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Workplace Bullying

Workplace Bullying. Workplace Bullying. What Is Workplace Bullying?. Workplace bullying : Unwelcome behavior that humiliates or intimidates a co-worker or otherwise sabotages his/her performance Forms of bullying: Hostility Abuse Abuse of power Deceit and sabotage Other

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Workplace Bullying

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  1. Workplace Bullying

  2. Workplace Bullying

  3. What Is Workplace Bullying? • Workplace bullying: Unwelcome behavior that humiliates orintimidates a co-worker or otherwise sabotages his/herperformanceForms of bullying: • Hostility • Abuse • Abuse of power • Deceit and sabotage • Other • Bullying also includes behavior that is not covered by anti-harassment and anti-violence laws

  4. The Toll • Companies that allow bullying have issues with employee morale,productivity and retention • Individuals may be distracted and/or seek work elsewhere to protect their health • Physical illnesses from prolonged stress • Psychological disorders - e.g., anxiety, compulsive behavior,depression • Substance abuse from attempts to cope

  5. In the news…

  6. Anti-Bullying Law and Policy • Some forms of bullying are illegal: • Assault and battery • Retaliation • Discrimination and harassment based on protectedcharacteristics • Defamation • Many countries have passed comprehensive anti-bullying laws • Many states are considering similar legislation • It is our policy that every employee, regardless of his or her position, deserves to be treated with civility, dignity and respect.

  7. Anti-Bullying Law and Policy (cont’d) • Some forms of bullying are illegal: • Assault and battery • Retaliation • Discrimination and harassment based on protectedcharacteristics • Defamation • Many countries have passed comprehensive anti-bullying laws • Many states are considering similar legislation • It is our policy that every employee, regardless of his or her position, deserves to be treated with civility, dignity and respect.

  8. Hostility • Unacceptable behavior: • Shouting, yelling, spiteful remarks or "fighting words“ • Pounding on tables, slamming doors, stomping, kickingor breaking things • Giving others the "silent treatment" or refusing tocommunicate or cooperate • Staring disdainfully or threateningly at co-workers • Otherwise expressing anger in an intimidating or threatening way

  9. Pop Quiz! • Which of the following best describes how anger should be dealt with in our organization? • Repress it. • Express it in a non-intimidating way. • Use the silent treatment. • Use bodily or facial expressions rather than “fighting words.” • Express it in writing rather than verbally.

  10. Abuse • Abuse: Targeting a co-worker for mistreatment • Forms of abuse: • Humiliation • Harassment • Isolation • Combativeness • Violence

  11. Abuse of Power • Abuses of power by supervisors and other decision-makersinclude – • Retaliation • Unrealistic expectations • Unfair rules • Arbitrary decisions • Improper motives

  12. In the news…

  13. Deception and Sabotage • Examples of deception and sabotage include – • False accusations • Defamation • Stealing credit • Withholding information/resources • Otherwise setting up a co-worker to fail

  14. Psychological Causes of Bullying • Bully may be an executive, supervisor, co-worker, vendor orclient/customer • Causes of bullying include – • Sense of entitlement • Insecurity • Lack of empathy • Mental illness

  15. Our Anti-Bullying Policy • Our policy prohibits – • Intimidating others through expressions of hostility • Belittling or demeaning others through ridicule, etc. • Engaging in behavior intended to torment, isolate or mistreat another • Mistreating others through inappropriate punishments, unfair assignments, etc. • Using deception to defame or discredit another's performance • Taking pleasure in/disregarding negative effects that one's behavior may have on someone else

  16. In the news…

  17. Enforcement • Our anti-bullying policy applies to – • All employees • Workplace interactions with all others • Retaliation against someone for making a complaint in goodfaith is strictly prohibited • You must report violations of our anti-bullying policy to the appropriate individuals • What does our anti-bullying policy mean? • Jerks in the workplace won't be tolerated!

  18. Final Quiz

  19. Questions?

  20. Thank you for participating! This course and the related materials were developed by WeComply, Inc. and the Association of Corporate Counsel.

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