Parliamentary Union on the basis of information provided by National Parliaments by 31 August 2011]
Labour force participation rates of prime-age women (aged 25-54)
Public investment in childcare services as % GDP in some EU Member States
And in additionthose, the Nordiccountrieshave • The highestamount of paidparentalleave • A highwork-liveparticipation of mothers of undersexyearoldchildren • Lowpovertyrisk of single mothers • Welfarestatebased on a dual-breadwinnermodel
Nordicwomenstilldomost of the house/carework at home and takemost of the parentalleaves
Violence • Violenceagainstwomen in Finland higherthan the EU • Highrates of reporetedrapes: SWE • Maritalrape: Finland on of lasteuropeancountries to criminalizeit (AMNESTY REPORT)
A women-friendlywelfarestate… “would not force harder choices on women than on men, or permit unjust treatmenton the basis of sex” (Helga M. Hernes, 1987, 15) Women’s political and social empowering through the state and state policies
Critique • OnlyNordic? • Genderfriendly? • Allwomen? • Migration?
Read and reflect 1. Melby, K., Ravn, A.-B. and Wettergerg Carlsson, C.: ”A Nordicmodel of genderequality? Introduction.” In: Genderequality and welfarepolitics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition? Ed. by Kari Melby, Anna-BirteRavn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg Policy Press, Bristol 2008, 1-24. 2. Borchorst, Anette and Siim, Birte: “The women-friendly welfare states revisited.,” NORA: Nordic Journal of Women’s Studies 10, no. 2 (October 2002): 90-98.